Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: [biological]

Übersetzung 1 - 12 von 12

Englisch Deutsch
biol. biologic {adj} [less common for "biological"]biologisch
biol. sex [biological sex]
Geschlecht {n} [biologisches Geschlecht]
acad. biochem. biotech. xenobiology [study of synthesizing and manipulating biological devices and systems]
Xenobiologie {f}
biorepository [biological materials repository]Biomaterialbank {f}
2 Wörter
mil. ABC warfare [atomic-biological-chemical warfare]ABC-Kriegsführung {f}
zool. bio-load [coll.] [biological load]Bio-Last {f} [ugs.] [biologische Last]
biotech. weapons dark biotechnology [associated with biological weapons]schwarze Biotechnologie {f} [betr. biologische Waffen]
weapons incapacitating agent [atomic, biological and chemical warfare]kampfunfähig machender Kampfstoff {m}
biol. tech. pore layer [normally biological pores but sometimes man-made ones]Porenschicht {f}
tech. test cell [e.g. battery cell, biological cell, fuel cell]Testzelle {f} [z. B. Batteriezelle, biologische Zelle, Brennstoffzelle]
tech. test cell [e.g., battery cell, biological cell, fuel cell]Versuchszelle {f} [z. B. Batteriezelle, biologische Zelle, Brennstoffzelle]
4 Wörter
biotech. med. pharm. biological response modifier therapy [biological therapy]Biologika-Therapie {f}
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