Dictionary English German: [arms]

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folded {adj} {past-p} [arms]
for. [of a tree; so big that a man cannot put his arms around it with the fingertips just touching each other] {adj}
übergriffig [veraltet] [Baumstamm, den ein Mann nicht umklaftern kann]
herald. quartered {adj} {past-p} [coat of arms]quadriert [Wappen]
skinniest {adj} [e.g. arms, legs, neck]dünnste [magerste, dürrste] [z. B. Arme, Beine, Hals]
to swing [arms, legs etc.]
to cross [arms or legs]
to decommission [arms]
to pepper sb./sth. [fig.] [shoot at, extensively, mostly with small caliber arms]
jdn./etw. beschießen
to fold sth. [one's arms]
etw.Akk. unterschlagen [verschränken] [die Arme]
to embrace sth./sb. [to put one's arms around with the fingertips just touching each other; e.g. a tree, a person]
etw./jdn. umklaftern [veraltet] [mit ausgebreiteten Armen umfassen (sodass sich die Fingerspitzen eben berühren); z. B. einen Baum od. Menschen]
to necklace sb. [S.Afr.] [to kill sb. by placing a burning tyre round neck and arms; necklacing]
[jdn. durch einen brennenden Autoreifen um Hals und Arme töten; Necklacing]
to intertwine [branches, arms, etc.]sich (ineinander) verschlingen
to pepper [shoot, extensively with small caliber arms]pfeffern [österr.] [schießen]
colleague [comrade-in-arms, ally]
Mitstreiter {m}
ind. mil. weapons armory [Am.] [arms factory]
Waffenfabrik {f}
flambeau [candlestick with several arms]
Leuchter {m} [mehrarmig]
folding [arms]
Verschränkung {f} [Arme]
med. spec. VetMed. abrachius [person or animal without arms (malformation)]Abrachius {m} [Mensch ohne Arme bzw. Tier ohne Vordergliedmaßen (Fehlbildung)]
mil. alarm [archaic] [summons to arms]Ruf {m} zu den Waffen
mil. alarum [archaic] [call to arms]Ruf {m} zu den Waffen
ind. mil. weapons armoury [Br.] [Am. usage: arms factory]Waffenfabrik {f}
brawn [esp. in arms and shoulders]Irxenschmalz {n} [bayer.] [Muskelkraft, hauptsächlich in Armen und Schultern]
2 Words: Others
big strong {adj} [e. g. arms, thighs, calves]prall [z. B. Arme, Schenkel, Waden]
stretched up {adj} {past-p} [arms, etc.]emporgestreckt [geh.] [Arme usw.]
toned (up) {adj} {past-p} [arms, legs etc.]getont [durchtrainiert, von Armen, Beinen usw.]
2 Words: Verbs
herald. to bear arms [coat of arms](ein) Wappen führen
to stretch sth. up [arms, etc.]etw. emporstrecken [geh.] [Arme usw.]
2 Words: Nouns
bat wings {pl} [coll.] [flappy undersides of the upper arms]Winkfett {n} [ugs.]
bingo wings [coll.] [saggy flaps of skin under the arms]Winkarme {pl} [ugs.]
bingo wings [coll.] [saggy flaps of skin under the arms]Winkearme {pl} [ugs.]
hist. mil. combat command <CC> [combined-arms organization of armored forces of the U.S. Army 1942–1963]Kampfgruppe {f} <KG> [Organisationsform der gepanzerten Streitkräfte der US Army 1942–1963]
herald. heraldic blanket [with the rider's coat of arms]Wappendecke {f} [mit dem Familienwappen des Reiters]
mil. military compulsion [by force or threat of arms]militärischer Zwang {m}
sports pencil jump [diving technique; feet first with your arms held tightly to your sides]Kerze {f} [ugs.] [z. B. beim Turmspringen; Sprung mit den Füßen zuerst, Arme eng am Körper angelegt]
raising / lowering [also of parts of the body, e.g. arms]Heben / Senken {n} [auch der Körperteile, z. B. Arme]
recipient nation [funds, arms, etc.]Nehmerland {n}
3 Words: Others
beyond arm's reach {adv} [not near enough to reach by extending one's arm]außer Reichweite [nicht zu erreichen durch Ausstrecken des Arms]
pol. Virtute et armis [USA] [Mississippi state motto: by valor and arms][Motto des US-Staates Mississippi: mit / durch Tugend und Waffen]
within arm's reach {adv} [near enough to reach by extending one's arm]in Reichweite [leicht zu erreichen durch Ausstrecken des Arms]
3 Words: Nouns
mil. brothers in arms [also: brothers-in-arms]Kriegskameraden {pl}
mil. brothers-in-arms [also: brothers in arms]Kampfgefährten {pl}
fellow in arms [comrade-in-arms]Waffenbruder {m} [geh.]
4 Words: Nouns
herald. alliance coat of arms [also: alliance coat-of-arms]Allianzwappen {n}
herald. Swiss coat of arms [coat of arms of Switzerland]Schweizerwappen {n}
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. mil. badge for destruction of strafing warplanes [by individual small-arms fire] [WW II German Armed Forces]Tieffliegervernichtungsabzeichen {n} [dt. Wehrmacht]
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