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|  |
 | relaying {pres-p} [passing along, of information] | 162 weiterleitend |  |
 | down {prep} [along] | 22 entlang |  |
 | [downstream along the Elbe River] {adv} | elbabwärts |  |
Verbs |
 | to drag sth. [trail along the ground] | 436 etw.Akk. nachschleppen |  |
 | to skirt sth. [move along] | 200 etw. entlanggehen [oder fahren] |  |
 | automot. to cruise [drive along] | 134 befahren |  |
 | chem. phys. to entrain sth. [sweep along] | 131 etw. mitreißen [z. B. Teilchen, Wasser usw.] |  |
 | constr. to jag [cut in points, e.g. along an edge] | 67 auszacken |  |
 | cloth. textil. to gather [to pull (fabric) along a line of stitching so as to draw into puckers] | 33 einreihen |  |
 | to entrain [drag along] | 31 mitschleppen |  |
 | MedTech. tech. to move sth. [along an axis] | 28 etw.Akk. verfahren [entlang einer Achse] |  |
 | comm. transp. to dispatch sth. [along a specified route] | etw.Akk. instradieren [schweiz., sonst veraltend] [auf einer festgelegten Strecke befördern] |  |
 | to rush [down/along a street etc.] | entlanghetzen [ugs.] [entlanghasten] |  |
Nouns |
 | zool. hackles {pl} [erectile hairs along the neck and back of an animal] | 110 Nackenfell {n} [mit aufgestellten Haaren] |  |
 | gutter [along street] | 14 Gerinne {n} |  |
 | games bosseln [game involving the throwing of a ball along country roads] | 7 Boßeln {n} [nordd.] |  |
 | tech. slitting [cutting a metal sheet along a straight line parallel to its length] | 6 Abschneiden {n} [Werkstück, Scherschneiden] |  |
 | geogr. [grove of woods along river's edge] | Auenwäldchen {n} |  |
 | fish T | |  |
 | geogr. batture [Am.] [esp. along the lower Mississippi River] | Batture {f} [selten] [Alluvialland zwischen Fluss und Deich] |  |
 | Clydesider [Scot.] [native or resident of the region along the River Clyde] | Bewohner {m} des Clydegebiets |  |
 | games sports klootschieten [standing-style ball shooting, played along the coast and borders of North Germany] | Klootschießen {n} [nordd.] [eine Art Eisschießen] |  |
 | mus. purfling {sg} [inlay along edges of string instruments] | Randeinlagen {pl} |  |
 | geogr. travel Rheinsteig [long-distance walking trail along the east bank of the Rhine River in Germany] | Rheinsteig {m} [Fernwanderweg entlang des Mittelrheins und des nördlichsten Teil des Oberrheins auf der rechten Rheinseite] |  |
 | hydro. watercourse [the bed along which a watercourse flows] | Flusslauf {m} [Verlauf eines Flusses; Weg, den ein Fluss nimmt] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to roll along [also: come rolling along] | anrollen [auch: angerollt kommen] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | econ. geogr. Golden Banana [conurbation lying between Valencia in the west and Genoa in the east along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea] | Goldene Banane {f} [verdichteter Großraum entlang der Mittelmeerküste bis Valencia, Spanien] |  |
 | traffic pedestrian path [sideway, footway] [usu. a path along the side of a road] | Gehweg {m} [Gehsteig, Bürgersteig] |  |
 | market. sports route advertising [along race tracks etc.] | Streckenwerbung {f} |  |
 | mus. sing-along | Singalong {n} [auch: Sing-along] |  |
 | geogr. Triple Frontier [tri-border area along the junction of Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil] | Triple Frontera {f} [Dreiländereck, dreifache Grenze] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to fare with sb./sth. badly [get along with badly] | mit jdm./etw. schlecht klarkommen |  |
 | to fare with sb./sth. well [get along with well] | mit jdm./etw. gut klarkommen |  |
 | to get on with sth. [get along, make do] | mit etw.Dat. auskommen |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | series of signposts [along, e.g. a trail] | Wegweisung {f} [selten für: Reihe von Wegweisern] |  |