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| |
| internal {adj} [e.g. border, demand, migration, perspective, rhyme] | 327 Binnen- [z. B. Grenze, Nachfrage, Wanderung, Perspektive, Reim] | |
| open {adj} [border etc.] | 33 durchlässig [offen] [Grenze usw.] | |
| borderline {adj} [on or near a border or boundary] | 23 Grenz- | |
| agr. bot. field {adj} [attr.] [e.g. border, bindweed, horsetail, mint, plant, salad] | 9 Acker- [z. B. Rain, Winde, Schachtelhalm, Minze, Pflanze, Salat] | |
| black {adj} [e.g. border, ribbon, veil, scoter, tern] | Trauer- [z. B. Rand, Flor, Schleier, Ente, Seeschwalbe] | |
| national {adj} [e.g. bankruptcy, border, budget, crisis, debt, deficit] | Staats- [z. B. Bankrott, Grenze, Haushalt, Krise, Schulden, Defizit] | |
Verbs |
| to edge [border] | 1445 begrenzen | |
| to edge [border, hem, surround] | 402 umranden | |
| to skirt sth. [form a border around] | 284 etw.Akk. umranden | |
| to run [+adverbial of direction] [street, border, etc.] | 212 verlaufen [in eine Richtung führen, sich erstrecken, z. B. Straße, Grenze usw.] | |
| to line sth. [border, cordon] | 190 etw.Akk. säumen [Straßen etc.] | |
| to edge sth. [border, surround] | 172 etw.Akk. einfassen [umsäumen, umranden] | |
| to fringe [hem, border] | 86 einsäumen | |
| to edge sth. [border, hem] | 63 etw. säumen | |
| to edge sth. [border, surround] | 37 etw. umsäumen | |
| to line sth. [border, edge] | 30 etw.Akk. umsäumen | |
| textil. to trim sth. [add a border] | 21 etw.Akk. einfassen | |
| geogr. hydro. spec. to meander [river, border] | 20 mäandrieren | |
| textil. to purfle [to finish with an ornamental border] | (prachtvoll) säumen [Kleidungsstück u. a.] | |
| to run [street, border, etc.] [e.g. Where does ... run? / There runs ...] | langgehen [ugs.] [verlaufen] [Straße, Grenze etc.] [z. B. Wo geht ... lang? / Da geht ... lang.] | |
| to touch sth. [border] | an etw.Akk. grenzen | |
Nouns |
| edge [border, verge] | 1966 Rand {m} | |
| delineation [of a border, boundary] | 96 Abgrenzung {f} [Grenzziehung] | |
| edge [border, hem] | 53 Saum {m} [Rand] | |
| indentation [notch, dent] | 43 Kerbe {f} [in border, edge] | |
| line [border] | 26 Grenze {f} [Schnee-, Baum-, Staats-] | |
| crossing [over border] | 16 Übertritt {m} [über Grenze] | |
| line [border, limit] | 15 Grenzlinie {f} | |
| geogr. hist. march [border area] | 8 Grenzmark {f} | |
| admin. [border between regions designated for different uses] | Nutzungsartengrenze {f} [Kulturgrenze] | |
| [incoming border-crossing attempt] | Einreiseversuch {m} | |
| law [initiative of the SVP to tighten border controls between Switzerland and the EU] | Begrenzungsinitiative {f} [Schweiz] [offizieller Titel: Volksinitiative «Für eine massvolle Zuwanderung»] | |
| hist. [persons involved in the killings at the inter-German border] | Mauermörder {pl} [ugs.] | |
| [unfenced or unmarked section of an international border] | grüne Grenze {f} | |
| [unfenced or unmarked section of an international border] | Grüne Grenze {f} | |
| pol. backstop [proposal in Brexit negotiations of the Irish border question] | Backstop {m} [Vorschlag für die nordirisch-irische Grenze bei den Brexit-Verhandlungen] | |
| admin. Frontex [European Border and Coast Guard Agency] | Frontex {f} | |
| marge [poet.] [border] | Rain {m} [geh.] [Ackergrenze] | |
| cloth. relig. orphrey [an ornamental stripe or border, esp. one on an ecclesiastical vestment such as a chasuble] | Aurifrisium {n} [textile Besatzstreifen] | |
| geogr. the Borders [the area either side of the border between England and Scotland] | schottisch-englisches Grenzgebiet {n} | |
| jobs vaquero [Spanish for 'cowboy'; colloquial use in border states like Texas] | Vaquero {m} | |
2 Words: Others |
| inner-German {adj} [border, dialogue, etc.] | innerdeutsch [Grenze, Dialog usw.] | |
| hist. intra-German {adj} [esp. border] [related to BRD and DDR] | innerdeutsch [bes. Grenze] [BRD und DDR betreffend] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| hist. Blood Kansas [USA] [Border War, 1854–1861] | Grenzkrieg {m} [Ereignisse im Kansas-Territorium von 1855 bis 1861] | |
| agr. ecol. buffer strip [field border] | Ackerrandstreifen {m} | |
| jobs customs officer [at the border] | Grenzer {m} [ugs.] [Zollbeamter] | |
| entry regulations [across a border] | Einreiseregeln {pl} | |
| law pol. got away [also: got-away] [unlawful border crosser] | [beim illegalen Grenzübertritt beobachtete und entkommene Person] | |
| print printer's flower [border] | Schmuckleiste {f} | |
| hist. Southeast Wall [fortification of the Hungarian western border at the end of World War II] | Südostwall {m} [gegen Ende des 2. Weltkriegs begonnene Befestigungsanlage an der Westgrenze Ungarns] | |
| geogr. Triple Frontier [tri-border area along the junction of Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil] | Triple Frontera {f} [Dreiländereck, dreifache Grenze] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| hist. inner-German Wall [fortified inner-German border] | antifaschistischer Schutzwall {m} [offizielle DDR-Terminologie] | |
| random police checks {pl} [esp. in border areas] | Schleierfahndung {f} | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| hist. pol. protective strip and restricted zone [inner German border] | Schutzstreifen und Sperrzone [innerdeutsche Grenze] | |