| English  | German |  |
 | parental {adj} [e.g. allowance, couple, duties, home, love] | 20 Eltern- [z. B. Geld, Paar, Pflichten, Haus, Liebe] |  |
 | basic {adj} [e.g. allowance, pension] | 6 Sockel- [z. B. Betrag, Rente] |  |
Nouns |
 | admin. fin. benefit [esp. Br.] [allowance] | 251 Beihilfe {f} |  |
 | allowance [expense allowance] | 178 Aufwandsentschädigung {f} |  |
 | fin. allowance [tax allowance] | 81 Abzug {m} [von Steuer] |  |
 | relief [reduction, allowance] | 61 Ermäßigung {f} |  |
 | sub [Br.] [coll.] [advance / allowance] | 16 Vorschuss {m} |  |
 | sub [Br.] [coll.] [advance / allowance] | 6 Vorschuß {m} [alt] |  |
 | [contingency allowance] | Verteilzuschlag {m} [REFA] [FALSCH für: Verteilzeitzuschlag] |  |
 | hist. neaters [Br.] [Royal Navy sl.: rum allowance for officers] | [Rumration für Marineoffiziere] |  |
2 Words |
 | maternity benefit <MB> [childbirth allowance] | Geburtsbeihilfe {f} |  |
 | mil. nonorganic vehicle [in excess of unit organizational allowance] | nicht-einheitseigenes Fahrzeug {n} |  |
 | per diem [daily allowance for living expenses while travelling] | Auslösung {f} |  |
 | econ. pol. social aid [social allowance] | Sozialbeihilfe {f} |  |
 | admin. social aid [social allowance] | Sozialhilfe {f} |  |
 | fin. tax exemption [tax allowance] | Steuerfreibetrag {m} |  |
 | tax exemption [tax allowance] | steuerlicher Freibetrag {m} |  |
3 Words |
 | compensation for hardship [allowance] | Härteausgleich {m} |  |
4 Words |
 | pol. Employment and Support Allowance <ESA> [UK] [also: employment and support allowance] | Beschäftigungs- und Unterstützungsbeihilfe {f} [Vereinigtes Königreich] |  |