| English  | German |  |
 | due {adj} [appropriate] | 2917 passend [angemessen] |  |
 | decent {adj} [appropriate] | 2563 angemessen |  |
 | apt {adj} [appropriate] | 507 passend |  |
 | relevant {adj} [appropriate] | 391 passend [angebracht, treffend] |  |
 | childish {adj} [of, like, or appropriate to a child] | 374 kindlich |  |
 | expedient {adj} [appropriate, advantageous] | 365 angebracht [zweckdienlich] |  |
 | fitting {adj} [appropriate] | 108 geeignet [Moment, Zeitpunkt] |  |
 | becoming {adj} [appropriate, decorous] | 96 schicklich [geh.] |  |
 | just {adj} [suitable, appropriate] | 90 angemessen |  |
 | proper {adj} [appropriate] | 38 sachgemäß |  |
 | opportune {adj} [appropriate, suitable] | 34 opportun [geh.] [angebracht, angemessen] |  |
 | expedient {adj} [suitable, appropriate] | 22 schicklich [geh.] |  |
 | seasonable {adj} [appropriate] | 15 passend [angebracht] |  |
 | U {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [dated] [characteristic of or appropriate to the upper class] | oberschichtstypisch [charakteristisch für die britische Oberschicht oder ihren Normen entsprechend] |  |
 | unkingly {adj} {adv} [not appropriate to a king] | unköniglich |  |
Verbs |
 | to bump sb. [coll.] [to dislodge, to appropriate the privileges of] | 47 jdn. verdrängen [von seinem Platz usw.] |  |
 | to become sb. [be appropriate, befit] | 20 jdm. geziemen [veraltend] |  |
 | to become sb. [be appropriate, befit] | 18 jdm. ziemen [veraltend] [geh.] |  |
 | to become sb. [be appropriate, befit] | sichAkk. für jdn. ziemen [veraltend] [geh.] |  |
 | to get sth. [appropriate] | sichDat. etw. aneignen |  |
Nouns |
 | gastr. ... cake [unless "tart", "pie", "quiche" or "flan" is more appropriate] | -kuchen {m} |  |
 | [things that are appropriate, suitable, adequate, commensurate, apt, fair, etc.] | Angemessenheiten {pl} [selten] |  |
3 Words |
 | in the wings {adv} [fig.] [ready to do something or to be used at the appropriate time] | in den Startlöchern [fig.] [auf Abruf bereitstehen] |  |
 | sth. is in order [appropriate] | etw. ist geboten |  |
 | to be in order [appropriate] | angebracht sein |  |
4 Words |
 | to earn a decent living [coll.] [to get an appropriate income] | ein ordentliches Einkommen haben [ugs.] [ein angemessenes Einkommen erhalten] |  |
 | to see fit to do sth. [to consider it appropriate] | es für angebracht halten, etw. zu tun |  |
 | zool. bones and raw food <BARF> [biologically appropriate raw food] | biologisch artgerechtes rohes Futter {n} <BARF> |  |