Dictionary English German: [brought]

Translation 1 - 10 of 10

English German
finished {adj} {past-p} [brought to an end; also: personally ruined or failed in some major role]
erledigt [beendet, fertig; auch ugs.: ruiniert, am Ende (Person)]
standardized {adj} [brought into conformity with a social standard]
brung {past-p} [coll.] [brought]
socialized {adj} {past-p} [brought under public control]verstaatlicht
unexposed {adj} [not brought to light]unaufgeklärt
[action brought against the Bundestag or Bundesrat by a Land or political party]Organklage {f}
[action brought against the Bundestag or Bundesrat by a Land or political party]Organstreitverfahren {n}
naut. [fast transport ship that brought the haul from fishing boats to the harbour]Jager {m} [schnelles Transportschiff, das den Fang von Fischerbooten zum Hafen brachte]
gastr. [leftover sandwich brought home from an outing or from work]Hasenbrot {n} [ugs.] [veraltend]
3 Words
pol. proverb Qui transtulit sustinet. [He who brought over the vine continues to take care of it. (Connecticut State Motto)] [Am.][Der, der uns herüberbrachte, wird uns stützen. (Motto des US-Staates Connecticut)]
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