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| thus {adv} [consequently, as a result] | 5808 folglich | |
| according {adj} {adv} {pres-p} [archaic as adv] | 2629 übereinstimmend | |
| once {conj} [as soon as] | 1899 sobald | |
| bold {adj} [dated] [so confident as to be impudent or presumptuous] | 1127 dreist [Person, Verhalten, Blick etc.] | |
| -wise {suffix} [coll.] [as regards] | 561 -mäßig [ugs.] | |
| thus {adv} [literary or formal] [as a result or consequence of this, therefore] | 528 daher [aus diesem Grund, deshalb] | |
| too {adv} [as well, also] | 492 ebenfalls | |
| through {prep} [as a result of] | 476 wegen <wg.> [+Gen., ugs. auch +Dat.] | |
| plain {adv} [simply, as such] | 457 schlichtweg | |
| ostensibly {adv} [outwardly appearing as such] | 428 vordergründig | |
| alone {adj} {adv} [as adjective, pred. only] | 417 einsam | |
| ling. archaic {adj} [no longer in general use, but still found in some contemporary texts (e.g. the Bible) and generally understood; a stronger term than »dated«, but not as strong as »obsolete«] | 408 veraltet | |
| thick {adj} [as in 2 metres thick, also: dense, extreme] | 390 stark [dick, dicht, extrem] | |
| ostensible {adj} [outwardly appearing as such] | 346 vordergründig | |
| while {conj} [as long as] | 299 solange | |
| when {conj} [as soon as] | 281 sobald | |
| Poppycock! [coll.] [used as an interjection] | 230 Papperlapapp! [ugs.] | |
| even {adv} [used as intensive to indicate something unexpected] | 228 überhaupt | |
| thereupon {adv} [formal] [immediately after (and as a result of) that] | 204 daraufhin [direkt danach und infolgedessen] | |
| already {adv} [coll.] [used as an intensifier to express exasperation or impatience] | 136 endlich | |
| law legally {adv} [as laid down by the law] | 134 gesetzlich | |
| featuring {prep} [having as a feature] | 130 mit | |
| feral {adj} [as of an animal] | 125 animalisch | |
| hence {adv} [as a consequence; for this reason] | 113 mithin [geh.] [folglich; deshalb] | |
| somewhen {adv} [some time] [rare, perceived as archaic or non-standard unless used as a stylistic device, esp. in combination with "somewhere" etc.] | 109 irgendwann | |
| designated {adj} {past-p} [for an office or a function, as a leader, etc.] | 101 ausersehen [geh.] [für ein Amt, als Leiter etc.] | |
| relig. ordained {adj} {past-p} [as a priest] | 101 geweiht [zum Priester] | |
| named {adj} {past-p} [mentioned; referred to as] | 72 genannt <gen.> | |
| over {adv} [at some distance, as in a direction indicated] | 72 drüben | |
| anyway {adv} [to intensify a question, as in: "What did you want, anyway?"] | 71 denn [als Verstärkung in Fragen, wie z. B.: "Was wolltest du denn?"] | |
| smiled {adj} {past-p} [rarely used as an adjective] | 71 gelächelt [als Adjektiv selten] | |
| since {conj} [as, because] | 69 nachdem [regional] [da, weil] | |
| generally {adv} [as a rule] | 63 meist | |
| law reserved [used as placeholder for deleted section of contract] | 62 entfällt | |
| incidental {adj} [as a consequence] | 57 anfallend [als Folge] | |
| sound [Br.] [coll.] [good, e.g. "Sound as a pound!"] | 51 sauber [ugs.] | |
| showed {past-p} [rare for shown as a past-p] | 48 gezeigt | |
| Quite. [as an answer] | 41 Genau. [als Antwort] | |
| sacking {adj} {pres-p} [coll.] [dismissing, as from a job] | 41 entlassend | |
| sb. opined [expressed as one's opinion] | 41 jd. meinte | |
| sth. chugged [as of motor, train, boat, etc.] | 36 etw. tuckerte | |
| thankfully {adv} [used as a sentence adverb to express pleasure or relief at a fortunate outcome] | 35 dankenswerterweise | |
| diet {adj} [as printed on the label of a food product or beverage] | 31 light [Aufschrift auf einer Lebensmittelverpackung] | |
| when {conj} [as soon as] | 30 bis [österr.] [sobald] | |
| fin. bonding {adj} [giving sth. as a bond, pawn] | 27 verpfändend | |
| fin. recoverable {adj} [used in conjunction with current assets such as inventories or receivables] | 24 werthaltig | |
| anat. med. centripetal {adj} [passing inward (as from a sense organ to the brain or spinal cord)] | 19 afferent [zentripetal; sensibles od. sensorisches Neuron] | |
| drugs tipsy {adj} [coll.] [tipping, unsteady, as if from intoxication] | 19 schwankend [Person] | |
| comm. ind. packaged {past-p} [separate items as a single unit] | 18 konfektioniert [in gewissen Mengen abgepackt] | |
| hist. serene {adj} [as part of an address, e.g. His Serene Highness] | 18 durchlauchtig | |