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|  |
 | just {adv} [exactly, at the moment or very recently, barely] | 3596 gerade [genau, genau jetzt bzw kürzlich, knapp] |  |
 | present {adj} [at a location or event] | 1529 anwesend |  |
 | then {adv} [at that time] | 1488 damals |  |
 | once {adv} [at some time in the past] | 889 einst [geh.] [früher (einmal), vor langer Zeit] |  |
 | home {adv} [at home] | 750 daheim [bes. südd., österr. u. schweiz.] |  |
 | free {adj} [at no charge] | 713 kostenlos |  |
 | sporty {adj} [e.g. clothes, car] [esp. Br. also: good at sport] | 691 sportlich [flott (wirkend), z. B. Kleidung, Auto] [auch: gut im Sport] |  |
 | Godspeed! [a wish for good fortune, expressed at parting] | 627 Pfiati! [südd.] [Abschiedsgruß] [Gott behüte dich!] |  |
 | angry {adj} [at, about] | 618 böse [auf, über] |  |
 | up {adv} [at high place] | 519 oben |  |
 | contemporary {adj} [occurring at the same time] | 418 gleichzeitig [zur gleichen Zeit, in derselben Epoche] |  |
 | handy {adj} [close at hand] | 403 parat [zur Verfügung, griffbereit, z. B. Werkzeug] |  |
 | accessible {adj} [at an accessible price] | 392 erschwinglich |  |
 | down {adv} [at a low or lower position] | 281 unten |  |
 | intermittent {adj} [at regular intervals, recurrent] | 258 periodisch |  |
 | regardless {adv} [placed at the end: He did it regardless.] | 256 trotzdem [Er tat es trotzdem / doch / dennoch.] |  |
 | comm. ind. downstream {adj} [at a subsequent stage of a process] | 209 nachgelagert |  |
 | apart {adv} [at a distance] | 179 entfernt |  |
 | sb. disposed [had at one's disposal] | 167 jd. verfügte |  |
 | suggested {adj} {past-p} [hinted at, intimated] | 161 angedeutet |  |
 | verbose {adj} [in detail, at large] | 161 ausführlich |  |
 | prompt {adv} [postpos.] [Br.] [exactly, e.g. at three prompt] | 140 pünktlich [z. B. pünktlich um drei] |  |
 | noon {adj} [attr.] [taking place at or around noon] | 134 Mittags- |  |
 | quickly {adv} [at short notice] | 129 kurzfristig [rasch] |  |
 | outright {adv} [at once] | 122 gleich [sofort] |  |
 | exalted {adj} [of persons, at a high or powerful level] | 89 hochrangig |  |
 | nights {adv} [esp. Am.] [at night] | 74 nachts |  |
 | over {adv} [at some distance, as in a direction indicated] | 72 drüben |  |
 | once {adv} [at some time in the past, formerly] | 64 einstmals [geh.] [früher (einmal)] |  |
 | temporarily {adv} [at present] | 63 zurzeit <zz. / zzt.> |  |
 | actual {adj} [in use at the time] | 60 aktiv |  |
 | at {prep} [at the age of] | 53 mit [im Alter von] |  |
 | soon {adv} [at an early time] | 48 zeitig |  |
 | sb. disposes [has at one's disposal] | 47 jd. verfügt |  |
 | once {adv} [at some time in the past, formerly] | 42 vormals <vorm.> |  |
 | while {conj} [at the same time] | 37 gleichzeitig [hier in der Funktion einer Konjunktion] |  |
 | thankfully {adv} [used as a sentence adverb to express pleasure or relief at a fortunate outcome] | 35 dankenswerterweise |  |
 | alternatively {adv} [esp. at start of sentence or clause] | 22 wahlweise |  |
 | once {adv} [at some time in the past, formerly] | 18 einstens [geh.] [früher (einmal), vor langer Zeit] |  |
 | absent {adj} [not at home] | 16 ausgeflogen [ugs.] |  |
 | chipped {adj} [slightly damaged at the rim, e.g. china, pottery] | 13 bestoßen [abgestoßen, z. B. Porzellan, Keramik] |  |
 | today {adv} [at present] | 13 gegenwärtig [heute] |  |
 | strange {adj} [at] | 11 unerfahren [in] |  |
 | chez {prep} [Am.] [often hum.] [at, at the home of, at the business place of] | 9 bei |  |
 | easy {adj} [socially at ease] | 8 unbefangen |  |
 | med. stillborn {adj} [dead at birth] | 8 stillgeboren [Neol.] [totgeboren] |  |
 | [at least] {adv} | zumindestens [FALSCH für: zumindest] |  |
 | pleasant {adj} [esp. to look at] | 5 bakschierlich [österr.] [veraltet] |  |
 | present {adj} [at hand] | 5 vorfindlich |  |
 | 'least {adv} [coll.] [at least] | (na) wenigstens |  |