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zool. macrosmatic {adj} [also fig.]makrosmatisch
biol. geogr. neotropical {adj} [also: Neotropical]neotropisch
med. parkinsonian {adj} [also: Parkinsonian]parkinsonsch
periodic {adj} [also math.]periodisch
bot. pollakantic {adj} [also pollacanthic]pollakanth
ringleted {adj} [also: ringletted]lockig
ringletted {adj} {past-p} [also: ringleted]gelockt
hist. Saitic {adj} [also: Saite]saitisch
gastr. sauteing {adj} {pres-p} [also: sautéing]sautierend
sexy {adj} [also fig.]begehrenswert
Spartanic {adj} [also: spartanic]spartanisch
meteo. sunny {adj} [also fig.]heiter
uncharted {adj} [also fig.]unergründet
undetectable {adj} [also: indetectable]unaufspürbar
vitriolic {adj} [also fig.]ätzend
to crystallize [also: to crystalize]kristallisieren
to rinse [also tech.]spülen
geogr. hist. Aeolia [also: Aeolis]Äolien {n}
ethn. hist. Akatziri [also: Akatzirs]Akatziren {pl}
myth. Aleus [also Aleos]Aleos {m}
Anglophobia [also: anglophobia]Anglophobie {f}
esot. myth. relig. archdemon [also: archdaemon]Erzdämon {m}
astrophile [also fig.]Sternliebhaber {m}
hist. Athanaric [also: Atanaric]Athanarich {m}
ethn. hist. Auiones [also: Aviones]Avionen {pl}
tech. autopen [also Autopen®]Unterschriftenautomat {m}
relig. Babism [also: Bábism]Babismus {m}
geogr. Bakhmut [also: Bachmut]Bachmut {n}
baksheesh [also: backsheesh]Bakschisch {n}
archi. hist. mil. bartizan [also: bartisan]Scharwachturm {m}
cloth. bashlyk [also: bashlik]Baschlik {m}
ethn. hist. Bellovaci [also: Bellovacians]Bellovaker {pl}
blocking [also psych.]Sperrung {f}
myth. bogey [also bogy]Schreckgespenst {n}
geogr. Borodyanka [also: Borodianka]Borodjanka {n}
hunting zool. bracke [also: Bracke]Brackierhund {m}
relig. Brahmanism [also: Brahminism]Brahmanismus {m}
RadioTV broadcast [also radio]Sendung {f}
ethn. Burkinabe [also: Burkinabé]Burkiner {m}
hist. mil. Bushido [also: bushido]Buschido {n}
esot. Cabalist [also: cabalist]Kabbalist {m}
mus. cajon [also: cajón]Kistentrommel {f}
casualty [also fig.]Opfer {n}
med. chagomas [also: chagomata]Chagome {pl}
furn. charpoy [also: charpai]Charpai {n}
geol. chernozem [also: tchernozem]Tschernosem {n}
christlessness [also: Christlessness]Unchristlichkeit {f}
gastr. coulibiac [also: koulibiaca]Kulebjak {m}
geol. creep [also settling]Sackung {f}
crystallization [also: crystalization]Kristallisation {f}
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