Dictionary English German: [associated]

Translation 1 - 24 of 24

English German
concomitant {adj} [formal] [naturally accompanying or associated with]
begleitend [attr.] [damit einhergehend]
concomitant {adj} [formal] [naturally accompanying or associated]damit einhergehend [attr.]
concomitant {adj} [formal] [naturally accompanying or associated]gleichzeitig bestehend [attr.] [damit einhergehend]
silvan {adj} [esp. literary] [associated with woods]des Waldes [nachgestellt]
sylvan {adj} [esp. literary] [associated with woods]des Waldes [nachgestellt]
gastr. bannock [a round, flat loaf, typically unleavened, associated with Scotland and northern England]
Bannockbrot {n} [Fladenbrot, ursprüngl. aus Schottland]
gastr. [a type of bacon associated with south Tyrolean cuisine]Südtiroler Speck {m}
[male associated with a team or a students' fraternity bearing "Borussia" in its name; e.g. common for members of the football teams "Borussia Mönchengladbach" and "Borussia Dortmund"]Borusse {m}
[municipality not associated with a county]kreisfreie Gemeinde {f}
acc. comm. fin. associate [associated company]assoziiertes Unternehmen {n}
biochem. perilipin <PLIN> [lipid droplet-associated protein]Perilipin {n} <PLIN>
2 Words
accompanied by {prep} [associated with, concomitant with]verbunden mit [+Dat.] [begleitet von, einhergehend mit]
connected with sth. {adj} {past-p} [associated]angedockt an etw.Akk.
pharm. very often {adj} [adverse effects associated with specific medications]sehr häufig [Produktinformation, Nebenwirkungen; Häufigkeitsdefinition nach MedDRA: mehr als 1 Behandelter von 10 (>10 %)]
biotech. weapons dark biotechnology [associated with biological weapons]schwarze Biotechnologie {f} [betr. biologische Waffen]
archi. relig. mountain church [often associated with miners]Bergkirche {f}
bibl. prophetic book [biblical book associated with a prophet]Prophetenbuch {n}
gastr. rehearsal dinner [Am.] [associated with a wedding rehearsal]Probe-Abendessen {n} [in den USA am Abend vor der Hochzeit]
med. rheumatic diseases {pl} [group of disorders associated with rheumatism]rheumatischer Formenkreis {m}
summer problem [covers a wide set of problems associated with summer]Sommerproblem {n}
Typhoid Mary [Mary Mallon, identified as an asymptomatic carrier of the pathogen associated with typhoid fever]Typhus-Mary {f} [Dauerausscheiderin von Typhus-Erregern]
3 Words
med. coital thunderclap headache [primary headache associated with sexual activity]primärer Donnerschlagkopfschmerz {m} [Sexualkopfschmerz]
med. Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome [dated] [pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration]Hallervorden-Spatz-Syndrom {n} [veraltet] [Neurodegeneration mit Eisenablagerung im Gehirn]
4 Words
med. disease of the poor [poverty-associated disease]Armutskrankheit {f}
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