| English  | German |  |
 | home {adj} [attr.] [e.g. birth, remedy, tutor] | 396 Haus- [z. B. Geburt, Mittel, Lehrer] |  |
 | by {prep} [e.g. by accident, by birth, by magic] | 232 durch [+Akk.] [z. B. durch Zufall, durch Geburt, durch Zauberei] |  |
 | supposed {adj} [date of birth, site of temple, author also] | 117 mutmaßlich |  |
 | sb./sth. bore [gave birth] | 94 jd./etw. gebar |  |
 | sb. bears [gives birth to] | 20 jd. gebärt |  |
 | sb. bears [gives birth to] | 14 jd. gebiert |  |
 | sb. delivered [gave birth] | 10 jd. entband |  |
 | med. stillborn {adj} [dead at birth] | 8 stillgeboren [Neol.] [totgeboren] |  |
 | dead {adj} [e.g. birth, point, ice, weight] | Tot- [z. B. Geburt, Punkt, Eis, Last] |  |
 | sb./sth. bare [archaic] [bore] [gave birth to] [also fig.] | jd./etw. gebar [auch fig.] |  |
 | med. stillborn {adj} [dead at birth] | still geboren [Neol.] [tot geboren] |  |
Verbs |
 | to bear [to give birth] | 808 gebären |  |
 | zool. to drop sth. [of an animal, to give birth to (young)] | 421 etw. werfen [Junge, bei Tieren] |  |
 | to foster sb. [bring up a child that is not one's own by birth] | 229 jdn. aufziehen [ein Findelkind, ein Pflegekind] |  |
 | to announce sth. [signal, also: birth, death etc.] | 125 etw. anzeigen [mitteilen] |  |
 | to mark sth. [sb.'s birth or death, a historical date, etc.] | 115 etw.Akk. begehen [geh.] [feiern] [jds. Geburts- od. Todestag, einen Jahrestag etc.] |  |
 | med. to induce sth. [labour, birth, etc.] | 53 etw.Akk. einleiten [die Wehen, die Geburt etc.] |  |
 | to repatriate sb. [return to one's country of birth] | 51 jdn. heimschaffen [ugs.] [repatriieren] |  |
 | med. to push [giving birth] | 38 pressen [während einer Presswehe] |  |
 | VetMed. to abort [abortive birth in large animals] | 15 verwerfen [Fehlgeburt] |  |
 | agr. zool. to freshen [esp. Am.] [give birth] | 6 kalben |  |
Nouns |
 | dago [pej.] [person of Italian birth or descent] | 547 Spaghettifresser {m} [pej.] [ugs.] |  |
 | quadruplet [each of four children born at one birth] | 31 Vierling {m} |  |
 | octuplet [each of eight children born at one birth] | 20 Achtling {m} |  |
 | sociol. cisgender <cis> [person who identifies with the sex assigned at birth] | 15 Cisgender {m} {f} [auch: Zisgender] [Person, die sich mit dem bei Geburt eingetragenen Geschlecht identifiziert] |  |
 | sextuplet [each of six children born at one birth] | 15 Sechsling {m} |  |
 | septuplet [each of seven children born at one birth] | 14 Siebenling {m} |  |
 | quintuplet [each of five children born at one birth] | 10 Fünfling {m} |  |
 | med. waters {pl} [amniotic fluid, especially as discharged in a flow shortly before birth] | 7 Fruchtwasser {n} [das beim Blasensprung abfließt] |  |
 | rascal [obs.] [a person of lowly birth] | 6 Gemeiner {m} [veraltet] |  |
 | [asterisk used to denote "date of birth"] | Geborenzeichen {n} |  |
 | [breast feeding by the birth mother] | Selbststillen {n} |  |
 | [resident of a certain place from the time of birth] | Einheimischer {m} |  |
 | med. [woman giving birth without a doctor or midwife in attendance] | Alleingebärende {f} |  |
 | birthday [date of birth] | Geburtsdatum {n} |  |
 | med. freebirth [also: free birth] | freie Geburt {f} |  |
 | med. pharm. micropill [coll.] [low-dose combination birth control pill of estrogen and gestagen] | Mikropille {f} [ugs.] [Kombinationspille aus Östrogen und Gestagen] |  |
 | med. stillbirth [birth weight lower than 500g] | (späte) Fehlgeburt {f} |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | law travel birth tourism [also: birth-tourism] [travelling to another country so that the child becomes a lawful citizen of that country] | Geburtstourismus {m} [Reise in ein anderes Land, damit das Kind die dortige Staatsangehörigkeit erhält] |  |
 | med. congenital disorders [birth defects or anomalies] | Fehlbildungssyndrome {pl} |  |
 | zool. elephant birth [also: elephant's birth] | Elefantengeburt {f} |  |
 | med. grand multipara [woman who has given birth seven or more times] | [Mehrfachgebärende, sieben und mehr Geburten] |  |
 | dent. neonatal tooth [A tooth erupting up to 30 days after birth. ] | kurz nach der Geburt durchbrechender Zahn {m} |  |
 | med. normal delivery [birth] | Normalgeburt {f} |  |
 | med. normal parturition [birth] | Normalentbindung {f} [Geburt] |  |
 | law paper evidence [security, birth certificate, etc.] | Dokumentennachweis {m} [Wertpapier, Geburtsschein, etc.] |  |
 | med. super twins [in a birth of three or more multiples] | eineiige Zwillinge {pl} [bei einer Mehrlingsschwangerschaft] |  |
 | med. transverse presentation [cross-birth] | Querlage {f} [Lageanomalie des Kindes im Mutterleib] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to have a baby [give birth to] | ein Kind kriegen [ugs.] [gebären] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | (child-) bearing function [giving birth] | Gebärfunktion {f} |  |
 | baby in distress [during labour and birth] | Kind {n} in Gefahr [während Wehen und Geburt] |  |
 | med. mode of delivery [birth] | Geburtsmodus {m} |  |
 | place of origin [on a birth, marriage or death certificate] | Heimatort {m} |  |
 | law vital records statutes {pl} [German laws regarding records of birth, death, etc.] | Personenstandsverordnung {f} <PStV> [Kurztitel] [Verordnung zur Ausführung des Personenstandsgesetzes] |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | Memorial Stone Against War and Fascism [memorial stone placed in front of Hitler's birth house] | Mahnstein {m} gegen Krieg und Faschismus |  |