Dictionary English German: [agricultural]

Translation 1 - 25 of 25

English German
agronomic {adj} [agricultural science / economics]agrarwissenschaftlich
agr. produce [agricultural and other natural products]
Ausbeute {f} [Ertrag in der Landwirtschaft]
agr. [agricultural cooperative in alpine Switzerland]Alpgenossenschaft {f} [schweiz.]
admin. agr. [agricultural support payments to maintain adequate food production capacity]Versorgungssicherheitsbeiträge {pl} [in der Schweiz]
agr. for. [agricultural support payments to prevent forestation of traditional alpine pastures]Kulturlandschaftsbeiträge {pl} [Schweiz]
[authority charged with the reallocation and consolidation of agricultural land holdings]Flurbereinigungsbehörde {f}
agr. chem. aglime [short for agricultural lime]Kalk {m} [Dünger]
acad. agr. jobs agriculturer [academically trained in agricultural science]Diplom-Landwirt {m} <Dipl.-Ldw.> [veraltend]
agr. destoner [agricultural machinery]Entsteinungsmaschine {f} [Steinrodegerät; Landtechnik]
agr. fair [Am.] [competitive exhibition of livestock, agricultural products, etc.](landwirtschaftliche) Leistungsschau {f}
2 Words
agr. geogr. agricultural canton [coll.] [canton with a significant agricultural sector]Agrarkanton {m} [schweiz.] [ugs.] [landwirtschaftlich geprägter Kanton]
acad. agr. agricultural sciences {pl} [also: agricultural science]Agrarlehre {f}
ind. cottage industry [produced in agricultural communities]bäuerliches Gewerbe {n} [Produktion in Heimarbeit]
agr. law entailed estate [agricultural estate, esp. under Nazi law]Erbhof {m} [bes. NS Begriff]
agr. ecol. film waste {sg} [esp. of agricultural films]Folienabfälle {pl} [bes. Agrarfolien]
agr. hay rake [agricultural machinery]Schwader {m} [Landtechnik]
agr. rice residues [agricultural waste]Reisrückstände {pl} [landwirtschaftlicher Abfall]
agr. rotary rake [agricultural machinery]Kreiselschwader {m} [Landtechnik]
agr. yield increase [esp. of agricultural produce]Ertragssteigerung {f}
3 Words
agr. comm. German Agricultural Society [organisation for agricultural industry in Germany]Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft {f} <DLG>
law single heir law [inheritance of an agricultural property to a single heir so that it remains closed]Anerbenrecht {n}
econ. United Automobile Workers [United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of Americas] <UAW> [Am.]Automobilarbeitergewerkschaft {f} [US]
4 Words
comm. trade in local produce [agricultural products]Landesproduktenhandel {m} [veraltet] [noch österr. fachspr.]
5+ Words
agr. EU organic production of agricultural products and indications referring thereto on agricultural products and foodstuffsökologischer Landbau {m} und die entsprechende Kennzeichnung der landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugnisse und Lebensmittel
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
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