Dictionary English German: [based]

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soundly {adv} [based]
fest [gegründet, verankert]
rested {past-p} [on] [based on]
basiert [auf]
arbitrarily {adv} [based on personal choice or whim]
sb. rested [based]
jd. basierte
quote RadioTV ["Which one would you like?" based on the "What is my profession?" quiz show question: "Which piggy-bank would you like?"]Welches Schweinderl hätten S' denn gern? [Robert Lembke, «Was bin ich?»]
on sth. {adv} [based on, on the strength]auf Grund etw.Gen.
comp. photo. to blur [term based on Photoshop terminology]
weichzeichnen [Bildschärfe reduzieren, Konturen verwischen]
fin. stocks to discount sth. [adjust market price based on predicted impact of an event]
etw.Akk. eskomptieren [im Voraus einpreisen]
gastr. macarons [sweet meringue-based confectionery]
Luxemburgerli® {pl} [schweiz.]
film [film based on a novel]
Literaturverfilmung {f} [Film, der auf einem Roman basiert]
stature [fig.] [status based on one's positive qualities]
Kaliber {n} [fig.] [physische Stärke, geistige Größe oder charakterliches Format einer Person]
archi. relig. monastery [collegial body or building, based on a donation]
Stift {n} [gestiftete religiöse Anstalt bzw. deren Gebäude]
law title [enforceable legal claim and the instrument on which it is based]
Titel {m} [vollstreckbarer Rechtsanspruch sowie dessen Grundlage]
electr. optics phys. Lidar [laser-based optical method for measuring distance and velocity]
LiDAR {n} [Methode zur optischen Abstands- und Geschwindigkeitsmessung mit Lasern]
film lit. [book on which the film was based]
Buchvorlage {f}
gastr. udon [wheat-based noodles]
Udon {pl} [Bandnudeln aus Weizenmehl]
educ. Internet webinar [web-based seminar]
Webinar {n}
stocks [expectation of higher prices based on industry consolidation related M&A activities]
Konsolidierungsfantasie {f}
FoodInd. gastr. macaron [sweet meringue-based confectionery]
Makrone {f} [französisches Macaron]
lit. [novel based on real events but using changed names]
Schlüsselroman {m}
gastr. medovukha [old Russian honey-based alcoholic beverage]
Medowucha {f} [altes russisches alkoholhaltiges Getränk mit Honiggeschmack]
[acquisition procedure based on the Mining Code]bergbauliches Grundabtretungsverfahren {n}
law [defence based on a misinterpretation of facts which, had they been true, would have been exculpatory]Erlaubnistatbestandsirrtum {m}
law [defence based on a misinterpretation of facts which, had they been true, would have been exculpatory]Erlaubnistatumstandsirrtum {m} <ETI>
mus. [flute-based organ stop]Schwegel {f} [veraltet] [Orgelregister]
mus. [flute-based organ stop]Schwiegel {f} [Orgelregister]
[original production plant, based in the company's home region, and still in use]Mutterwerk {n}
sports [sports club based in a capital city]Hauptstadtverein {m}
biol. spec. [the perceptually-based ability to experience and manipulate one's world]Merkwelt {f}
[union based on joint liabilities]Haftungsunion {f}
gastr. [vegetarian spread, typically based on carrots, celeriac, and mayonnaise; literally »farmer's salad«]Farmersalat {m}
gastr. hist. [wheat flour loaf based on the size of a soldier's daily ration during the Napoleonic Wars]Franzenbrot {n} [Weizenmehl-Wecken, ca. viermal so groß wie ein heutiges Brötchen] [noch zum regionalen Brauchtum gehörig, z. B. bei Schützenbrüderschaften]
gastr. ayran [yogurt-based drink]Ayran {m} {n} [Joghurtgetränk]
mus. Banda [brass-based Mexican music]Banda {f} [mexikanische Blasmusik]
ling. Bislama [English-based creole language used as the national language of Vanuatu]Bislama {n} [Amtssprache der Republik Vanuatu und Lingua franca]
Dorotheum [auction house based in Vienna]Dorotheum {n} [Auktionshaus mit Sitz in Wien]
hist. telecom. Hellschreiber [facsimile-based teleprinter invented by Rudolf Hell]Hellschreiber {m} [von Rudolf Hell erfundenes Fernschreibgerät]
gastr. lassi [yogurt-based drink]Lassi {m} {n} [Joghurtgetränk]
gastr. lassi {pl} [yogurt-based drink]Lassis {pl}
gastr. lassis [yogurt-based drinks]Lassis {pl} [Joghurtgetränke]
journ. linage [payment based on number of lines of text submitted]Zeilengeld {n}
journ. lineage [Am.] [payment based on number of lines of text submitted]Zeilengeld {n}
gastr. macaron [sweet meringue-based confectionery](französisches) Macaron {n}
FoodInd. med. Plumpy'nut® [a peanut-based paste in a plastic wrapper for treatment of severe acute malnutrition]Plumpy'nut® {n} [ugs.: Plumpy] [therapeutische Fertignahrung]
tools sawzall [Am.] [based on reciprocating saws produced by Sawzall®]Multisäge {f} [Motorfuchsschwanz]
gastr. somen [also: sōmen] [thin wheat-based noodles]Somen {pl} [auch: Sōmen]
MedTech. stentrode [stent-electrode, stent-based electrode]Stent-Elektrode {f}
comp. translator [computer-based]Konvertierungsprogramm {n}
biol. wetware [based on the concept of wet- and software]menschliches Gehirn {n} [auf dem Konzept von Wet- und Software fußend]
2 Words: Others
ecol. bio-based {adj} [short for: biology-based]biobasiert
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