| English | German | |
| nominal {adj} [salary, fee, amount, rent] | 856 symbolisch | |
| tidy {adj} [sum, amount] [coll.] | 732 stolz [ugs.] [beträchtlich] | |
| outstanding {adj} [amount, account etc.] | 501 offen [ausstehend] | |
| slim {adj} [small in amount or quality] | 192 gering [nicht sehr groß] | |
| mite [very small amount] {noun} | 175 bisschen {n} [sehr kleine Menge] {Pronomen} | |
| meager {adj} [Am.] [earnings, income, amount, etc.] | 52 gering [karg, dürftig, niedrig] | |
| respectable {adj} [sum, amount] | 40 beträchtlich | |
| healthy {adj} [considerable in size or amount] | 13 beträchtlich | |
| odd {adj} [price, amount] | 12 krumm [ugs.] [Preis, Betrag] | |
| comm. fin. reportable {adj} [amount, income] | 11 ausweisbar [Betrag, Gewinn] | |
| any {adj} [an appreciable amount of sth.] | 10 nennenswert | |
| even {adj} [size, amount] | gleich groß | |
| exact {adj} [e.g. amount of money] | abgezählt [z. B. Geld] | |
Verbs |
| to spend sth. [money, an amount, a fortune, etc.] | 3181 etw.Akk. ausgeben [Geld, einen Betrag, ein Vermögen etc.] | |
| fin. to represent sth. [amount to] | 853 etw. ausmachen [Summe] | |
| to meter sth. [supply in a measured or regulated amount] | 827 etw.Akk. dosieren | |
| to collect sth. [taxes, an amount of money, news, etc.] | 825 etw.Akk. einsammeln | |
| fin. to deduct sth. [e.g. an amount from a bill or invoice, from one's tax] | 643 etw.Akk. absetzen [z. B. einen Betrag von einer Rechnung, steuerlich] | |
| to pay sth. [a sum, an amount, a fee] | 499 etw. entrichten [eine Summe, einen Betrag, eine Gebühr] | |
| to give sth. [amount to] | 445 etw.Akk. ergeben | |
| fin. to aggregate sth. [amount to] | 137 etw. ausmachen [betragen, sich belaufen auf] | |
| to soak sb. [coll.] [fig.] [take disproportionate amount of money from] | 124 jdn. schröpfen [ugs.] [fig.] | |
| to spot sb. sth. [Am.] [coll.] [to lend sb. sth. (money, esp. a small amount of it)] | 55 jdm. etw. leihen [Geld, bes. eine kleinere Summe] | |
| fin. to charge sth. [amount of money] | 53 etw. liquidieren [Geldbetrag] | |
| to number sth. [amount to] | 48 etw.Akk. betragen [ausmachen, ergeben, sich belaufen] | |
| spec. to deplete [reduce the amount of sth. in sth.] | 21 abreichern [den Anteil von etw. in etw. verringern] | |
| fin. to aggregate sth. [amount to] | sich auf etw. belaufen | |
| to shortchange sb. [give less than the correct amount of change] | jdm. zu wenig Wechselgeld herausgeben | |
| to treble [grow to three times the size, amount, or number] | sichAkk. verdreifachen | |
Nouns |
| agr. crop [amount of produce harvested at one time] | 3737 Ernte {f} [Ertrag, Ausbeute] | |
| electr. phys. current [amount] | 1125 Stromstärke {f} | |
| volume [size, amount] | 246 Ausmaß {n} | |
| volume [size, amount] | 107 Umfang {m} | |
| margin [amount] | 97 Abstand {m} | |
| breath [air expelled from the lungs; slight movement of air; small amount, hint] | 75 Hauch {m} [geh.] [Atem; Lufthauch; kleine Menge, Andeutung] | |
| denomination [face amount] | 62 Wert {m} [Nennwert] | |
| volume [large amount] | 62 Menge {f} [Vielzahl, große Menge] | |
| admin. fin. threshold [fig.; amount above or below which the state interferes with taxation, welfare payments, etc.] | 58 Schwellenbetrag {m} | |
| margin [amount] | 52 Differenz {f} | |
| lap [amount of overlap] | 46 Überlappung {f} | |
| comm. bill [amount owed] | 45 Faktura {f} [österr. od. schweiz., sonst veraltet] | |
| nuance [shade or small amount] | 30 Kleinigkeit {f} | |
| skosh [coll.] [Am.] [a very small amount, from Japanese word "sukoshi"] | 29 Prise {f} [sehr kleine Menge, z. B. Tabak, Gewürz u. a.] | |
| pounds [amount] | 27 Pfund {pl} | |
| meteo. rainfall [amount] | 24 Niederschlagsmenge {f} | |
| chem. unit mole <mol> [SI base unit of amount of substance] | 20 Mol {n} <mol> | |
| jot [coll.] [the least amount] | 14 Jota {n} [geh.] [Allergeringste {n}] | |
| insur. franchise [amount of liability below which an insurer disclaims liability, but above which they assume total liability] | 12 Mindestgrenze {f} | |
| gastr. TrVocab. [mocha or espresso prepared with double amount of water] | 9 Verlängerter {m} [österr.] | |
| [in Germany, the amount of wealth a Hartz IV claimant is allowed to keep] | 7 Schonvermögen {n} | |