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|  |
 | pattern {adj} [attr.] [e.g. book, detection] | 1955 Muster- [z. B. Buch, Erkennung] |  |
 | powerful {adj} [of a book, speech etc.] | 386 eindringlich [Buch, Rede etc.] |  |
 | engrossing {adj} [book, story etc.] | 345 fesselnd |  |
 | seminal {adj} [book, author] | 321 einflussreich |  |
 | publ. entitled {adj} {past-p} [book etc.] | 191 betitelt |  |
 | disjointed {adj} [book, essay] | 143 zusammenhanglos |  |
 | present {adj} [book, paper, text, etc.] | 73 vorliegend |  |
 | scanned {adj} {past-p} | 59 überflogen [book, paper] |  |
 | informative {adj} [book, film etc.] | 48 lehrreich |  |
 | gastr. cookery {adj} [attr.] [esp. Br.] [e.g. book, course, demonstration] | 14 Koch- [z. B. Buch, Kurs, Vorführung] |  |
 | received {adj} {past-p} [book, film, etc.] | 14 rezipiert |  |
 | scuffed {adj} [slightly damaged on corners or cover, e.g. book] | 14 bestoßen |  |
 | humorless {adj} [Am.] [speech, laugh, book] | 9 trocken [humorlos] |  |
 | mus. music {adj} [attr.] [e.g. book, cabinet, desk, paper, stand] | 6 Noten- [z. B. Heft, Schrank, Pult, Papier, Ständer] |  |
 | libr. publ. cased {adj} {past-p} [book] | gebunden [Buch, mit festem Einband] |  |
 | forthcoming {adj} [book] | in Kürze erscheinend |  |
 | humourless {adj} [Br.] [speech, laugh, book] | trocken |  |
 | relig. Mass {adj} [attr.] [e.g. book, chants, setting] | Mess- [z. B. Buch, Gesang, Vertonung] |  |
 | opened {adj} {past-p} [open book] | aufgeschlagen [Buch] |  |
 | rounded {adj} [back of book] | gewölbt [Buchrücken] |  |
 | signed {adj} {past-p} [esp. of a painting, book etc.] | signiert |  |
 | unreadable {adj} [complicated (book)] | schwer zu lesen [nur prädikativ] |  |
Verbs |
 | to quote sth. [from a book etc.] | 2445 etw. zitieren |  |
 | to review sth. [a book, play, film, etc.] | 518 etw.Akk. besprechen [rezensieren] |  |
 | to reserve [book, subscribe, pre-order] | 418 vorbestellen |  |
 | libr. to request sth. [a book in a library] | 407 etw.Akk. bestellen [ein Buch in einer Bibliothek] |  |
 | to bind sth. [a book etc.] [also a wound] [also feet] | 372 etw. einbinden |  |
 | to open sth. [a book, the newspaper, etc.] | 352 etw.Akk. aufschlagen [ein Buch, die Zeitung etc.] |  |
 | to shut [book etc.] | 337 zuschlagen [Buch] |  |
 | to cover sth. [a book] | 334 etw. einschlagen [ein Buch mit einem Schutzumschlag versehen] |  |
 | to consult sth. [book, document] | 68 etw. einsehen [Einblick nehmen, nachlesen] |  |
 | to pan sb./sth. [coll.] [e.g. movie, book, actor] | 61 jdn./etw. verreißen [z. B. Film, Buch, Schauspieler] |  |
 | to review sth. [book, film etc.] | 51 etw. rezensieren |  |
 | to tatter sth. [esp. a book etc.] | 30 etw.Akk. zerfledern [ugs.] [seltener für: zerfleddern] |  |
 | to read [a thrilling or entertaining book] | 27 schmökern [ugs.] |  |
 | to replace sth. [to put back, e.g. a glass, a book, etc.] | 24 etw. zurückstellen [wieder an seinen Platz] |  |
 | to finish sth. [read a book to the end] | 22 etw. auskriegen [ugs.] |  |
 | to open sth. [a book, a newspaper, etc.] | 11 etw. aufblättern [ein Buch, eine Zeitung etc. aufschlagen] |  |
 | to stitch [book] | 10 broschieren |  |
 | publ. to backlist sth. [a book no longer recent but still available] | etw.Akk. in die Backlist schreiben [ein nicht mehr aktuelles, aber noch lieferbares Buch] |  |
 | to consult sth. [book, manual] | etw.Akk. zur Hand nehmen [fig.] [ein Wörterbuch etc. konsultieren] |  |
 | to foliate [number the leaves of a book] | foliieren [die Blätter eines Druckbogens nummerieren] |  |
 | acc. to journalize sth. [dated] [enter sth. in the account book] | etw. ins Hauptbuch eintragen |  |
 | libr. print to recase [book] | neu binden [Buch; unter Benutzung der vorhandenen Einbanddecke] |  |
 | libr. print to recase sth. [book] | etw. umbinden [Buch; neu binden] |  |
 | to skim sth. [e.g. a book] | etw.Akk. flüchtig lesen [z. B. ein Buch] |  |
Nouns |
 | tome [hum. in Br.] [large and heavy book] | 873 Schinken {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [großes, dickes Buch] |  |
 | publ. primer [book of elementary principles] | 377 Einführung {f} [Buch] |  |
 | comm. fin. ledger [book keeping] | 291 Bestandsbuch {n} |  |
 | spine [of a book] | 233 Rücken {m} [eines Buches] |  |