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» Nur in dieser Sprache suchen

windproof {adj} [also: wind-proof]winddicht
windproof {adj} [also: wind-proof]windfest
windproof {adj} [also: wind-proof]windsicher
windproof {adj} [also: wind-proof]windundurchlässig
Teilweise Übereinstimmung
to balance [physically, also fig.]balancieren
med. to paralyse [Br.] [also fig.]paralysieren
med. to paralyze [Am.] [also fig.]paralysieren
chem. alcoholometer [also: alcoholimeter]Branntweinwaage {f} [veraltet]
chem. alcoholometer [also: alcoholimeter]Weingeistmesser {m} [veraltet]
math. antiisomorphism [also: anti-isomorphism]Antiisomorphismus {m}
arborglyphs [also: arboglyphs]Arboglyphen {pl} [Schnitzarbeiten]
biol. archaebacteria [also: archaeobacteria]Urbakterien {pl} [veraltet]
hist. Archtreasurer [also: Arch-treasurer]Erzschatzmeister {m}
autocorrelation [also: auto-correlation]Autokorrelation {f}
philos. autodeterminism [also: auto-determinism]Autodeterminismus {m}
constr. backfilling [also: back-filling]Hinterfüllen {n}
geogr. mil. backslope [also: back slope]Hinterhang {m}
photo. bodycam [also: body cam]Körperkamera {f}
cosmet. bodywash [also: body wash]Duschgel {n}
sociol. Bohemian [female] [also: bohemian]Bohemienne {f}
sports weapons bowstave [also: bow stave]Bogenstab {m}
jobs brassfounder [also: brass-founder]Erzgießer {m}
biochem. bulbocapnine [also: bulbokaprin] [C19H19NO4]Bulbocapnin {n}
chem. butyltin [also: butyl tin]Butylzinn {n}
pol. cabinet [also Cabinet]Regierungsmannschaft {f} [ugs.]
gastr. canapé [also: canape]Häppchen {n} [Appetitbissen]
geol. candlewood [also: candle wood]Kerzenholz {n}
pharm. cefamandole [also: cephamandole] [C18H18N6O5S2]Cefamandol {n}
hist. mil. weapons chainshot [also: chain shot]Kettenkugel {f}
gastr. relig. challah [also: chala / hallah ]Challa {f} {n}
fin. law clawback [also: claw-back]Rückforderung {f}
material coalloying [also: co-alloying]Beischmelzen {n}
comp. math. codebook [also: code book]Codebuch {n}
educ. spec. coeducation [also: co-education]Koedukation {f}
coexistence [also: co-existence]Miteinanderleben {n}
comp. math. coinduction [also: co-induction]Koinduktion {f}
conjuror [magician] [also: conjurer]Zauberkünstler {m}
sports cooldown [also: cool-down]Abwärmen {n}
cooptation [also: co-optation]Vereinnahmung {f}
math. copresheaf [also: co-presheaf]Koprägarbe {f}
comp. math. corecursion [also: co-recursion]Korekursion {f}
hist. pol. coregency [also: co-regency]Koregentschaft {f}
counterargument [also: counter-argument]Gegengrund {m}
counterassault [also: counter-assault]Gegenangriff {m}
crystallisation [Br.] [also: crystalisation]Kristallisation {f}
med. cystoprostatectomy [also: cysto-prostatectomy]Zystoprostatektomie {f}
med. cystourethrectomy [also: cysto-urethrectomy]Zystourethrektomie {f}
jobs transp. deliveryman [also: delivery man]Lieferant {m}
deoccupation [also: de-occupation]Deokkupation {f}
hist. pol. deprussification [also: de-Prussification]Entpreußifizierung {f}
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