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|  |
 | any {pron} [all / every] | 509 jeder |  |
 | any {adj} [all / every] | 462 jegliche [nachdrücklich für "jede"] |  |
 | flat {adj} [attr.] [all-inclusive, blanket] | 146 pauschal [komplett und unveränderlich] |  |
 | alright {adj} {adv} [less formal than "all right"] | 132 akzeptabel |  |
 | for {prep} [+ all his/her/your, ... money etc.] [in spite of] | 111 trotz [+ (all) seines/ihres/deines ... Geldes etc.] |  |
 | any {adj} [all / every] | 69 jedwede [nachdrücklich für "jede"] |  |
 | obligatory {adj} [by all means] | 57 unbedingt |  |
 | plastered {adj} {past-p} [stuck all over] | 36 beklebt |  |
 | nationally {adv} [across all territories of a federation] | 34 bundesweit |  |
 | effectively {adv} [for all practical purposes, in effect] | 33 faktisch |  |
 | law pol. national {adj} [dimensioned for or valid in all Austria or Germany] | 29 bundeseinheitlich |  |
 | any {pron} [all / every] | 19 jedes |  |
 | any {adj} [all / every] | 18 jeglicher [nachdrücklich für "jeder"] |  |
 | about {adv} [all around] | 11 ringsum |  |
 | confused {adj} [not in possession of all one's mental faculties] | 10 bregenklöterig [nordd.] [ugs.] [verwirrt] |  |
 | ever {adv} [of all time] [postpos.] | 6 ever [jugendsprachl. Anglizismus] [aller Zeiten] [nachgestellt] |  |
 | Finito! [coll.] [It's all done!] | 5 Fertig! |  |
 | [decorated with all medals, orders, decorations possible] {adj} {past-p} | ausdekoriert [österr.] [Jargon: mit allen Auszeichnungen dekoriert] |  |
 | about {adv} [all around] | ringsherum |  |
 | abroad {adv} [in all directions] | in alle Richtungen [überall, überallhin, weithin] |  |
 | alright {adj} {adv} [less formal than "all right"] | in Ordnung |  |
 | any {adj} [all / every] | jegliches [nachdrücklich für "jedes"] |  |
 | catholic {adj} [all-embracing] | universal |  |
 | clear {adv} [all the way] | die ganze Strecke |  |
 | complete {adj} [all-inclusive] | vollumfänglich [bes. schweiz.] |  |
 | Gorey! [Irish] [coll.] [dated] [idiom] [Shouted after a person who leaves a door open; in an attack upon Gorey in 1798, insurgents carried off all the doors.] | Habt ihr zuhause Säcke vor den Türen? [ugs.] [Redewendung] [Frage an jdn., der eine Tür offen stehen lässt] |  |
 | jack {adv} [Am.] [sl.] [vulg.] [short for: jack shit] [anything at all] | scheiß gar nichts [ugs.] [vulg.] |  |
 | licked {adj} [done, all in] | am Ende [total fertig] |  |
 | never {adv} [not at all] | überhaupt nicht |  |
 | omniferous {adj} [archaic] [consisting of all things] | allumfassend |  |
 | omnific {adj} [creating all things] | allschaffend [allschöpferisch] |  |
 | omnific {adj} [creating all things] | allschöpferisch |  |
 | philos. relig. omnisufficient {adj} [sufficient in all respects] | allgenügsam [veraltet] [geh.] [selten] |  |
 | perennial {adj} [present during all seasons] | das ganze Jahr hindurch |  |
 | sb. plasters [sticks all over] | jd. beklebt |  |
 | unbounded {adj} [having all boundaries removed] | entgrenzt |  |
 | zip {pron} [Am.] [coll.] [nothing at all] | gar nix [ugs.] |  |
Verbs |
 | to droop [lose all energy] | 488 ermatten [geh.] [schlapp werden, matt werden] |  |
 | to remove sth. [e.g. all restrictions] | 417 etw.Akk. aufheben [beseitigen, z. B. alle Beschränkungen] |  |
 | sports [to be habitually behind all the others in swimming races] | hinterherschwimmen [ugs.] |  |
 | [to chew all the goodness out of something like chewing gum] | etw.Akk. auskauen |  |
 | [to scream so loudly that it can be heard all down the street] | häuserweit schreien |  |
 | to abandon sth. [e.g. all hope] | etw.Akk. fahren lassen [z. B. alle Hoffnung] |  |
 | to agitate sth. [now rare] [consider on all sides] | sichDat. über etw.Akk. (gründlich) Gedanken machen |  |
 | ling. to conjugate sth. [through all its grammatical forms] | etw.Akk. durchkonjugieren |  |
 | aviat. mil. to scramble [take off with all possible haste] | alarmmäßig starten [Pilot, Mannschaft] |  |
 | aviat. mil. to scramble [take off with all possible haste] | einen Soforteinsatz fliegen |  |
Nouns |
 | repdigit [multidigit number with all digits identical] | 72 Schnapszahl {f} [ugs.] |  |
 | law legislation [sum of all legal norms] | 37 Rechtsordnung {f} [Gesamtheit aller Rechtsnormen] |  |
 | pharm. panacea [solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases] | 20 Panazee {f} [Allheilmittel] [oft pej.] |  |