Dictionary English German: [belt]

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for. forest {adj} [attr.] [e.g. animal, area, belt, consumption, damage]
Wald- [z. B. Tier, Gebiet, Gürtel, Verbrauch, Schäden]
toothed {adj} [e.g. belt, rack, rim, rod; whale]
Zahn- [mit Zähnen versehen] [z. B. Riemen, Schiene, Kranz, Stange; Wal]
naut. life {adj} [attr.] [e.g. belt, buoy, jacket, raft]Rettungs- [z. B. Ring, Boje, Weste, Insel]
automot. unrestrained {adj} [not wearing a seat belt]nicht angegurtet
to unfasten sth. [a button, the belt, etc.]
etw. aufmachen [leicht ugs.] [einen Knopf, den Gürtel etc.]
to gird sb. [literary] [put a belt around sb.'s waist]jdm. einen Gürtel umlegen
to loosen [belt etc.]weiter schnallen
to ungirt sth. [sword, belt]etw. abschnallen [Schwert, Koppelzeug]
loop [of a belt etc]
Lasche {f} [am Gürtel etc.]
ind. belt [conveyor belt, assembly belt]
Band {n} [Förderband, Fließband]
automot. tech. run [part of conveyor belt]
Trum {m} {n} [Teil des Treibriemens, Förderbands]
cloth. cincture [archaic or literary] [any belt]Gürtel {m}
mining tech. run [part of a transmission or conveyor belt]Trumm {m} {n} [Trum] [Teil eines Treibriemens, Förderbands]
sports weapons sageo [cord used to tie the saya to the belt / obi]Sageo {n} [japanisches „Schwert-Scheidenband“]
geogr. meteo. snowbelt [also: Snow Belt / U.S.]Schneegürtel {m}
geogr. Sunbelt [also: Sun Belt, sunbelt / U.S.]Sun Belt {m} [USA]
zone [archaic] [girdle, belt]Gürtel {m}
2 Words: Others
buckled on {adj} {past-p} [holster, belt etc.]umgeschnallt
2 Words: Verbs
to cinch sth. up [esp. Am.] [tighten: belt etc.]etw.Akk. fester schnallen
to strap sth. on [a belt](sichDat.) etw.Akk. umlegen [einen Gürtel]
to strap sth. on [watch, belt]etw. anlegen [Uhr etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
automot. anchorage point [of a seat belt]Verankerungspunkt {m}
med. Chance fracture [seat belt injury]Sicherheitsgurt-Fraktur {f}
continuous belt [e.g. belt sander]Endlosband {n}
agr. geogr. dairy belt [also: Dairy Belt / USA]Molkereigürtel {m} [auch: Dairy Belt / USA]
tech. datum length [V-belt]Richtlänge {f} [Keilriemen] [ISO]
tech. datum length [V-belt]Wirklänge {f} [Richtlänge]
tech. datum width [V-belt]Richtbreite {f} [Keilriemen] [ISO]
tech. datum width [V-belt]Wirkbreite {f} [Richtbreite]
geogr. Factory Belt [also: factory belt] [USA] [dated] [Rust Belt]Fabrik-Gürtel {m} [veraltet] [Rostgürtel, Industriegürtel in den USA]
constr. fixed link [across Fehmarn Belt]feste Querung {f} [des Fehmarnbelt]
geogr. Frost Belt [also: frostbelt, Frostbelt; Snow Belt / U.S.]Snow Belt {m} [Frostgürtel, USA]
geogr. Jewish Alps {pl} [coll.] [Borscht Belt / Upstate New York]Borscht Belt {m} [ugs.] [Borschtsch-Gürtel / Upstate New York]
geogr. Lead State [nickname] [State of Missouri][Spitzname für Missouri, USA, wegen der Bleiminen, z. B. Old Lead Belt]
econ. geogr. ind. Manufacturing Belt [also: manufacturing belt] [USA] [dated] [Rust Belt]Manufacturing Belt {m} [veraltet] [Rostgürtel, Industriegürtel in den USA]
automot. pillar loop [seat belt]Umlenker {m} [Sicherheitsgurt]
astron. planetoid belt [rare for: asteroid belt]Planetoidengürtel {m}
gastr. rotation sushi [conveyor belt sushi, kaiten-zushi restaurant]Kaiten-Zushi {n} [Sushi-Lokal mit (rundlaufendem) Fließband]
econ. geogr. ind. Rust Belt [coll.] [esp. USA]Rostgürtel {m} [ugs.] [auch: Rust Belt]
econ. geogr. ind. rust belt [esp. Am.] [coll.]Rostgürtel {m} [ugs.] [auch: Rust Belt, bes. falls in den USA]
econ. geogr. ind. Rust Bowl [also: rust bowl] [USA]Rostgürtel {m} [Rust Belt, Industrieregion in den USA]
Sacra Cintola [Holy Belt]Sacra Cintola {f} [heiliger Gürtel der Jungfrau Maria]
tech. slack end [of a belt or rope]schlaffes Trumm {n}
econ. geogr. ind. Steel Belt [also: steel belt] [USA] [Rust Belt]Stahlgürtel {m} [ugs.] [Rust Belt]
gastr. sushi train [Aus.] [NZ] [conveyor belt sushi, kaiten-zushi restaurant]Running Sushi {n} [Sushi-Lokal mit (rundlaufendem) Fließband]
tech. taut end [of a belt or rope]straffes Trumm {n}
cloth. Western belt [also: western belt]Westerngürtel {m}
3 Words: Others
herald. hist. mil. God with us [motto used in German military since 1701, e.g. on belt buckles]Gott mit uns [Devise benutzt im deutschen Militär seit 1701, z. B. auf Koppelschlössern]
3 Words: Nouns
Girdle of Thomas [Holy Belt]heiliger Gürtel {m} [auch: Heiliger Gürtel] [Gürtel der Jungfrau Maria]
geol. Isua Greenstone Belt [also: Isua greenstone belt] <IGB>Isua-Grünsteingürtel {m}
geol. Nuvvuagittuq greenstone belt [also: Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt] <NGB>Nuvvuagittuq-Grünsteingürtel {m}
med. seat belt signs [marks left by the seat belt after an accident]Gurtmarken {pl} [bes. Abschürfungen nach Verkehrsunfällen]
cloth. Western belt buckle [also: western belt buckle]Westerngürtelschnalle {f}
4 Words: Verbs
bibl. to gird (up) his loins [tuck cloak into belt to better run] [archaic]seine Lenden gürten
4 Words: Nouns
econ. pol. Belt and Road Initiative [in China] <B&R, B&R Initiative, BRI>Neue Seidenstraße {f} [ugs.] [Belt and Road Initiative; bis 2016: Projekt One Belt, One Road (OBOR)]
agr. geogr. cotton belt / Cotton BeltBaumwollanbaugebiet {n}
agr. geogr. cotton belt / Cotton BeltBaumwollgebiet {n}
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