Dictionary English German: [below]

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

English German
subpar {adj} [below average]
well {adv} [above, ahead, below etc.]
subnormal {adj} [below average] [Am.]unterdurchschnittlich
to suffumigate [to fumigate from below]desinfizieren von unten
to undergrow sth. [grow below sth., form undergrowth / thicket]etw. unterwachsen [unter etw. hinwachsen, Dickicht bilden]
admin. fin. threshold [fig.; amount above or below which the state interferes with taxation, welfare payments, etc.]
Schwellenbetrag {m}
hist. marquis [(in some European countries) a nobleman ranking above a count and below a duke]
Marquis {m}
insur. franchise [amount of liability below which an insurer disclaims liability, but above which they assume total liability]
Mindestgrenze {f}
wheel [fixed below sth.]
Rolle {f} [unter etw. befestigt]
constr. ind. allowance [above or below nominal size](oberes / unteres) Abmaß {n} [Toleranz des Nennmaßes]
med. druse [tiny accumulation below the retina]Druse {f}
suffumigation [fumigation from below]Desinfizierung von unten {f}
sociol. underprotection [below the economic minimum of welfare benefits]Einkommen {n} unter dem Sozialhilfeniveau
2 Words: Others
abysmally poor {adj} [coll.] [far below an acceptable standard]grottig [ugs.]
non-U {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [dated] [middle-class and below]nicht zur Oberschicht gehörig [auch: untypisch für die britische Oberschicht und nicht ihren Normen entsprechend]
2 Words: Verbs
to be under sb. [rank below sb.]im Rang unter jdm. sein
to climb up [from below]heraufklettern
to dive down [toward something deep below]hinabtauchen [geh.]
to marry down [to wed sb. with a social status below one's own]eine schlechte Partie machen [Heirat]
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. ankle sock [below ankle]Sneakersocke {f}
cosmet. deep action [below the surface of sth.]Tiefenwirkung {f}
deep ultraviolet <DUV> [below 300 nm]tiefes Ultraviolett {n} <DUV> [unter 300 nm]
hist. mil. enlisted men [Am.] [member of the U.S. armed services ranking below a NCO]Gemeine {pl} [veraltet] [Mannschaftsdienstgrade]
cloth. summer coat [summer overcoat; typically extending below the hips]Sommermantel {m}
med. transtibial amputation <TTA> [below-knee amputation]Unterschenkelamputation {f} <USA, US-Amputation>
med. MedTech. transtibial prosthesis [below-knee prosthesis]Unterschenkelprothese {f} <US-Prothese>
archi. window breast [masonry unit located below the window]Fensterbrüstung {f}
3 Words: Others
at a level ... {adj} {adv} [e.g. ... that, ... below / above, etc.]auf einem Niveau ... [z. B. ... das, ... unter / über etc.]
at a loss {adv} [below cost, at a financial loss]mit Verlust
up the stairs {adv} [as seen from below]die Treppe hinauf [aus Sicht von unten]
Vide infra / supra. [See below / above]Siehe unten / oben!
3 Words: Verbs
to look down (on sb./sth.) [from the vantage of the person or object below](auf jdn./etw.) herniedersehen [geh.]
3 Words: Nouns
cloth. lace up shoe [lace up shoe which ends below the ankle]Schnürhalbschuh {m}
telecom. sub-telephone frequency [frequency below a specified telephone frequency band]Subfernsprechfrequenz {f}
4 Words: Others
here in this world {adv} [below]hienieden [veraltend] [noch regional, poet. od. hum.] [auch: hinieden]
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