Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: [assistance]

Übersetzung 1 - 24 von 24

Englisch Deutsch
relief [assistance]
Hilfe {f}
support [assistance, sponsorship]
Förderung {f}
support [assistance]
Hilfe {f}
succour [Br.] [assistance]
Unterstützung {f} [Hilfe]
support [assistance]
Zutun {n}
support [personal assistance and support]
Begleitung {f} [persönliche Unterstützung]
mil. relief [military assistance to an endangered post or force]
Entsatz {m}
favour [archaic] [aid, assistance]
Hilfestellung {f}
support [assistance]
Hilfeleistung {f} [Unterstützung]
educ. hist. sizar [a student at Trinity College, Dublin, or Cambridge on financial assistance]
Stipendiat {m} [am Trinity College, Dublin]
traffic TrVocab. [Austrian automobile club with roadside assistance service]Österreichischer Automobil-, Motorrad- und Touringclub {m} <ÖAMTC>
[country with liberal laws for people seeking assistance in dying]Sterbeparadies {n} [hum.]
jobs [members of the civil assistance force which is an alternative to military service in Switzerland]Zivilschützer {pl} [schweiz.]
FireResc [St. John Accident Assistance, St. John Ambulance Brigade; commonly referred to as "Die Johanniter" in Germany]Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe {f} e. V. <JUH> [Die Johanniter]
med. midwifery [assistance at childbirth]Hebammendienst {m}
sistance [coll.] [also: 'sistance] [assistance]Hilfe {f} [Unterstützung]
2 Wörter
to call upon sth. [e.g. sb.'s assistance]etw. in Anspruch nehmen [z. B. Hilfe]
zool. assistance animal [esp. an assistance dog]Assistenztier {n} [bes. ein Assistenzhund]
econ. EU geogr. assisted area [region eligible for aid, assistance]Fördergebiet {n} [bes. geförderte Region]
poor relief [assistance to the poor]Armenunterstützung {f}
service dog [assistance/medical response dog]Diensthund {m} [Assistenzhund, z. B. Blindenhund]
3 Wörter
hist. pol. economically valuable Jew [NSDAP term: a Jew who was to be afforded assistance by consular authorities]wirtschaftlich wertvoller Jude {m} <WWJ> [Passstempel]
jobs med. public assistance doctor [also: public-assistance doctor]Armenarzt {m}
5+ Wörter
hist. pol. unemployment assistance and social assistance [Germany]Arbeitslosenhilfe und Sozialhilfe [Deutschland]
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