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 | facile {adj} [mind, work of art] | 755 oberflächlich |  |
 | contemporary {adj} [art, design] | 476 modern |  |
 | camp {adj} [coll.] [dramatic, theatrical; here: of / like a gay man] | 324 tuntenhaft [ugs.] [pej.] [von / in der Art einer Tunte] |  |
 | from {prep} [no art] | 251 vom [Präp. + Art.: von dem] |  |
 | facile {adj} [simple] | 120 einfach [Art, Methode, Technik] |  |
 | med. mycol. fungal {adj} [e.g. infection, infestation, species, spores, toxin] | 100 Pilz- [z. B. Infektion, Befall, Art, Sporen, Gift] |  |
 | thus {adv} | 83 derart [auf diese Art] |  |
 | decisive {adj} [of a person] | 75 bestimmt [Charakter, Art] |  |
 | art sb. executed [work of art] | 42 jd. schuf |  |
 | gastr. culinary {adj} [e.g. art, skills, studio] | 36 Koch- [z. B. Kunst, Künste, Studio] |  |
 | ash {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bark, cicada, grove, leaf, species, wood] | 25 Eschen- [z. B. Rinde, Zikade, Wäldchen, Blatt, Art, Holz] |  |
 | eagle {adj} [attr.] [e.g. capital, chick, feather, species] | 23 Adler- [z. B. Kapitell, Junges, Feder, Art] |  |
 | unrefined {adj} [manners] | 21 grobschlächtig [pej.] [Art] |  |
 | bee {adj} [attr.] [e.g. colony, species, allergy, hotel] | 19 Bienen- [z. B. Volk, Art, Allergie, Hotel] |  |
 | art Egyptianesque {adj} [art history, a retro-style] | 17 ägyptisierend [Kunstgeschichte] |  |
 | biol. specific {adj} | 14 Art- [auf eine (biologische) Art bezogen] |  |
 | fox {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cub, family, fur, hunt, species] | 14 Fuchs- [z. B. Welpe, Familie, Pelz, Jagd, Art] |  |
 | facile {adj} [art, style] | 11 gefällig |  |
 | sb. restores [building, work of art] | 11 jd. restauriert |  |
 | commercial {adj} [e.g. art, break, message, spot] | 11 Werbe- [z. B. Grafik, Pause, Botschaft, Spot] |  |
 | relig. apostolic {adj} [relating to the Apostles] | 10 apostolisch [von den Aposteln ausgehend, in der Art der Apostel; die Apostel und ihre Lehre betreffend] |  |
 | mus. fugal {adj} | 9 fugal [in der Art einer Fuge] |  |
 | rough {adj} [rustic] | 8 bäurisch [nach Art der Bauern, grob, z. B. Textilien] |  |
 | sb. restored [building, work of art] | 6 jd. restaurierte |  |
 | artful {adj} [showing art or skill] | 6 kunstreich [geh.] |  |
 | law Federal law supersedes state law. ["preemption doctrine", derived from the supremacy clause of Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution] | [„Bundesrecht hebt Länderrecht auf.“ - Grundsatz gemäß Artikel 6 der US-Verfassung; vergleichbar mit „Bundesrecht bricht Landesrecht.“, Art. 31 GG der BRD] |  |
 | art nude {adj} [e.g. art, drawing, model, painting, photography, study] | Akt- [z. B. Kunst, Zeichnung, Modell, Malerei, Fotografie, Studie] |  |
 | by the {prep} [prep+art] | am [an dem] |  |
 | near the {prep} [prep+art] | am [an dem] |  |
 | on the {prep} [prep+art] | am [an dem] |  |
 | on the {prep} [prep+art] | aufs [Abk.: auf das] |  |
 | to the {prep} [prep+art] | aufs [Abk.: auf das] |  |
 | by the {prep} [prep+art] | beim [bei dem] |  |
 | near the {prep} [prep+art] | beim [bei dem] |  |
 | bohemian {adj} [lifestyle] | bohemisch [selten] [in der Art der Boheme] |  |
 | Bohemish {adj} [rare] [lifestyle] | bohemisch [selten] [in der Art der Boheme] |  |
 | through the {prep} | durchs [Präp. + Art.: durch das] |  |
 | via the {prep} | durchs [Präp. + Art.: durch das] |  |
 | art lit. mus. highly romantic {adj} [refers to the quality of a work of art, not necessarily to the period it was produced in] | hochromantisch |  |
 | in {prep} [in cases where an article is used in German but not English, e.g. "im November"] | im [Präp. + Art.: in dem] |  |
 | in the {prep} | im [Präp. + Art.: in dem] |  |
 | a mite {adv} [coll.] [somewhat] | irgendwie [auf irgendeine Art und Weise] |  |
 | cooling {adj} [e.g. system, method, process] | Kühlungs- [System, Art / Methode, Vorgang] |  |
 | artistic {adj} [appreciative of art] | kunstempfänglich |  |
 | winsing {adj} [archaic] [winsome] | reizend [auf kindliche Art] |  |
 | abrasively {adv} [in a harsh and rough manner] | scharf [in einer schroffen und unfreundlichen Art] |  |
 | like this | so [auf diese Weise, von dieser Art] |  |
 | that way {adv} | so [auf diese Weise, von dieser Art] |  |
 | in this manner {adv} | so [auf diese Weise, von dieser Art] |  |
 | spazzy {adj} [sl.] | spastisch [fig.] [pej.] [in der Art eines Spastikers] |  |