Dictionary English German: [behind]

Translation 1 - 33 of 33

English German
proverb [German pun, may be literally translated as: When flies fly behind flies, flies are flying after flies (to follow them).]Wenn hinter Fliegen Fliegen fliegen, fliegen Fliegen Fliegen nach.
sb./sth. passeth sth. [archaic] [fig.] [sb./sth. leaves sth. behind]jd./etw. lässt etw.Akk. hinter sich [fig.] [jd./etw. überwindet etw.]
to leave sb./sth. [behind]
jdn./etw. zurücklassen
to straggle [linger behind]
nachzügeln [veraltet] [hinterhertrotten, hinterherzockeln]
sports [to be habitually behind all the others in swimming races]hinterherschwimmen [ugs.]
to brake [forcing the person behind to slow down]den Hintermann ausbremsen
to curtain sth. [conceal sth. behind a curtain]etw. hinter einem Vorhang verbergen
to leave sb./sth. [behind]jdm./etw. den Rücken kehren [fig.]
to pass sb./sth. [go past, leave behind]an jdm./etw. vorbeikommen [gelangen und weitergehen oder -fahren]
to support sb. [be behind sb.]hinter jdm. stehen [fig.]
backwater [behind-the-times small town] [pej.]
Kaff {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
VetMed. zool. hamstring [in quadrupeds: the single large tendon found behind the knee or comparable area]langer Sitzbeinmuskel {m} [z. B. beim Pferd]
sports skijoring [skiing behind horses, dogs, snowmobiles]Skijöring {n} [Skifahren hinter Pferden, Hunden, Motorschlitten]
2 Words: Others
(in) tandem {adv} [one behind the other]hintereinander
behind bars {adv} [direction, as in "to put behind bars"]hinter Gitter
behind bars {adv} [place, as in "to be behind bars"]hinter Gittern
behind me {adv} [behind my back] [idiom]hinter meinem Rücken [fig.] [Redewendung]
on sb.'s rear {adv} [behind sb.]hinter jdm. [in jds. Rücken]
2 Words: Verbs
to be behind sb. [to hover behind sb.]hinter jdm. zurückhängen
to hang back [lag or wait behind]zurückhängen
to look out [from behind sth.]hervorsehen [Person]
to settle oneself [in a chair, behind the wheel, etc.]sichAkk. niederlassen [auf einem Stuhl, hinter dem Lenkrad etc.]
to stand behind [be located behind]zurückstehen [weiter hinten stehen]
2 Words: Nouns
agr. archi. back lane [behind farms, farm houses]Hintaus {n} [österr.] [in ostösterreichischen Straßendörfern]
bike child transporter [towed behind bicycle]Kinderanhänger {m}
hydro. deflation basin [blowout behind a snow drift]Windkolk {m}
archi. entrance passageway [behind the gate through thick wall]Torgang {m}
3 Words: Others
aviat. mil. on your six {adv} [right behind you] [coll.]direkt hinter dir
3 Words: Verbs
to be behind it [e.g. a filing card behind another one, a picture postcard behind the mirror]dahinterstecken [ugs.] [sich hinter etw. befinden; z. B. eine Karteikarte hinter einer anderen, eine Ansichtskarte hinter dem Spiegel]
to put sth. behind it [e.g. a filing card behind another one, a picture postcard behind the mirror]etw.Akk. dahinterstecken [ugs.] [hinter etw. platzieren; z. B. eine Karteikarte hinter eine andere, eine Ansichtskarte hinter den Spiegel]
3 Words: Nouns
traffic parallel parking layout [Br.] [layout for parking cars one behind the other, in the direction of traffic]Längsaufstellung {f} [Straßenentwurf, Parken]
4 Words: Verbs
to be tucked away behind sth. [e.g. house behind a tree]versteckt sein hinter etw.Dat. [z. B. Haus hinter einem Baum]
4 Words: Nouns
traffic in-line parking layout [Am.] [layout for parking cars one behind the other, in the direction of traffic]Längsaufstellung {f} [Straßenentwurf, Parken]
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