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| decisive {adj} [able to decide something quickly and with confidence] | 3122 entscheidungsfreudig | |
| domestic {adj} [work, violence, duties, etc.; also: person (fond of family life and running a home)] | 2858 häuslich [Arbeit, Gewalt, Pflichten etc.; auch: Person] | |
| ling. obsolete {adj} <obs.> [No longer in use, and no longer likely to be understood. Obsolete is a stronger term than archaic, and a much stronger term than dated.] | 2332 veraltet | |
| us {pron} [direct and indirect object] | 1998 uns | |
| after {prep} [later in time than; next to and following in order or importance] | 1799 nach [+Dat.] <n.> [zeitlich; zur Angabe einer Reihenfolge oder Rangfolge] | |
| wee {adj} [esp. Scot. and NZ] | 1596 klein | |
| reliable {adj} [proven, tried and tested] | 1481 bewährt | |
| you {pron} [singular and plural subject and direct object] [formal] | 1432 Sie [formelle Anrede] | |
| austere {adj} [joyless and strict] | 1417 streng | |
| you {pron} [singular and plural indirect object] | 1317 Ihnen [formelle Anrede] | |
| stuffy {adj} [pej.] [conventional and narrow-minded] | 1165 spießig [ugs.] [pej.] [Person] | |
| placid {adj} [calm and peaceful (scene, waters etc.)] | 1122 friedlich [von Frieden erfüllt, ruhig, beschaulich] | |
| swanky {adj} [coll.] [pretentiously stylish, luxurious and expensive] | 1120 protzig [ugs.] | |
| flimsy {adj} [thin and light] | 1017 hauchdünn [Stoff, Kleid etc.] | |
| seamless {adj} [fig.] [perfect and having no flaws or errors] | 884 makellos | |
| the [sg. female and plural] | 863 die [weiblicher Artikel; Artikel im Plural] | |
| childish {adj} [pej.] [silly and immature] | 840 kindisch [pej.] | |
| massive {adj} [large and heavy, bulky] | 799 wuchtig [schwer und massig, massiv] | |
| sultry {adj} [hot and humid; also fig.: sexually enthralling (e.g. voice)] | 715 schwül [Wetter, Tag etc.; auch fig.: sinnlich, erotisch (z. B. Stimme)] | |
| pol. sociol. queer {adj} [in place of LGBT or gay] [more politically correct and inclusive] | 673 queer [für alle LGBT-Formen] [fachsprachlich oder Szenejargon] | |
| wee {adj} [esp. Scot. and NZ] | 650 winzig | |
| swanky {adj} [coll.] [pretentiously stylish, luxurious and expensive] | 648 großkotzig [ugs.] [protzig] | |
| damp {adj} [slightly wet and cold, e.g. November day] | 628 feuchtkalt [Novembertag etc.] | |
| meteo. fair {adj} [weather: fine and dry] | 622 heiter | |
| chilly {adj} [unpleasantly cold; also fig.: distant and cool] | 571 frostig [unangenehm kalt; auch fig.: abweisend, unfreundlich] | |
| you {pron} [plural direct and indirect object] [informal] | 570 euch | |
| relaxed {adj} [easy and informal in manner] | 542 gelassen [entspannt, lässig, locker] | |
| multifarious {adj} [many and various] | 501 vielfältig | |
| swanky {adj} [coll.] [pretentiously stylish, luxurious and expensive] | 499 angeberisch [ugs.] [protzig] | |
| ragged {adj} [imperfect and faulty, e.g. piece of work] | 468 stümperhaft [pej.] [z. B. Arbeit] | |
| your {pron} [formal sg. and pl.] [your house, dog, support, etc.] | 448 Ihr [Possessivpron.] | |
| tranquil {adj} [calm and peaceful] | 441 friedlich [ruhig und beschaulich (Leben, Anblick etc.)] | |
| ling. archaic {adj} [no longer in general use, but still found in some contemporary texts (e.g. the Bible) and generally understood; a stronger term than »dated«, but not as strong as »obsolete«] | 408 veraltet | |
| doting {adj} [extremely and uncritically fond of someone] | 381 vernarrt [bes. Eltern oder Großeltern in Bezug auf ihre Kinder bzw. Enkel] | |
| wee {adj} [esp. Scot. and NZ] | 375 lütt [nordd.] [ugs.] [klein] | |
| the [acc., sg. and pl.] | 311 den | |
| funky {adj} [coll.] [modern and stylish in an unconventional or striking way] | 304 irre [ugs.] [salopp] [vom Üblichen abweichend, ausgefallen] | |
| textil. filmy {adj} [thin and light] | 255 hauchdünn | |
| stuffy {adj} [hot and airless] | 227 schwül [Raum] | |
| me {pron} [Br.] [coll.] [I] [e.g. John and me went to the cinema] | 210 ich | |
| thereupon {adv} [formal] [immediately after (and as a result of) that] | 205 daraufhin [direkt danach und infolgedessen] | |
| stout {adj} [brave and resolute] | 187 entschlossen [Handeln; Person] | |
| underhand {adj} [sneaky and dishonest] [more commonly: underhanded] | 184 hinterfotzig [derb] [hinterlistig] | |
| seamless {adj} [fig.] [perfect and having no flaws or errors] | 179 einwandfrei | |
| tiresome {adj} [(boring and) annoying] | 149 leidig [attr.] | |
| sb. commuted [travelled between home and work] | 147 jd. pendelte | |
| flat {adj} [having a smooth and even surface] | 146 plan [bes. Fachsprache] | |
| terse {adj} [brief and pithy] | 127 lapidar [geh.] | |
| commuted {past-p} [travelled between home and work] | 125 gependelt | |
| this [determiner (adjective) and masculine direct object (pronoun)] | 115 den | |