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| skinny {adj} [of a person or part of their body] | 1141 mager [Person, Körperteil] | |
| sturdy {adj} [body, person] | 683 stämmig | |
| lean {adj} [body] | 555 dünn | |
| bony {adj} [having prominent bones, e.g. body, hand] | 415 knochig [z. B. Körper, Hand] | |
| appropriate {adj} [body, authority] | 211 zuständig | |
| thickset {adj} [body] | 198 stämmig | |
| squat {adj} [stocky body figure] | 52 gesetzt [gedrungen] | |
| thickset {adj} [body] | 48 untersetzt | |
| dumpy {adj} [body structure of a person] | 38 untersetzt | |
| internally {adv} [in body] | 38 innerlich | |
| infirm {adj} [weak in body] | 30 siech [geh.] | |
| advisory {adj} [attr.] [e.g. account, contract, body] | 26 Berater- [z. B. Konto, Vertrag, Gremium] | |
| wasted {adj} [of an organ or body part] | 26 verkümmert | |
| convulsed {adj} {past-p} [e.g. parts of the body] | 25 verkrampft [z. B. Körperteile] | |
| thickset {adj} [body] | 18 gedrungen | |
| FireResc med. elevated {adj} {past-p} [e.g. head, leg, upper body] | 17 hochgelagert [Extremität] | |
| compact {adj} [body, building, etc.] | 16 gedrungen | |
| mesomorphic {adj} [husky muscular body build] | 11 muskulös [athletisch] | |
| anat. ectomorphic {adj} [having a light body build] | 10 schlank [ektomorph; eine hagere, hoch aufgeschossene Konstitution aufweisend] | |
| med. intracavitary {adj} [within an organ or body cavity] | 9 intrakavitär [in einer Organ- oder Körperhöhle] | |
| smelly {adj} [body odor] | 9 usselig [ugs.] [regional] [Körpergeruch] | |
| man's {adj} [attr.] [e.g. body, breast, butt, job, voice] | 5 Männer- [z. B. Körper, Brust, Hintern, Arbeit, Stimme] | |
| skinny {adj} [of a person or part of their body] | spack [nordd.] [Person oder Körperteil: mager, dünn] | |
| suppler {adj} [material, body] | biegsamer | |
Verbs |
| to dismember sth. [esp. a body] | 1403 etw.Akk. zerlegen [zerstückeln] [bes. eine Leiche] | |
| to bend [head, body] | 570 neigen [Kopf, Körper] | |
| to tense sth. [a muscle, one's body, etc.] | 348 etw.Akk. anspannen [einen Muskel, seinen Körper etc.] | |
| to convulse [e.g. parts of the body] | 213 verkrampfen [z. B. Körperteile] | |
| to purge [body] | 204 entschlacken [Körper] | |
| to paint sb. [sb.'s face, body] | 67 jdn. schminken | |
| to toughen sb./sth. [person or their body and mind] | 59 jdn./etw. stählen [Person oder deren Körper und Geist] | |
| to shrink [of a person, body part] | 56 einfallen [kleiner werden] | |
| automot. to flatten [esp. in automobile body repair work] | 24 ausbeulen | |
| to move sth. [e.g. a body part] | 20 etw. rühren [z. B. einen Körperteil bewegen] | |
| to transubstantiate sth. [also rel.: bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus] | 19 etw.Akk. verwandeln [stofflich, auch rel.: Brot und Wein in Leib und Blut Christi] | |
| to transfer [body] | 5 umbetten [Leichnam] | |
| biochem. to dehydrate [body] | Wasser abgeben [dehydrieren] | |
| to duck [lower the head or the body quickly] | sich ducken | |
| to stoop [walk with a forward inclination of the head, body, or shoulders] | gebückt gehen | |
| cosmet. to sugar [remove body hair] | sugarn [ugs.] [mittels Sugaring Körperbehaarung entfernen] | |
Nouns |
| data [in the sense of a body of facts or information, treated as sg.] | 1804 Daten {pl} | |
| law pol. law [body of laws, system] | 802 Recht {n} | |
| resolution [formal expression of opinion by a body] | 796 Beschluss {m} | |
| stiff [coll.] [dead body] | 663 Leiche {f} | |
| pol. lawmakers [members of a legislative body] | 298 Abgeordnete {pl} | |
| body [dead body] | 275 Leiche {f} | |
| wake [vigil by the body] | 272 Totenwache {f} | |
| med. extraction [of a foreign body] | 210 Entfernung {f} [z. B. einer Kugel] | |
| pol. legislator [member of a legislative body] | 194 Abgeordneter {m} | |
| humps [coll.] [of a female body] [Am.] | 181 Kurven {pl} [ugs.] [eines weibl. Körpers] | |