| English  | German |  |
 | critical {adj} [being in a state of crisis] | 332 krisenhaft |  |
 | actionable {adj} [capable of being acted on] | 110 umsetzbar |  |
 | redundant {adj} [being in excess; superfluous; characterized by superabundance or superfluity] | 81 redundant [geh. od. fachspr.] [überzählig, mehrfach vorhanden; überflüssig; überreichlich vorhanden] |  |
 | extricable {adj} [capable of being extricated] | 58 entwirrbar [sich entwirren lassend] |  |
 | arguable {adj} [capable of being maintained] | 45 vertretbar |  |
 | comm. loaner- {prefix} [sth. lent for an item being serviced or repaired] | 45 Ersatz- [z. B. Ersatzgerät, Ersatzwagen] |  |
 | traceable {adj} [capable of being traced] | 41 zurückverfolgbar |  |
 | esot. philos. relig. spiritual {adj} [e.g. being, healer, soul] | 22 Geist- [z. B. Wesen, Heiler, Seele] |  |
 | disordered {adj} [in need of being sorted] | 14 ungeordnet |  |
 | photo. Cheese! [said to smile while being photographed] | 11 [Ameisenscheiße! (sagt man, um zu lächeln, wenn man fotografiert wird)] |  |
 | photo. [Cheese! (said to smile while being photographed)] | 8 Ameisenscheiße! [sagt man, um zu lächeln, wenn man fotografiert wird] |  |
 | fictile {adj} [capable of being molded] | 8 formbar |  |
 | biol. acellular {adj} [being without cells] | 7 zelllos |  |
 | archaeo. tools lithic {adj} [of, relating to, or being a stone tool] | 7 Stein- |  |
 | thousandth {adj} [being one of a thousand] | 7 tausendstel |  |
 | [capable of being shipped as a parcel] {adj} | paketversandfähig |  |
 | agr. farmable {adj} [capable of being farmed] | landwirtschaftlich nutzbar [bewirtschaftbar] |  |
 | obscured {adj} [kept from being seen, concealed] | nicht zu erkennen [verdeckt, verborgen] |  |
 | penetrable {adj} [capable of being found out] | ergründbar |  |
 | poised {adj} [being in balance] | im Gleichgewicht [nachgestellt] |  |
 | proportionable {adj} [archaic] [proportional, being in due proportion] | im richtigen Verhältnis [nachgestellt] |  |
 | redundant {adj} [being in excess] | zusätzlich vorhanden |  |
 | comp. tech. referenceable {adj} [capable of being referenced] | referenzierbar |  |
 | automot. tech. startable {adj} [capable of being started] | startbar |  |
 | unconvincable {adj} [WRONG for: inconvincible, incapable of being convinced] | [unbelehrbar, nicht überzeugend] |  |
 | unmasterable {adj} [incapable of being subdued] | unbezwinglich |  |
 | Zoilean {adj} [archaic] [being bitter, envious and unjustly critical] | nörglerisch [boshaft kritisch] |  |
Verbs |
 | to manifest sth. [realize, bring into being] | 31 etw. verwirklichen |  |
 | to appear [have the appearance of being, look] [e.g. appear modest] | sich ausnehmen [geh.] [wirken, erscheinen] [z. B. sich bescheiden ausnehmen] |  |
 | to walk [coll.] [disappear, being nicked] | Beine kriegen [ugs.] [verschwinden, gestohlen werden] |  |
Nouns |
 | spirit [soul, supernatural being] | 1392 Geist {m} [Seele, überirdisches Wesen] |  |
 | goodness [quality of being good or kind] | 1105 Güte {f} |  |
 | math. equality [state of being equal] | 999 Gleichheit {f} |  |
 | wellbeing [spv.] [well-being] | 994 Wohlbefinden {n} |  |
 | comfort [gives ease and/or well-being] | 790 Komfort {m} |  |
 | man [human being] | 728 Mensch {m} |  |
 | tardiness [instance of being tardy, late] | 512 Verspätung {f} |  |
 | publicity [state of being public] | 430 Öffentlichkeit {f} |  |
 | entity [existence, being] | 344 Dasein {n} |  |
 | stardom [fame and prestige of being a star] | 244 Berühmtheit {f} [Ruhm als Filmschauspieler, Sportler etc.] |  |
 | exposure [state of being exposed to sth.] | 198 Ausgesetztsein {n} |  |
 | alien [being from another world] | 184 Außerirdischer {m} |  |
 | wellbeing [spv.] [well-being] | 151 Wohlergehen {n} |  |
 | welfare [well-being] | 141 Wohlbefinden {n} |  |
 | trail [caused by the vegetation being constantly trodden down] | 132 Trampelpfad {m} |  |
 | manhood [archaic] [state of being human] | 117 Menschheit {f} |  |
 | charge [being in charge] | 106 Führung {f} |  |
 | duplicity [state of being twofold or double] | 102 Duplizität {f} |  |
 | membership [the fact of being a member] | 77 Zugehörigkeit {f} [zu einem Verein, einer Partei etc.] |  |
 | successor [esp. if not being elected into office in the same election as the predecessor] | 76 Nachrücker {m} [auf einen Posten] |  |