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|  |
 | flimsy {adj} [pej.] [argument, excuse, etc.] | 1938 fadenscheinig [fig.] [pej.] [Argument, Ausrede etc.] |  |
 | spurious {adj} | 1849 fadenscheinig [Argument] |  |
 | substantial {adj} | 1574 wesentlich [Unterschied, Argument] |  |
 | unassailable {adj} | 1001 unanfechtbar [Argument usw.] |  |
 | coherent {adj} [argument, reasoning etc.] | 796 schlüssig |  |
 | resolved {adj} {past-p} [argument, issue, dispute, etc.] | 340 geklärt |  |
 | cloudy {adj} [argument, position, point of view] | 327 diffus |  |
 | cloudy {adj} [argument, position, point of view] | 318 unklar |  |
 | untenable {adj} | 132 hinfällig [Argument] |  |
 | counter- {prefix} [e.g. attack, strike, balance, argument] | 130 Gegen- [z. B. Angriff, Schlag, Gewicht, Argument] |  |
 | irrefutable {adj} [argument] | 97 unangreifbar [Argument] |  |
 | threadbare {adj} [argument] | 87 abgedroschen [ugs.] |  |
 | substantive {adj} [evidence, argument] | 48 stichhaltig |  |
 | tempestuous {adj} [argument, rage] | 48 heftig |  |
 | substantial {adj} [argument] | 37 stichhaltig |  |
 | pellucid {adj} [e.g. argument] | 30 einleuchtend |  |
 | weighty {adj} | 28 triftig [Grund, Argument] |  |
 | unsound {adj} [ill-founded] | 27 anfechtbar [Gesetz, Argument] |  |
 | conclusive {adj} | 26 zwingend [Schluss, Argument] |  |
 | irrelevant {adj} | 13 sachfremd [Argument etc.] |  |
 | wifty {adj} [esp. N. Am.] [coll.] [vague] [of thinking, argument, etc.] | 7 vage |  |
 | telling {adj} [argument] | 6 schlagend [Argument] |  |
 | quibbled {adj} {past-p} | 5 ausgewichen [einem Argument] |  |
 | argumentative {adv} [given to argument] | argumentierfreudig |  |
 | revisited {adj} {past-p} [argument, issue] | erneut aufgegriffen |  |
 | revisited {adj} {past-p} [argument, issue] | wieder aufgegriffen |  |
 | thoughtful {adj} [argument, etc.] | wohldurchdacht [geh.] |  |
 | unaired {adj} [argument] | nicht vorgebracht |  |
 | unanswerable {adj} [irrefutable] [e.g. argument] | unwiderleglich [z. B. Argument] |  |
 | unsound {adj} [ill-founded] | wenig stichhaltig [Argument] |  |
Verbs |
 | to undergird sth. [e.g. argument, theory] | 542 etw.Akk. untermauern [z. B. Argument, Theorie] |  |
 | to follow [the argument, explanation, etc] | 346 mitdenken |  |
 | to maintain [position in an argument] | 57 verfechten |  |
 | to provoke sth. [an argument etc.] | 55 etw. anzetteln [pej.] [einen Streit etc.] |  |
 | to weaken [also fig.] | 36 entkräften [schwächen] [auch fig.: Argument etc.] |  |
 | to fabricate sth. [fig.] [e.g. an alibi] | 12 etw.Akk. zusammenzimmern [fig.] [ugs.] [Argument, Alibi etc.] |  |
 | to neutralise sth. [Br.] [the force of an argument] | etw.Dat. die Spitze nehmen [Redewendung] |  |
 | to neutralize sth. [the force of an argument] | etw.Dat. die Spitze nehmen [Redewendung] |  |
 | to revisit sth. [argument, issue] | nochmals auf etw.Akk. zurückkommen |  |
 | to settle [settle someplace; NOT e.g. to settle an argument] | sich ansiedeln |  |
Nouns |
 | proposition [argument] | 766 These {f} |  |
 | rebuttal [of argument, contention] | 714 Widerlegung {f} |  |
 | spat [quarrel, short argument] | 702 Zank {m} [bes. um Nichtigkeiten] |  |
 | dispute [argument] | 668 Auseinandersetzung {f} [Diskussion, Debatte] |  |
 | validity [of argument] | 408 Stichhaltigkeit {f} |  |
 | hassle [coll.] [argument] | 405 Auseinandersetzung {f} [Streit] |  |
 | thesis [argument, hypothesis] | 226 These {f} |  |
 | polemic [controversial argument] | 92 Wortgefecht {n} |  |
 | contest [argument] | 82 Auseinandersetzung {f} [Streit] |  |
 | issue [argument] | 80 Streitfall {m} |  |