| English  | German |  |
 | tall {adj} [e.g. tree, grass, building] | 660 hoch [z. B. Baum, Gras, Gebäude] |  |
 | venerable {adj} [building, town, name, etc.] | 495 altehrwürdig [geh.] [Gebäude, Stadt, Name etc.] |  |
 | constr. decrepit {adj} [building] | 301 baufällig |  |
 | RealEst. condemned {adj} [building etc.] | 172 abbruchreif |  |
 | condemned {adj} [building etc.] | 98 abrissreif |  |
 | office {adj} [attr.] [e.g. clerk, job, building, equipment] | 94 Büro- |  |
 | sb. entered sth. [a room or building] | 84 jd. betrat etw. [einen Raum oder ein Gebäude] |  |
 | functional {adj} [building, style, etc.] | 41 sachlich [nüchtern] |  |
 | archi. brick {adj} [attr.] [e.g. architecture, building, church, Gothic] | 30 Backstein- [z. B. Architektur, Gebüde, Kirche, Gotik] |  |
 | compact {adj} [body, building, etc.] | 16 gedrungen |  |
 | flattened {adj} {past-p} [of a building] | 16 planiert |  |
 | constr. ruinous {adj} [state of a building] | 15 baufällig |  |
 | forbidding {adj} [building, rocks, cliffs, sky] | 14 bedrohlich |  |
 | lumpen {adj} [building, etc.] | 13 klobig |  |
 | sb. restores [building, work of art] | 11 jd. restauriert |  |
 | team {adj} [attr.] [e.g., assistant, builder, building, development, etc.] | 9 Team- [Assistent, Bildner, Aufbau, Entwicklung etc.] |  |
 | constr. unsafe {adj} [of a building, structure] | 9 baufällig [nicht mehr sicher] |  |
 | sb. restored [building, work of art] | 6 jd. restaurierte |  |
 | bot. cirrous {adj} [tendril-building] | rankig [rankenbildend] |  |
 | bot. cirrous {adj} [tuft-building plants] | rankig [Polster bildende Pflanzen] |  |
Verbs |
 | to jar sth. [building, brain] | 1990 etw.Akk. erschüttern |  |
 | to dismantle [building] | 725 niederreißen [Gebäude] |  |
 | to torch sth. [coll.] [a car, a building, etc.] | 578 etw.Akk. abfackeln [ugs.] [in Brand stecken, niederbrennen] |  |
 | to restore sth. [building, work of art] | 464 etw. restaurieren |  |
 | constr. to gut sth. [building] | 382 etw.Akk. entkernen [Gebäude] |  |
 | to sit [building etc.] | 377 liegen [gelegen sein] |  |
 | archi. constr. to face [building, façade, wall] | 357 verkleiden |  |
 | to gut sth. [inside of a building by accidental fire] | 342 etw. ausbrennen [Gebäude im Innern durch Feuer] |  |
 | to burn sth. [a building, a village, etc.] | 323 etw.Akk. niederbrennen |  |
 | to dedicate sth. [public building, highway etc.] | 285 etw.Akk. einweihen |  |
 | to torch sth. [coll.] [a car, a building, etc.] | 142 etw. anzünden [ein Auto, ein Gebäude etc.] |  |
 | constr. to renovate sth. [building, structure] | 125 etw.Akk. sanieren |  |
 | to raise sth. [one's eyebrows, the blind, a building] | 106 etw.Akk. hochziehen [z. B. die Augenbrauen, die Jalousie, ein Gebäude] |  |
 | archi. to crumble [of a building] | 83 verfallen [Bauwerk] |  |
 | to barricade sth. [a door, a building, etc.] | 79 etw.Akk. verrammeln [ugs.] [eine Tür, ein Gebäude etc.] |  |
 | constr. to subside [building, pavement, etc.] | 74 einsacken [in den Baugrund] |  |
 | to squat [occupy an abandoned or unoccupied area of land and/or a building] | 66 [ein Haus / ein Grundstück] besetzen |  |
 | engin. tech. to rehab sth. [building, apartment etc.] [Am.] [Can.] [coll.] | 63 etw. renovieren |  |
 | constr. to render [building] | 25 berappen [fachspr.] [verputzen] |  |
 | to caretake sth. [Br.] [building] | 22 etw. betreuen [verwalten] [Gebäude] |  |
 | to locate [building] | 21 errichten |  |
 | to block sth. [the view (with a new building)] | 20 etw.Akk. zubauen [die Aussicht] |  |
 | archaeo. constr. to delimit sth. [a building plot, an excavation area] | 13 etw.Akk. auspflocken [ein Baugrundstück, eine Grabungsfläche] |  |
 | archi. constr. to jetty [project, jut] [used esp. of a part of a building] | 12 vorkragen [auskragen] |  |
 | constr. to use sth. [a material, while building] | 9 etw.Akk. verbauen [beim Bauen verwenden] |  |
 | to consecrate sth. [building etc.] | 7 etw.Akk. aussegnen [Gebäude etc.] |  |
 | archi. constr. to jetty [project, jut] [used esp. of a part of a building] | 7 auskragen [Gebäudeteil, Bauteil] [überstehen] |  |
 | to clear sth. [evacuate] [e.g. a building] | 5 etw. evakuieren [z. B. ein Gebäude] |  |
 | to climatize sth. [to prepare or modify (a building, vehicle, etc.) for use or comfort in a specific climate] | 5 etw. klimatisieren |  |
 | constr. to condemn sth. [a building, a bridge, etc.] | etw. zum Abriss freigeben |  |