Dictionary English German: [blind]

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blindfold {adv} [Br.] [coll.] [e.g. hit the bullseye blindfold]
blind [fig.: ohne Schwierigkeiten, z. B. blind ins Schwarze treffen]
bigoted {adj}
stur [ugs.] [pej.] [blind ergeben]
med. pharm. blinded {adj} [masked / blind study]
geblindet [Blindstudie, Bildversuch]
closed {adj} {past-p} [e.g. roller blind]heruntergelassen [z. B. Rollo, Jalousie]
sighted {adj} [not blind]sehend [nicht blind]
sightless {adj} [blind]ohne Sehkraft [nachgestellt]
to raise sth. [one's eyebrows, the blind, a building]
etw.Akk. hochziehen [z. B. die Augenbrauen, die Jalousie, ein Gebäude]
to hoodwink sb. [obs.] [blind]jdm. die Augen verbinden
shade [blind]
Rouleau {n}
Blenden {n} [blind machen]
louver [Am.] [of a blind]
Lamelle {f} [einer Jalousie]
security [blind confidence]
Vertrauensseligkeit {f}
[monthly disability benefits for the blind] [Germany]Blindengeld {n}
blind [roller blind]Rollo {n}
cecograph [writing apparatus for the blind]Blindenschreibgerät {n}
biol. med. zool. monochromat [also an individual who is completely color-blind]Monochromat {m}
anat. med. typhlon [rare] [blind gut]Typhlon {n} [selten] [Blinddarm]
2 Words: Nouns
games hoodman blind [obs.] [also: hoodman-blind]Blindekuhspiel {n}
anat. biol. optic disc [Punctum caecum, Punctum cecum] [blind spot]Blinder Fleck {m}
anat. biol. optic disk [Am.] [Punctum caecum, Punctum cecum] [blind spot]Blinder Fleck {m}
med. preauricular sinuspräaurikulärer Sinus {m} [Hauteinziehung vor dem Ohr, blind endender Gang]
furn. Roman shade [blind]Raffrollo {n}
tactile atlas [for blind people]taktiler Atlas {m} [Blindenatlas]
tactile maps [for blind people]Blindenkarten {pl}
tactile maps [for blind people]taktile Karten {pl}
vertical slat [blind]Vertikallamelle {f} [Jalousie]
white stick [white cane for the blind]weißer Stock {m} [Blindenstock]
wooden slat [of a venetian blind]Holzlamelle {f} [einer Jalousie]
3 Words: Others
in both eyes {adv} [e.g. blind]auf beiden Augen [z. B. blind]
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. (natural) beef casing [bovine blind gut]Rinderbutte {f}
audio film audio described film [esp. for blind people]Hörfilm {m}
traffic line of visibility [Br.] [imaginary line beyond which cross traffic passing through a blind intersection becomes visible, as opposed to the official stop line]Sichtlinie {f} [im Ggs. zur Haltelinie]
FoodInd. natural (sausage) casing [blind gut]Butte {f} [Wursthülle, Naturdarm; i. d. R. der Blinddarm vom Schwein, Rind, Kalb, Hammel]
sports no-look pass [blind pass]No-Look-Pass {m}
jobs orientation and mobility <O&M> [instruction for the blind]Orientierung und Mobilität <O&M, O+M> [Training für Blinde]
4 Words: Others
His / Her eyesight failed.Seine / Ihre Augen wurden schwach. [sehschwach; fast blind]
5+ Words: Nouns
bibl. lit. the blind leading the blind [metaphor]der blinde Blindenführer {m} [Gleichnis]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
art F The Blind Leading the Blind [Pieter Bruegel the Elder]Der Blindensturz
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