| English | German | |
| roundabout {adj} [answer, question] | 358 umständlich | |
| definite {adj} [answer, statement, decision etc.] | 357 klar [Antwort, Aussage, Entscheidung etc.] | |
| model {adj} [attr.] [e.g. answer, contract, city, husband] | 220 Muster- [z. B. Antwort, Vertrag, Stadt, Gatte] | |
| gruff {adj} [reply, answer] | 193 bärbeißig | |
| dilatory {adj} [answer] | 53 verspätet | |
| Quite. [as an answer] | 41 Genau. [als Antwort] | |
| glib {adj} [answer] | 27 flinkzüngig | |
| positive {adj} [evidence, answer] | 16 definitiv | |
| circumlocutionary {adj} [answer, question] | 13 umständlich [Antwort, Frage] | |
| inoffensive {adj} [remark, answer etc.] | 5 unverfänglich [Bemerkung, Antwort usw.] | |
| proverb [used e.g. by actors to answer a good wish out of the superstition that giving thanks would bring bad luck] | Wird schon schiefgehen! [ugs.] | |
| glib {adj} [pej.] [e.g. report, answer] | glattgebügelt [fig.] [z. B. Bericht, Antwort] | |
| Pleasure. [as an answer to: thank you] | Aber bitte. | |
| Splendid! [answer to a query regarding one's health] | Ganz ausgezeichnet! [Antwort auf eine Frage nach dem eigenen Befinden] | |
Verbs |
| to return [to answer, respond] | 83 antworten | |
| educ. to pick sb. [teacher: pick a pupil to answer a question or do a task] | 36 jdn. drannehmen [ugs.] [Lehrer: einen Schüler aufrufen] | |
| RadioTV [to participate in sth. as a viewer or member of an audience e.g. a game show, in order to hazard a guess at the answer of a posed question] | bei etw.Dat. mitraten | |
| RadioTV to enter sth. [answer] | etw. einloggen [ugs.] [Antwort bei Quizsendungen im Fernsehen] | |
| to ring sth. [to encircle] [word, correct answer, etc.] | etw.Akk. einkreisen [Wort, richtige Antwort, usw.] | |
Nouns |
| response [answer-back] | 3189 Rückmeldung {f} | |
| dismissal [refusal, negative answer] | 231 Ablehnung {f} | |
| response [answer] | 226 Erwiderung {f} | |
| response [answer] | 95 Antwort {f} | |
| reaction [answer, commentary] | 82 Stellungnahme {f} | |
| response [answer-back] | 42 Rückantwort {f} | |
| reaction [answer] | 39 Antwort {f} | |
| dance [former East German dance, GDR's answer to rock 'n' roll] | Lipsi {m} | |
| sockdolager [sl.] [conclusive answer] | entscheidende Antwort {f} [schlagendes Argument] | |
2 Words: Others |
| in exasperation {adv} [answer, moan, etc.] | genervt [antworten, stöhnen etc.] | |
| It's free. [as an answer to question] | Macht nichts. [ugs.] [als Antwort auf Frage] [Kostet nichts.] | |
| of course {adv} [as an answer] | ohne Weiteres [als Antwort] | |
| Quite well. [answer to a query regarding one's health] | Ziemlich gut. [Antwort auf eine Frage nach dem eigenen Befinden] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to ease (nature) [to answer the call of nature] | sichAkk. erleichtern [seine Notdurft verrichten] | |
| to have sth. ready [an answer, excuse etc.] | etw. parat haben [Antwort, Ausrede etc.] | |
| educ. to pick on sb. [to select sb. to answer a question in a classroom] | jdn. drannehmen [böswillig oder fordernd] | |
| to work out sth. [find the answer to sth.] | etw.Akk. herausfinden | |
| to work sth. out [find the answer to sth.] | etw.Akk. rausfinden [ugs.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| Q&A session [coll.] [question-and-answer session, e.g. at a press conference] | Frage-Antwort-Runde {f} [z. B. bei einer Pressekonferenz] | |
| softball question [coll.] [fig.] [a simple-to-answer question in place of a sensitive or embarrassing question] | Gefälligkeitsfrage {f} | |
| pol. town hall [political event in which politicians answer audience questions] | [politische Veranstaltung, bei der Politiker Publikumsfragen beantworten] | |
3 Words: Others |
| Be my guest! [coll.] [as an answer to a request] | Aber natürlich! [als Antwort auf eine Bitte] | |
| By all means. [as answer to question] | Ich bitte darum. | |
| Not too bad. [answer to a query regarding one's health] | Na ja, es geht so. [Antwort auf eine Frage nach dem eigenen Befinden] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| telecom. to answer the telephone [to lift the receiver and answer] | den Hörer abheben [weil das Telefon klingelt] | |
| telecom. to answer the telephone [to lift the receiver and answer] | den Hörer abnehmen [weil das Telefon klingelt] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| games million-dollar question [most difficult to answer] | Millionenfrage {f} [fig.] [entscheidende Frage] | |
| short-term solution [short-term answer to a problem] | kurzfristige Lösung {f} [kurzfristige Bewältigung eines Problems] | |
4 Words: Others |
| All of the above. [answer in a multiple-choice test] | Alle Aussagen treffen zu. [Antwortmöglichkeit bei Multiple-Choice-Test] | |
| All of the above. [answer in multiple-choice tests] | Alle Antworten sind richtig. [Antwortmöglichkeit in einem Multiple-Choice-Test] | |
| None of the above. [answer in a multiple-choice test] | Keine der Aussagen trifft zu. [Antwortmöglichkeit bei Multiple-Choice-Test] | |
| Not in the slightest! [as answer] | Nicht die Spur! [ugs.] | |
| Prefer not to say [answer option in surveys/questionnaires] | Keine Angabe [Antwortoption in Umfragen/auf Fragebögen] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| proverb No answer is an answer. | Keine Antwort ist auch eine Antwort. | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| to be not far to seek [idiom] [reason, explanation, cause, answer, etc.] | auf der Hand liegen [Redewendung] | |
| to be staring sb. in the face [fig.] [idiom] [e.g. answer] | klar auf der Hand liegen [Idiom] [z. B. Antwort] | |
| to be staring sb. in the face [idiom] [e.g. answer] | direkt vor jdm. liegen [fig.] [z. B. Antwort] | |