| English  | German |  |
 | neat {adj} [person or appearance, also: lawn, etc.] | 6124 gepflegt [Person od. Erscheinung, auch: Rasen etc.] |  |
 | unkempt {adj} [appearance] | 1222 ungepflegt |  |
 | neat {adj} [attire, appearance] | 568 adrett |  |
 | sleek {adj} [appearance] | 517 gepflegt |  |
 | smart {adj} [appearance] | 433 gepflegt |  |
 | smart {adj} [appearance] | 389 adrett [hübsch, gepflegt] |  |
 | blowsy {adj} [esp. Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [of a woman: untidy in appearance] | 356 schlampig [ugs.] [pej.] [über das äußere Erscheinungsbild einer Frau] |  |
 | camp {adj} [appearance, style] | 324 aufgedonnert |  |
 | disheveled {adj} [Am.] [person, appearance] | 238 ungepflegt |  |
 | dishevelled {adj} [Br.] [person, appearance] | 235 ungepflegt |  |
 | flashy {adj} [appearance] | 82 halbseiden [fig.] [Aussehen, Kleidung] |  |
 | ungainly {adj} [appearance] | 71 unansehnlich |  |
 | distinguished {adj} [of personal appearance] | 69 repräsentativ |  |
 | cheap {adj} [person, behaviour, appearance] | 33 ordinär |  |
 | android {adj} [sci-fi: with human appearance] | 16 android [menschenförmig, menschgestaltig] |  |
 | marked {adj} {past-p} [face, personal appearance by e.g. illness] | 16 gezeichnet [von Krankheit, Leid etc.] |  |
 | outward {adj} [appearance, impression] | 14 äußere [Schein, Eindruck] |  |
 | smart {adj} [appearance] | 14 schnittig |  |
 | smugger {adj} [smarter, more spruce in appearance] | 7 eleganter [bei Kleidung, Erscheinung] |  |
 | biol. [like a string of beads in appearance] {adj} | 5 perlschnurartig |  |
 | blowzed {adj} [archaic] [disheveled in appearance, unkempt] | zerzaust |  |
 | camp {adj} [performance, style, appearance] | (bewusst) übertrieben |  |
 | enforced {adj} [e.g. appearance, break, prostitution, stay] | Zwangs- [z. B. Vorführung, Pause, Prostitution, Aufenthalt] |  |
 | sobersided {adj} [solemn or serious in nature or appearance] | gesetzt [ruhig und besonnen, in sich gefestigt] |  |
 | superficially {adv} [as to the outward appearance only] | oberflächlich betrachtet |  |
 | unimposing {adj} [not imposing or impressive in appearance] | unbeeindruckend |  |
Verbs |
 | to magnify sth. [enlarge in appearance] | 589 etw.Akk. vergrößern [größer erscheinen lassen] |  |
 | to appear [have the appearance of being, look] [e.g. appear modest] | sich ausnehmen [geh.] [wirken, erscheinen] [z. B. sich bescheiden ausnehmen] |  |
Nouns |
 | toilet [bowl; room; process of washing oneself, dressing, and attending to one's appearance] | 32767 Toilette {f} [Klosettbecken; Raum; geh.: das Sichankleiden bzw. Sichzurechtmachen] |  |
 | appearance [personal appearance, exterior] [also: visitation] | 1556 Erscheinung {f} |  |
 | guise [appearance] | 722 Gestalt {f} |  |
 | mien [facial appearance, demeanour] | 168 Miene {f} |  |
 | jobs gig [job of limited duration, esp. musical appearance] | 148 Job {m} [bes. vorübergehend] |  |
 | bearing [of a person, appearance and manner] | 134 Habitus {m} [geh.] [Gesamterscheinungsbild] |  |
 | appearances [acts of appearance] | 125 Auftritte {pl} |  |
 | hustings [Br.] [candidate's appearance] | 61 Wahlkampfauftritt {m} |  |
 | physique [appearance] | 46 Figur {f} |  |
 | cast [container, shape, appearance] | 43 Form {f} |  |
 | aspect [appearance] | 37 Aussehen {n} |  |
 | appearence [WRONG for: appearance] | [Aussehen, Erscheinung usw.] |  |
 | pol. RadioTV sports outing [appearance in a show] | 28 Auftritt {m} [in einer Show etc.] |  |
 | figure [human form, appearance] | 19 Erscheinung {f} [Gestalt] |  |
 | esot. psych. relig. visitation [unexpected appearance of a ghost, a dead person, the Virgin Mary, etc.] | 19 Erscheinung {f} [unerwartetes Sehen eines Geistes, eines Verstorbenen, der Jungfrau Maria etc.] |  |
 | aspect [appearance] | 17 Erscheinung {f} [Anblick, Aussehen] |  |
 | aspect [appearance] | 15 Erscheinungsbild {n} |  |
 | face [appearance] | 15 Anschein {m} |  |
 | pol. RadioTV sports outing [appearance of an athlete in a sports event] | 15 Einsatz {m} [Auftritt eines Sportlers bei einer Sportveranstaltung] |  |
 | seeming [literary] [external appearance, especially when distinguished from true character] | 12 Erscheinungsbild {n} |  |
 | art cosmet. film prosthetics [treated as sg.] [art of changing a person's appearance temporarily] | 7 Prothetik {f} [in der Maskenbildnerei] |  |
 | dissoluteness [of appearance] | 6 Verlebtheit {f} |  |