Dictionary English German: [both]

Translation 1 - 42 of 42

English German
binocular {adj} [for both eyes]für beide Augen [nachgestellt]
biol. ling. epicene {adj} [belonging to both sexes]beiderlei Geschlechts [nachgestellt]
biol. ling. epicene {adj} [belonging to both sexes]für beide Geschlechter zutreffend [zu beiden Geschlechtern gehörend]
epicene {adj} [having the characteristics of both sexes]beiden Geschlechtern zugehörig
mixobarbaric {adj} [obs.] [also: mixo-barbaric] [both Greek and non-Greek]halbbarbarisch [Griechisch und nicht-Griechisch]
to bookend sth. [Am.] [be on both sides or ends of]
etw.Akk. einrahmen [umgeben]
to spoon [to sleep with someone in close contact, both facing right or left]in der Löffelchen-Position schlafen
material pearlite [steel microstructure containing both ferrite and cementite phases]
Perlit {m} [Phasengemisch aus Ferrit und Zementit in Stahl]
theatrics [used as both sg. and pl.] [pej.] [theatricals] [in behaviour]
Theatralik {f} [Pathetik, Überschwang] [im Auftreten]
oenol. [lane or hollow way with wine cellars on one or both sides]
Kellergasse {f} [österr.]
art dance ethn. poi [refers to both a style of performance art and the equipment used for engaging in poi performance]
Poi {f}
[a light kiss while pinching both cheeks]Zwickerbussi {n} [südd.] [österr.]
med. hexadactyly [the presence of six digits on one or both hands or feet]Hexadaktylie {f} [Sechsfingrigkeit bzw. Sechszehigkeit]
ethn. Koori [Aus.] [both singular and plural][Eingeborene aus Viktoria oder Neusüdwales]
ethn. Murri [Aus.] [both singular and plural][Eingeborene aus Queensland und den Torres-Strait-Inseln]
name Pauleen [also: Paulene] [both rare]Pauline {f}
hist. relig. spec. Sacramentarians [Christians who rejected both Catholic and Lutheran sacramental theology]Sacramentirer {pl} [veraltet]
hist. relig. spec. Sacramentarians [Christians who rejected both Catholic and Lutheran sacramental theology]Sakramentierer {pl} [pej.]
theatricals [esp. Am.] [used as both sg. and pl.] [pej.] [in behaviour]Theatralik {f} [Pathetik, Überschwang] [im Auftreten]
2 Words: Nouns
book cradle [keeps both sides of an open book level, at 180°]Buchwippe {f}
sports Bosu ball [also: bosu ball] [BOSU®; BOth Sides Up, BOth Sides Utilised]Bosu-Ball {m} [BOSU®]
hist. court nobility [treated as both sg. and pl.]Hofadel {m}
med. Hammond's sign [also: Hammond's crunch] [both rare for: Hamman's sign, Hamman's crunch named after Louis Hamman]Hamman-Zeichen {n} [benannt nach Louis Virgil Hamman, Internist]
pelican crossing [Br.] [pedestrian crossing with lights for both pedestrians and vehicles]Fußgängerüberweg {m} mit Druckknopfampel
performance opportunities [both for persons and things]Leistungsmöglichkeiten {pl} [Gelegenheiten für Personen und Sachen]
mus. relig. plenary Mass [Mass with both the Ordinary and the Proper]Plenarmesse {f}
presidential elections [may refer to both a single vote and several votes]Präsidentschaftswahlen {pl} [kann sowohl eine einzelne Wahl meinen als auch mehrere]
games snake eyes [Am.] [coll.] [treated as sg.] [pair of dice both showing one spot]Einerpasch {m} [zwei Einsen beim Würfeln]
games snake eyes [Am.] [coll.] [treated as sg.] [pair of dice both showing one spot]Einserpasch {m} [zwei Einsen beim Würfeln]
games snake eyes [Am.] [coll.] [treated as sg.] [pair of dice both showing one spot]zwei Einsen {pl} [Würfelpaar]
biochem. sulfur cycle [Am.] [standard spelling in chemistry both Am. and Br.]Schwefelkreislauf {m}
3 Words: Others
on each side {adv} [on both sides]auf beiden Seiten
on either side {adv} [on both sides]zu beiden Seiten
3 Words: Nouns
philos. psych. phenomenon of consciousness [can include both an object of consciousness and consciousness itself]Bewusstseinsphänomen {n} [ein Phänomen des Bewusstseins oder das Bewusstsein selbst]
waste incineration plant [providing both heat and energy]Müllheizkraftwerk {n} <MHKW>
4 Words: Others
without any clothes on {adj} {adv} [both postpos.]unbekleidet
4 Words: Verbs
to give sb. a Chinese burn [Br.] [coll.] [offensive] [idiom] [placing both hands on sb.'s lower arm and then twisting the skin in opposite directions to cause a burning sensation]bei jdm. Brennnesseln machen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to poke sb. in the eyes [typically with the fingers forked to jab both eyes or held together]jdm. mit den Fingern in die Augen stechen [auch: mit dem Finger ins Auge stechen]
4 Words: Nouns
energy-from-waste plant [providing both heat and energy]Müllheizkraftwerk {n} <MHKW>
waste-to-energy plant [providing both heat and energy]Müllheizkraftwerk {n} <MHKW>
5+ Words: Others
idiom on both sides of the (big) pond {adv} [hum.] [on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean]auf beiden Seiten des großen Teichs [hum.] [auf beiden Seiten des Atlantiks]
quote lit. We leave Heaven to the angels and the sparrows. [trans. James Strachey] [German "Himmel" comprises both "heaven" (for angels) and "sky" (for sparrows).]Den Himmel überlassen wir // Den Engeln und den Spatzen. [Heinrich Heine, Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen]
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