![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/label_cm.gif) | English ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/s1.gif) » Restrict search to this language
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![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | sick {adj} [nauseous] | 4027 übel [an Übelkeit leidend] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | obstinate {adj} | 2413 stur [ugs.] [pej.] [eigensinnig an seinen Vorstellungen o. Ä. festhaltend] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | descendant {adj} [descending from an ancestor] | 1355 stammend | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | appropriate {adj} [for an occasion] | 1268 zweckmäßig | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | henceforth {adv} | 1127 fortan [geh.] [von da an] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | surface {adj} [attr.] | 1088 oberflächlich [Oberflächen-, sich an oder auf der Oberfläche befindend] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | same {adj} [of an identical type] | 1046 gleich | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | sketchy {adj} [Am.] [coll.] [skiing, etc.] [not completely safe or not completely honest] | 808 grenzwertig [meist ugs.] [an der Grenze des Zulässigen oder Sicheren] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | unusually {adv} [preceding an adjective or adverb] | 761 selten [vor Adjektiven oder Adverbien] [besonders, ungewöhnlich] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | by {prep} [e.g. by my side, by the fireside, by the sea] | 483 an [+Dat.] [z. B. an meiner Seite, am Kamin, am Meer] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | math. integral {adj} [of or denoted by an integer] | 394 ganzzahlig | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | accessible {adj} [at an accessible price] | 391 erschwinglich | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | sth. increases | 322 etw. wächst [steigt an] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | baby {adj} [attr.] [of an animal: young] | 316 klein [Tier: jung] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | funky {adj} [coll.] [modern and stylish in an unconventional or striking way] | 304 irre [ugs.] [salopp] [vom Üblichen abweichend, ausgefallen] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | domestic {adj} [from an American viewpoint] | 302 inneramerikanisch | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | Regards, ... | 274 Gruß ... [an Briefende] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | understandably {adv} [in an understandable manner] | 237 verständlich | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | instead {adv} | 234 dafür [an Stelle, als Ersatz] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | Poppycock! [coll.] [used as an interjection] | 230 Papperlapapp! [ugs.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | non- {prefix} [before an adj./adv.] | 214 nicht- [vor einem Adj./Adv.; oft als ein Wort ohne Bindestrich] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | finished {adj} {past-p} [brought to an end; also: personally ruined or failed in some major role] | 208 erledigt [beendet, fertig; auch ugs.: ruiniert, am Ende (Person)] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | henceforth {adv} | 200 nunmehr [geh.] [von jetzt an] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | aligned {adj} {past-p} | 192 angepasst [an eine Linie, ein Programm] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | open {adj} [with an open mind] | 188 aufgeschlossen [empfänglich] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | sb./sth. faltered [stopped] | 187 jd./etw. stockte [hielt an] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | arousing {pres-p} [evoking (an emotion)] | 182 erregend [(ein bestimmtes Gefühl) erweckend, hervorrufend] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | they {pron} [non-gender-specific] [after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of "he" or "she" or "he or she"] | 147 [geschlechtsneutral, statt „er“ oder „sie“ oder „er oder sie“] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | mil. sports overrun {adj} {past-p} [an enemy position] | 138 überlaufen | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | already {adv} [coll.] [used as an intensifier to express exasperation or impatience] | 136 endlich | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | feral {adj} [as of an animal] | 125 animalisch | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | responsible {adj} [for] | 107 schuldig [an] [verantwortlich] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | designated {adj} {past-p} [for an office or a function, as a leader, etc.] | 101 ausersehen [geh.] [für ein Amt, als Leiter etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | hatching {adj} {pres-p} [incubating an egg or eggs] | 95 ausbrütend | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | comp. dirty {adj} [fig.] | 93 verändert [Datei, an der ungespeicherte Änderungen vorgenommen wurden] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | smiled {adj} {past-p} [rarely used as an adjective] | 71 gelächelt [als Adjektiv selten] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | angular {adj} [forming an angle] | 62 schräg [im schrägen Winkel zu etw.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. clinging {adj} [to] | 61 anliegend [an] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | equest. traffic Whoa! [call to a horse etc.] | 61 Brr! [Zuruf an Pferd usw.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | prior {adj} [taking precedence] [e.g. an engagement] | 60 vordringlich [mit Vorrang zu behandeln] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | sb. commemorated sb./sth. | 58 jd. gedachte jds./etw. [geh.] [erinnerte an jdn./etw.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | promiscuously {adv} [in an indiscriminate manner] | 56 durcheinander [in Unordnung] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | pinioned {adj} {past-p} | 54 gefesselt [gebunden, insbes. an den Armen] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | disorderly {adj} {adv} [unruly / in an unruly manner] | 52 undiszipliniert | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | educ. passing {pres-p} [an exam] | 52 absolvierend [eine Prüfung] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | closer {adv} [to the speaker or to an object] | 50 heran [näher zum Sprechenden oder zu einer Sache] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | soon {adv} [at an early time] | 48 zeitig | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | wreaked {past-p} | 46 ausgelassen [an etw.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | comm. loaner- {prefix} [sth. lent for an item being serviced or repaired] | 45 Ersatz- [z. B. Ersatzgerät, Ersatzwagen] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | Quite. [as an answer] | 41 Genau. [als Antwort] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |