| English  | German |  |
 | due {adj} [attention, consideration, credit] | 1128 gebührend |  |
 | due {adj} [attention, care] | 579 geboten |  |
 | scrupulously {adv} [with undue attention to detail] | 376 penibel |  |
 | splashy {adj} [attention-attracting] | 88 sensationell |  |
 | finicky {adj} [requiring careful attention and precision] | 40 knifflig |  |
 | sb. minded [paid attention to] | 18 jd. beachtete |  |
 | mil. Tenshun! [mock spv. of "attention"] | 12 Achtung! |  |
 | raptly {adv} [with rapt attention] | 11 andächtig [z. B. lauschen, zuhören] |  |
 | finicky {adj} [requiring careful attention and precision] | 10 kniffelig |  |
 | circled {adj} {past-p} [surrounded by a (hand-drawn) line, for attention] | 6 eingekringelt [ugs.] [(von Hand) eingekreist, zur Hervorhebung] |  |
 | unnoticed {adj} [escaping attention] | 5 unvermerkt [geh.] [unbemerkt] |  |
 | Listen, ... [used to attract somebody's attention] | Pass auf, ... [verwendet, um die Aufmerksamkeit einer Person zu erregen] |  |
 | Look! [request/command to direct one's attention to something] | Schauen Sie! [formelle Anrede] |  |
Verbs |
 | to divert [attention, thoughts] | 1943 ablenken [Aufmerksamkeit, Gedanken] |  |
 | to strike [attract attention] | 1598 auffallen |  |
 | to garner sth. [e.g. attention] | 444 etw.Akk. erlangen [z. B. Aufmerksamkeit] |  |
 | to mind sth. [pay attention, regard] | 422 etw. beachten |  |
 | to strike sb. [catch sb.'s attention] | 146 jdm. aufstoßen [ugs.] [unangenehm auffallen] |  |
 | to distract [attention] | 132 abziehen [Aufmerksamkeit] |  |
 | to give sb. sth. [attention, money, etc.] | 128 jdm. etw.Akk. zuwenden [Aufmerksamkeit, Geld etc.] |  |
 | to receive sth. [approval or acceptance, attention, etc.] | 22 etw. finden [Zustimmung, Beachtung etc.] |  |
 | [to design and construct sth. with great attention to detail] | etw. durchkonstruieren |  |
 | automot. rail sports [to go very slow with maximum attention, ready to stop any moment] | auf Sicht fahren |  |
 | to absorb sb. [take up sb.'s attention] | jdn. ganz in Anspruch nehmen |  |
 | to disregard sth. [pay no attention to] | von etw.Dat. absehen [außer Acht lassen] |  |
 | to engage sth. [attention, audience] | etw. auf sich ziehen [Aufmerksamkeit, Publikum] |  |
 | to engage sth. [attention, interest] | etw.Akk. in Anspruch nehmen [Aufmerksamkeit] |  |
 | to ignore [pay no attention to] | unbeachtet lassen |  |
 | to spotlight sth. [fig.] [to call attention to sth.] | auf etw.Akk. aufmerksam machen |  |
Nouns |
 | focus [attention] | 336 Hauptaugenmerk {n} |  |
 | care [carefulness, attention] | 151 Sorgfalt {f} |  |
 | spectacle [object of attention] | 92 Anblick {m} |  |
 | care [attention, devotion] | 59 Zuwendung {f} [zu jdm., für jdn.] |  |
 | tendance [rare] [care and attention] | 21 Pflege {f} [von Kranken etc.] |  |
 | sound [esp. one that might attract unwanted attention] [e.g. do not make a sound!] | 5 Muckser {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | bot. hort. [a plant which doesn't need much attention] | eine dankbare Pflanze {f} [fig.] [Topfpflanze, anspruchslos in der Pflege] |  |
 | [derogatory term for asylum seekers, drawing attention to their poverty] | Asylschnorrer {m} [pej.] |  |
 | unmindfulness [not paying attention] | Unaufmerksamkeit {f} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | Roll up! [exclamation used to get people's attention to sell something] | Treten Sie näher! [formelle Anrede] [als Aufforderung bes. bei Verkaufsveranstaltungen] |  |
 | mil. Ten-hup! [Am.] [military sl.] [attention] | Achtung! [Kommando] |  |
 | yoo-hoo! [coll.] [dated] [to attract attention] | juhu! [veraltend] [Betonung: ' - - ] [um Aufmerksamkeit zu wecken] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to be urgent [requiring or compelling speedy action or attention] | eilen [dringend sein] |  |
 | market. to bring eyeballs [coll.] [idiom] [generate attention] | Aufmerksamkeit generieren |  |
 | to call sb. out [to draw attention to their blameworthy behavior] | jdn. anprangern |  |
 | to compete for sth. [for attention etc.] | um etw.Akk. werben [um Aufmerksamkeit etc.] |  |
 | to compete for sth. [for attention etc.] | (miteinander) um etw.Akk. wettstreiten |  |
 | to hearken to sb./sth. [pay attention] [archaic] | jdm./etw. Beachtung schenken |  |
 | to introduce sb. to sth. [bring a subject to the attention of sb. for the first time] | jdn. an etw.Akk. heranführen [jdm. etw. näherbringen (und sein Interesse dafür wecken)] |  |
 | to knock sb. up [Br.] [wake or attract the attention of someone by knocking at their door] | jdn. herausklopfen [fig.] |  |
 | to make waves [fig.] [draw attention, have an impact] | Kreise ziehen [fig.] |  |
 | to switch off [stop paying attention or worrying about sth.] | abschalten [ugs.] [nicht mehr aufmerksam sein, Abstand gewinnen] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | market. AIDA principle [attention, interest, desire, action] | AIDA-Prinzip {n} [Aufmerksamkeit, Interesse, Verlangen, Handeln] |  |
 | focus area [focus of attention, concern] | Schwerpunktbereich {m} |  |
 | nutritional cocktail [stylized to grab attention] | Nährstoffcocktail {m} [leicht hum.] |  |
 | particular emphasis [attention] | besonderes Augenmerk {n} |  |
 | red herring [coll.] [diversion of attention from an item of significance] | Finte {f} [geh.] [Ablenkungsmanöver] |  |
 | self-publicist [attention-seeker] | Selbstdarsteller {m} |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | in the spotlight {adv} [fig.] [receiving a lot of public attention] | im Rampenlicht [fig.] [stark beachtet] |  |
 | in the spotlight {adv} [fig.] [receiving a lot of public attention] | im Brennpunkt des Interesses |  |
 | one-on-one {adj} [interview, attention] | Einzel- |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to be in evidence [get attention] | auffallen |  |
 | to bestow sth. on / upon sb. [to grant] [e.g. gift, attention] | jdm. etw.Akk. schenken [z. B. Geschenk, Aufmerksamkeit] |  |
 | to let sth. wash over sb. [to listen without paying attention] | sich berieseln lassen [ugs.] |  |
 | to zero in on sth. [focus one's attention on sth.] | sichAkk. auf etw.Akk. konzentrieren [sein Augenmerk auf etw. richten] |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | idiom to put sb./sth. in second place [pay little attention] | jdn./etw. stiefmütterlich behandeln |  |