| English  | German |  |
 | contumacious {adj} [archaic] [stubbornly or wilfully disobedient to authority] | 229 aufsässig |  |
 | appropriate {adj} [body, authority] | 212 zuständig |  |
 | educ. titular {adj} [without real authority] | 104 Ehren- |  |
 | obedient {adj} [to authority] | 47 obrigkeitshörig |  |
 | admin. issuing {adj} [e.g. authority] | 31 ausstellend [z. B. Behörde] |  |
 | port {adj} [attr.] [e.g. authority, map, police, tour, town] | 26 Hafen- [z. B. Behörde, Plan, Polizei, Rundfahrt, Stadt] |  |
 | sovereign {adj} [supreme in authority] | 24 herrschaftlich [selten] [im Besitz der absoluten Herrschaft] |  |
 | titular {adj} [without real authority] | 10 nominell |  |
 | admin. pol. local {adj} [e.g. administration, authority, elections, law, politician] | Kommunal- [z. B. Verwaltung, Behörde, Wahl, Recht, Politiker] |  |
 | relig. magisterial {adj} [having doctrinal authority] | lehramtlich [das kirchliche Lehramt betreffend] |  |
 | magisterial {adj} [showing authority] | magistral [bes. schweiz.] [beeindruckend, gebieterisch] |  |
 | relig. spec. stavropegial {adj} [under the direct authority of a primate] | stavropigial |  |
Verbs |
 | to assert sth. [authority etc.] | 2760 etw. durchsetzen |  |
 | to keep sth. [preserve; e.g. authority, reputation] | 1525 etw.Akk. wahren |  |
 | to warrant sb. [give authority, power] | 658 jdn. bevollmächtigen |  |
 | to diminish [price, authority] | 107 herabsetzen |  |
 | to invest [obs.] [with rank or authority] | 49 einsetzen [in ein Amt] |  |
Nouns |
 | admin. administration [governing authority] | 2698 Verwaltung {f} |  |
 | law jurisdiction [to be within a court's authority] | 2212 Rechtsprechung {f} [der Rechtsprechung eines Gerichts unterliegen] |  |
 | admin. administration [governing authority] | 786 Verwaltungsbehörde {f} |  |
 | law jurisdiction [range of authority] | 375 Zuständigkeit {f} |  |
 | repudiation [of a debt, authority] | 274 Nichtanerkennung {f} [Schulden, Autorität] |  |
 | admin. pol. administration [governing authority] | 220 Behörde {f} |  |
 | remit [formal] [area of authority or responsibility] | 217 Auftrag {m} [Zuständigkeit, Verantwortungsbereich] |  |
 | law jurisdiction [range of authority] | 173 Zuständigkeitsbereich {m} |  |
 | bailiwick [fig.] [area of authority] | 125 Zuständigkeitsbereich {m} |  |
 | power [authority to do sth.] | 51 Befugnis {f} |  |
 | writ [authority] | 37 Macht {f} |  |
 | econ. law [authority to act as a (non-managing) director] | 34 Prokura {f} |  |
 | province [fig.] [area of authority] | 32 Kompetenzbereich {m} |  |
 | mil. command [authority] | 31 Gewalt {f} [Befehlsgewalt] |  |
 | jobsworth [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [overbearing petty authority figure] | 28 Überzwerg {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Bürokrat] |  |
 | admin. pol. jawboning [Am.] [persuasion by one's position or authority] | 18 Seelenmassage {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | admin. [regional authority in Baden-Württemberg and Hessen] | 13 Regierungspräsidium {n} [mittlere Landesbehörde in Baden-Württemberg und Hessen] |  |
 | pol. Bundesrat [upper house of the German or Austrian legislative or the chief executive authority of Switzerland] | 13 Bundesrat {m} |  |
 | mistress [a woman in a position of authority] | 9 Mistress {f} [Hausfrau, Herrin oder Lehrerin] [veraltet] |  |
 | mil. pass [written authority] | 9 Urlaubsschein {m} |  |
 | educ. [senior school authority, Germany] | 8 Oberschulamt {n} |  |
 | law [German authority in charge of fines] | 7 Bußgeldstelle {f} |  |
 | admin. hist. [regulation on the delegation of authority concerning land conveyance permissions] | 7 Grundstücksverkehrsgenehmigungszuständigkeitsübertragungsverordnung {f} <GrundVZÜV> [existierte 2003-2007] |  |
 | admin. [director of an intermediate regional authority between the administration of a Bundesland and that of a Kreis] | 6 Regierungspräsident {m} [in Deutschland] |  |
 | admin. educ. [education authority in an Austrian state] | 6 Landesschulrat {m} [österr.] [in Wien: Stadtschulrat] |  |
 | [authority charged with the reallocation and consolidation of agricultural land holdings] | Flurbereinigungsbehörde {f} |  |
 | [Federal Motor Transport Authority] [Germany] | Kraftfahr-Bundesamt {n} [FALSCH für: Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt] |  |
 | hist. law spec. [imperial town administered by intermediate authority, e.g. the nobility] | Mediatstadt {f} |  |
 | law [measures prescribed by the planning approval authority to protect or compensate the rights of property owners affected by public construction measures] | Schutzauflage {f} [Verwaltungsrecht] |  |
 | admin. naut. [port authority responsible for surveillance and attending to issues of security] | Hafenaufsicht {f} |  |
 | admin. naut. [port authority responsible for surveillance and attending to issues of security] | Hafenwache {f} |  |
 | med. naut. [port authority that ensures health regulations are met onboard vessels] | Hafengesundheitsbehörde {f} |  |
 | admin. hist. [prince with the authority to convene the states in his circle] [Holy Roman Empire] | kreisausschreibender Fürst {m} [Heiliges Römisches Reich] |  |
 | admin. hist. prefecture [administrative authority for part of an empire] | Statthalterei {f} [österr.] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | ex cathedra {adj} {adv} [with authority] | maßgebend |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to drag sb. before sb. [esp. before a person of authority] | jdn. vor jdn. schleifen [bes. vor Autoritätsperson] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | fin. advance ruling [from tax authority] | verbindliche Auskunft {f} |  |
 | admin. approval agency [agency with authority to approve sth.] | Zulassungsbehörde {f} |  |
 | admin. constr. building department [building authority] | Baubehörde {f} |  |
 | law crown witness [also fig.: main authority] | Kronzeuge {m} [auch fig.] |  |
 | law full competence [authority] | Allzuständigkeit {f} |  |
 | higher-up [coll.] [person in authority] | höheres Tier {n} [ugs.] |  |
 | hunting hunting permit [authority to hunt within a particular area of Government land and forests; Germany] | Begehungsschein {m} [veraltet] [Jagderlaubnisschein] |  |
 | comp. QM maintenance agency <MA> [registration authority] | Registrierungsstelle {f} |  |
 | admin. official vehicle [of a public authority] | Behördenfahrzeug {n} |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | pol. as second chamber {adv} [in a bicameral legislative authority] | als Zweitrat [schweiz.] |  |
 | from on high {adv} [idiom] [from a remote higher authority or from heaven] | von ganz oben [von höchster Instanz] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to chip away at sth. [fig.] [a system, sb.'s authority] | etw.Akk. unterminieren [fig.] [ein System, jds. Autorität] |  |
 | to lodge useless complaints [The "Salzamt" or "salt authority" was abolished in the 1800s] | sichAkk. beim Salzamt beschweren [österr.] [hum.] [Redewendung] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | admin. approval of plans [by an authority] | Plangenehmigung {f} |  |
 | admin. lower water authority [regional water authority] | untere Wasserbehörde {f} |  |
 | hist. Property Transactions Office [NS-authority for the compulsory acquisition of Jewish properties in Austria 1938-1945] | Vermögensverkehrsstelle {f} <VVSt> [NS-Behörde zur Enteignung jüdischen Vermögens in Österreich 1938-1945] |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | at a higher level {adj} [postpos.] [authority etc.] | übergeordnet |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | idiom to kick against the pricks [oppose authority] | wider den Stachel löcken [geh.] |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | admin. pol. powers of (the) office [authority exercised by officials] | Amtsbefugnisse {pl} |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | admin. law of / on one's own motion {adv} [of the authority's motion] | von Amts wegen |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | idiom to give chapter and verse for sth. [fig.] [to give the exact authority of a statement] | etw. hieb- und stichfest belegen |  |