| English | German | |
| exceptional {adj} [quality, beauty, etc.] | 383 besondere [hervorragend] | |
| austere {adj} [beauty, landscape, etc.] | 103 herb [Schönheit, Landschaft etc.] | |
| volatile {adj} [beauty] | 101 vergänglich | |
| faded {adj} {past-p} [flowers, beauty] | 60 verblüht | |
| severe {adj} [face, beauty, landscape, etc.] | 47 herb [Gesicht, Schönheit, Landschaft etc.] | |
Verbs |
| to mar [beauty etc.] | 52 mindern [Schönheit etc.] | |
| to bloom [fig.] [show beauty and freshness] | in Schönheit erstrahlen | |
Nouns |
| fading [of beauty, happiness, etc.] | 25 Vergehen {n} [von Schönheit, Glück etc.] | |
| jobs esthetician [Am.] [rare] [beauty therapist, aesthetician] | 11 Kosmetiker {m} | |
| plainness [lack of beauty] | 6 Unansehnlichkeit {f} | |
| apollo [fig.] [young man of great physical beauty] | Adonis {m} [fig.] [schöner junger Mann] | |
| apollo [fig.] [young man of great physical beauty] | Apoll {m} [fig.] [geh.] [schöner junger Mann] | |
| fairlec [obs.] [beauty] | Schönheit {f} | |
| Miss [winner of a beauty competition] | Miß {f} [alt] [Schönheitskönigin] | |
| Miss [winner of a beauty competition] | Miss {f} [Schönheitskönigin] | |
2 Words: Others |
| full-blown {adj} [coll.] [e.g. beauty] | vollendet [im Sinne von ausgewachsen] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| bobby-dazzler [Br.] [coll.] [dated] [sb./sth. of remarkable beauty] | Augenweide {f} | |
| lit. philos. Hippias Major [also: What is Beauty?; Greater Hippias] [Platonic dialogue] | Hippias maior {m} [auch: Hippias I; der Größere Hippias; der Große Hippias] [platonischer Dialog] | |
| meat market [fig.] [pej.] [beauty contest etc.] | Fleischbeschau {f} [fig.] [pej.] [Schönheitswettbewerb etc.] | |
| cloth. film professional beauty [woman who makes a living out of her beauty] | Berufsschönheit {f} [Frau, die ihren Lebensunterhalt mit ihrer Schönheit verdient] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| quote And that's the day I knew there was this entire life behind things, and... this incredibly benevolent force, that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever. [American Beauty] | An diesem Tag ist mir klar geworden, dass hinter allem Leben steckt. Und diese unglaublich gütige Kraft, die mich wissen lassen wollte, dass es keinen Grund gibt, Angst zu haben. | |
| quote It's a great thing when you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself. [American Beauty] | Es ist was Tolles, wenn man erkennt, dass man immer noch die Fähigkeit besitzt, sich selbst zu überraschen. | |
| quote Oh, well - all right! Let's just all sell our souls and work for Satan 'cause it's more convenient that way! [American Beauty] | Verkaufen wir doch alle unsere Seele und arbeiten für den Teufel, weil's bequemer ist! | |
| quote Remember those posters that said, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life"? Well, that's true of every day but one - the day you die. [American Beauty] | Erinnern Sie sich an die Werbeplakate, auf denen stand "Heute ist der erste Tag vom Rest deines Lebens"? Das trifft auf jeden Tag zu bis auf einen - den, an dem man stirbt. | |
| quote Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world I feel like I can't take it, like my heart's going to cave in. [American Beauty] | Es gibt manchmal so viel Schönheit auf der Welt, dass ich sie fast nicht ertragen kann. Und mein Herz droht dann daran zu zerbrechen. | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| comics mus. F Once Upon a Dream [song from the movie "Sleeping Beauty"] [Disney] | Einmal im Traum [Lied aus dem Film "Dornröschen"] | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| zool. T | | |
| zool. T | | |