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|  |
 | inflated {adj} {past-p} [filled with air] | 830 aufgeblasen |  |
 | crisp {adj} [air] | 626 frisch |  |
 | stuffy {adj} [lacking fresh air or ventilation] | 614 muffig [stickig, ungelüftet] |  |
 | clammy {adj} [air, weather; hand, handshake] | 606 feuchtkalt [Luft, Wetter; Hand, Händedruck] |  |
 | country {adj} [attr.] [e.g. air, aristocrat, doctor, life, parson] | 511 Land- [z. B. Luft, Adeliger, Arzt, Leben, Pfarrer] |  |
 | tainted {adj} [air] | 455 verunreinigt |  |
 | smoky {adj} [air, color, flavor, etc.] | 437 rauchig [Luft, Farbe, Geschmack usw.] |  |
 | by {prep} [e.g. by train, by air; by force] | 400 mit [+Dat.] [z. B. mit dem Zug, mit dem Flugzeug; mit Gewalt] |  |
 | bland {adj} [air, diet, also comment etc.] | 352 mild |  |
 | torrid {adj} [heat, air, sun] | 188 sengend |  |
 | bland {adj} [air etc.] | 126 weich [Luft etc.] |  |
 | stale {adj} [air: stagnant, musty] | 100 muffig [Luft: abgestanden, dumpf] |  |
 | meteo. heavy {adj} [weather, air] | 56 schwül |  |
 | tainted {adj} [air] | 52 verpestet |  |
 | heavy {adj} [weather, air] | 20 drückend |  |
 | humid {adj} [air] | 18 luftfeucht |  |
 | shimmering {adj} {pres-p} [air, heat etc.] | 18 flirrend |  |
 | rheumy {adj} [esp. air] [literary] | 13 feucht |  |
 | mild {adj} [night air] | 11 lind [dichter.] |  |
 | meteo. katabatic {adj} [wind or air current] | 9 katabatisch |  |
 | meteo. anabatic {adj} [wind or air current] | 8 anabatisch |  |
 | aerial {adj} [air-like] [literary] | 6 luftartig |  |
 | evacuated {adj} [air-evacuated] | 6 luftleer [Vakuum] |  |
 | aero- {prefix} [relating to air] | Luft- |  |
 | aloft {adv} [(high) in the air] | (hoch) in der Luft |  |
 | aloft {adv} [into the air] | in die Luft |  |
 | aviat. bleedless {adj} [without bleed air] | ohne Zapfluft [nachgestellt] |  |
 | cold {adj} [e.g. air, beverage, foam, front, glue, light] | Kalt- [z. B. Luft, Getränk, Schaum, Front, Leim, Licht] |  |
 | cooling {adj} [e.g. agent, air, capacity, chamber, liquid] | Kühl- [z. B. Mittel, Luft, Leistung, Raum, Flüssigkeit] |  |
 | tech. driving {adj} [attr.] [e.g. air, arm, cord, crank, device, drum] | Antriebs- [z. B. Luft, Arm, Schnur, Kurbel, Vorrichtung, Trommel] |  |
 | fresh {adj} [e.g. air, fruit, meat] | Frisch- [z. B. Luft, Obst, Fleisch] |  |
 | hot {adj} [e.g. air, beverage, glue, gluing, laboratory, smoking] | Heiß- [z. B. Luft, Getränk, Kleber, Verleimung, Labor, Räuchern] |  |
 | morning {adj} [attr.] [air, chill, dew, etc.] | Morgen- [Luft, Kühle, Tau etc.] |  |
 | See? [coll.] [often meant with an air of triumph or satisfaction] | Na bitte! [ugs.] [triumphierend] |  |
 | turbulent {adj} [air, history] | bewegt [turbulent] |  |
 | warm {adj} [e.g. air, boot, front, house, periods, roof, water] | Warm- [z. B. Luft, Start, Front, Haus, Zeiten, Dach, Wasser] |  |
Verbs |
 | to float [in or on the water; in the air (clouds etc.)] | 1659 treiben [auf dem Wasser; in der Luft (Wolken etc.)] |  |
 | to alight [bird: descend from the air and settle] | 499 landen [Vogel] |  |
 | to draw [water, air etc.] | 468 saugen |  |
 | to hang [remain static in the air] | 385 schweben |  |
 | to deflect | 96 ableiten [steam, air] |  |
 | to enter [air] | 62 einfließen [Luft] |  |
 | to taint sth. [air, atmosphere] | 55 etw. verpesten |  |
 | to shimmer [air, heat etc.] | 47 flirren |  |
 | aviat. to leave [by air] | 34 abfliegen |  |
 | tech. to supply sth. [e.g. with air] | 5 etw. beaufschlagen [z. B. mit Luft] |  |
 | to air [replenish with air] | Luft auffüllen |  |
 | to deflate sth. [let the air out of sth.] | die Luft aus etw.Dat. herauslassen |  |
 | aviat. orn. to dive [go steeply down through the air, swoop] | einen Sturzflug machen [Vogel, Flugzeug] |  |
 | to escape [gas, air] | abströmen [Gas, Luft] |  |