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 | med. engorged {adj} {past-p} [with blood] | 283 angeschwollen |  |
 | oozing {adj} {pres-p} [seeping out, esp. blood and oil] | 94 triefend |  |
 | incarnadine {adj} [blood-red] | 30 blutrot |  |
 | bloodied {adj} [smeared with blood] | 14 blutbeschmiert |  |
 | gouting {adv} {pres-p} [literary] [e.g. of blood from a wound] | tropfend [fließend] |  |
 | med. normotensive {adj} [having normal blood pressure] | normotensiv [mit normalem Blutdruck] |  |
Verbs |
 | to shed [tears, blood, sweat] | 959 vergießen |  |
 | to course [blood, tears etc.] | 151 fließen |  |
 | aviat. med. meteo. to drop [airplane, blood pressure, temperature, etc.] | 56 absacken [ugs.] [Flugzeug, Blutdruck, Temperatur etc.] |  |
 | to flush [blood etc.] | 44 strömen |  |
 | to transubstantiate sth. [also rel.: bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus] | 19 etw.Akk. verwandeln [stofflich, auch rel.: Brot und Wein in Leib und Blut Christi] |  |
 | to dry [paint, blood] | 10 eintrocknen [Farbe, Blut] |  |
 | to gild sb./sth. [archaic] [to smear with blood] | jdn./etw. mit Blut beschmieren |  |
 | to spike [e.g. prices, blood sugar values] | in die Höhe schießen [z. B. Preise, Blutzuckerwerte] |  |
 | to thin [e.g. hair, blood] | dünner werden [z. B. Haare, Blut] |  |
 | to welter [lie steeped in blood] | blutüberströmt daliegen |  |
Nouns |
 | med. perfusion [blood flow] | 326 Durchblutung {f} |  |
 | extraction [e.g. blood] | 28 Entnahme {f} [z. B. Blut] |  |
 | med. dilation [of blood vessels] | 22 Weitstellung {f} [der Blutgefäße] |  |
 | biol. med. erythrocyte [red blood cell] | 20 Erythrozyt {m} [rote Blutzelle] |  |
 | med. cuff [for testing blood pressure] | 19 Luftmanschette {f} |  |
 | jobs med. [female doctor's receptionist with additional medical duties, such as drawing blood] | 16 Arzthelferin {f} [veraltet] [medizinische Fachangestellte] |  |
 | med. bulging [of arteries, blood vessels] | 13 Aussackung {f} [von Arterien, Blutgefäßen] |  |
 | med. contraction [of blood vessels] | 11 Engstellung {f} [der Blutgefäße] |  |
 | med. hypotension [low blood pressure] | 11 Unterdruck {m} [niedriger Blutdruck] |  |
 | anat. med. efferent [an efferent part (as a blood vessel or nerve fiber)] | 5 Efferenz {f} |  |
 | [a traditional dish made of potatoes and blood pudding] | Blunzengröstl {n} [österr.] [bayer.] [regional] [Blutwurstgröstl] |  |
 | law [blood alcohol concentration of less than .25 percent] | Minderrausch {m} [österr.] [Blutalkoholgehalt von weniger als 2,5 Promille] |  |
 | hist. [blood witness, term for martyr used during the Third Reich] | Blutzeuge {m} [NS-Begriff] |  |
 | med. [complete blood count without differential] | kleines Blutbild {n} |  |
 | med. [donated blood stored in blood banks] | Blutkonserven {pl} |  |
 | relig. spec. [equestrian procession of the Precious Blood] | Blutritt {m} |  |
 | med. pharm. [medical treatment to reduce blood coagulation with coumarin-type drugs] | Marcumarisierung {f} [ugs.] [medikamentöse Behandlung mit Marcumar®] |  |
 | med. allotransfusion [foreign blood donation] | Allotransfusion {f} [Fremdblutspende] |  |
 | med. bleeding [blood-letting] | Zur-Ader-Lassen {n} |  |
 | gastr. boudin [blood sausage] | Blutwurst {f} |  |
 | gore [shed blood] | (geronnenes) Blut {n} |  |
 | anat. grower [coll.] [blood penis] | Blutpenis {m} |  |
 | med. VetMed. haematuria [Br.] [having blood in the urine] | Blutharnen {n} [Hämaturie] |  |
 | med. haemothorax [Br.] [blood in the pleural cavity] | Blutbrust {f} [Blutansammlung im Pleuraraum] |  |
 | med. hematochezia [Am.] [esp. blood on stool surface] | Blutauflagerung {f} [Hämatochezie] |  |
 | med. hematuria [Am.] [blood in the urine] | Blut {n} im Urin [Harnblut] |  |
 | med. VetMed. hematuria [Am.] [having blood in the urine] | Blutharnen {n} [Hämaturie] |  |
 | med. hemopericardium [Am.] [blood in the pericardial cavity] | Herzblutung {f} [veraltet] [Hämoperikard] |  |
 | psych. hemophobia [Am.] [extreme and irrational fear of blood] | Hemophobie {f} [krankhafte Angst vor Blut] |  |
 | med. hemothorax [Am.] [blood in the pleural cavity] | Blutbrust {f} [Blutansammlung im Pleuraraum] |  |
 | med. hypercoagulability [of blood] | erhöhte Blutgerinnbarkeit {f} [Hyperkoagulabilität] |  |
 | med. hypercoagulability [of blood] | erhöhte Gerinnungsneigung {f} [des Blutes] |  |
 | med. hypoperfusion [decreased blood flow] | Hypoperfusion {f} |  |
 | myth. lamia [demonic being who sucked blood from young children] | Lamie {f} [dämonische, vampirähnliche Bestie] |  |