Dictionary English German: [annual]

Translation 1 - 22 of 22

English German
Oktoberfest [annual festival in Munich, Germany]
Oktoberfest {n}
fair [annual]
Kerb {f} [regional: Kirchweih]
hunting [annual game harvest plan]Abschussplan {m}
publ. theatre [annual publication containing detailed information on all German-speaking theatres](Deutsches) Bühnenjahrbuch {n}
sports [annual sport event for children and youths at German schools]Bundesjugendspiele {pl}
hist. lit. [literary annual, Almanach des Muses]Musenalmanach {m}
bot. annual [annual plant]Annuelle {f} [annuelle Pflanze]
bot. annuals [annual plants]Annuellen {pl} [annuelle Pflanzen]
geogr. varve [annual sedimentary layer]Jahresschicht {f} [Warve] [Sedimentation eines Jahres]
2 Words
Erlangen Bergkirchweih [traditional annual beer festival in Erlangen, Germany; third biggest fair in Bavaria](Erlanger) Bergkirchweih {f} [auch „der Berg“ oder fränkisch „Berch“]
Flag Day [annual day of remembrance] [Am.]Gedenktag {m} der US-Flagge [14. Juni]
Remembrance Sunday [formerly Armistice Day] [annual day of remembrance] [Commonwealth]Gedenktag {m} zum Ende des 1. Weltkriegs
Veterans Day [annual day of remembrance - formerly Armistice Day] [Am.]Gedenktag {m} zum Ende des 1. Weltkriegs
3 Words
a salary of ... [annual or monthly figure]ein Gehalt {n} in Höhe von ... [jährlich oder monatlich]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
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