Dictionary English German: [agent]

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adhesive {adj} [e.g. agent, layer, cream]
Haft- [Klebe-; z. B. Mittel, Belag, Creme]
cleaning {adj} [attr.] [e.g. agent, bucket, crew, day, lady, rag, water]
Putz- [z. B. Mittel, Eimer, Kolonne, Tag, Frau, Lappen, Wasser]
cooling {adj} [e.g. agent, air, capacity, chamber, liquid]Kühl- [z. B. Mittel, Luft, Leistung, Raum, Flüssigkeit]
polishing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. agent, brush, cloth, disc, machine]Polier- [z. B. Mittel, Bürste, Tuch, Scheibe, Maschine]
washing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. agent, bowl, facility, instructions, lotion, machine]Wasch- [z. B. Mittel, Schüssel, Gelegenheit, Anleitung, Lotion, Maschine]
[to use a mothproofing agent / moth repellent]eulanisieren [durch Eulan® vor Motten schützen]
med. to contract sth. [a disease, an infectious agent]sichDat. etw. zuziehen [eine Krankheit, einen Erreger]
creep [sl.] [spy, secret agent]
Spion {m}
jobs operative [secret agent]
Geheimagent {m}
cleaner [cleaning agent]
Reiniger {m} [Reinigungsmittel]
fed [Am.] [coll.] [federal government enforcement agent]
Bundesagent {m} [USA]
law agent [authorised agent]
Bevollmächtigter {m}
comm. factor [agent]
Vertreter {m}
market. huckster [Am.] [publicity agent or advertising copywriter]
Werbefritze {m} [ugs.] [leicht pej.]
fin. commission [brokerage, agent's fee]
Maklergebühr {f}
med. tenacity [of an infectious agent]
Tenazität {f} [eines Infektionserregers]
commission [brokerage, agent's fee]
Vermittlergebühr {f}
FoodInd. gastr. thickener [thickening agent]
Verdickungsmittel {n} [zum Eindicken von Flüssigkeiten]
pharm. Valium® [agent]
Valium® {n} [Beruhigungsmittel]
naut. [agent who hired crews for ships]Heuerbaas {m} [nordd.] [veraltet]
abluent [cleansing agent]Reinigungsmittel {n}
lit. philos. tech. actor [agent]Handlungsträger {m}
agency [office of an agent]Büro {n} eines Agenten
Internet bot [automated web agent, from robot]Roboter {m} zum Durchsuchen von Webseiten
commission [fee paid to an agent or employee for transacting a piece of business or performing a service]Prozent {n} [Verdienstanteil]
chem. dehydrator [dehydrating agent]Dehydrationsmittel {n}
chem. dehydrator [dehydrating agent]Dehydratisierungsmittel {n}
chem. dehydrator [dehydrating agent]Entwässerungsmittel {n}
detailer [product or agent, e.g. gloss-enhancing car polish]Detailer {m} [Produkt bzw. Mittel, welches zum Detailing eingesetzt wird]
Feeb [Am.] [coll.] [agent of the FBI]FBI-Agent {m}
law fibby [Am.] [sl.] [FBI agent]FBI-ler {m}
killer [agent]Vertilgungsmittel {n}
chem. oxidizer [oxidizing agent]Oxidationsmittel {n}
chem. oxidizer [oxidizing agent]Oxydationsmittel {n}
publicist [publicity agent]Publicity-Manager {m}
chem. reducer [reducing agent]Reduktionsmittel {n}
chem. FoodInd. sequestrant [chelating agent, sequestering agent]Chelatbildner {m}
chem. FoodInd. sequestrant [chelating agent, sequestering agent]Komplexbildner {m}
chem. sequestrant [sequestering agent]Sequestrant {m}
siccative [drying agent]Trockenstoff {m} [Trockenmittel, Sikkativ]
chem. tabun [nerve agent]Tabun {n}
chem. taggant [tagging agent]Taggant {m} [Markierungsstoff]
med. teratogen [teratogenic agent]Teratogen {n}
chem. mil. VX [short for: venomous agent X] [nerve agent] [C11H26NO2PS]VX {n} [Nervenkampfstoff]
2 Words: Nouns
med. neol. (pulmonary) surfactantSurfactant {n} [engl. Kunstwort aus SURFace ACTive AgeNT]
jobs case officer [former East German MfS agent]Führungsoffizier {m} [Verfassungsschutz der BRD: (etwa) V-Mann-Führer {m}]
med. MedTech. contrast filling [contrast agent]Kontrastfärbung {f} [Kontrastierung, Kontrastfüllung]
cover story [of a secret agent]Legende {f} [eines Geheimagenten]
econ. economic unit [economic agent or group]Wirtschaftssubjekt {n}
jobs RealEst. estate agent [Br.] [residential sales agent]Häusermakler {m}
gastr. gelling aid [gelling agent]Gelierhilfe {f} [Geliermittel]
headache man [Am.] [sl.] [law enforcement agent]Bulle {m} [ugs.]
loo cleaner [Br.] [coll.] [toilet cleaner] [cleaning agent or person]Kloreiniger {m} [ugs.] [WC-Reinigungsmittel oder Beruf]
tech. pickling medium [pickling agent]Beizmedium {n} [Beizmittel]
sleeper agentSchläfer {m} [Agent]
comp. software agentAgent {m} [Software-Agent]
toilet cleaner [cleaning agent] [also job]Kloreiniger {m} [ugs.] [WC-Reinigungsmittel] [auch Beruf]
toilet cleaner [cleaning agent] [also job]Toilettenreiniger {m} [Reinigungsmittel] [auch Beruf]
toilet cleaner [cleaning agent] [also job]WC-Reiniger {m} [WC-Reinigungsmittel] [auch Beruf]
3 Words: Nouns
anti-rust agent [also: antirust agent]Rostschutzmittel {n}
hist. mil. blue-cross shells [World War I chemical warfare agent]Blaukreuzgranaten {pl} [Nasen- und Rachenkampfstoff]
med. hot air (blower) [as therapeutic agent]Heißluftdusche {f}
jobs nurse-turned-lawyer [female] [cf. publicist-turned-agent, physician-turned-congressman, teacher-turned-craftsman, etc.]ehemalige Krankenschwester und jetzige Anwältin {f}
jobs RealEst. real estate agent [Am.] [residential sales agent]Häusermakler {m}
anat. chem. surface active agent [surfactant] [also: surface-active agent]grenzflächenaktive Substanz {f}
chem. surface active agent [surfactant] [also: surface-active agent]oberflächenaktive Substanz {f}
the demon of sth. [agent of evil]der Ungeist {m} [+ Gen.]
hist. mil. white-cross shells [World War I chemical warfare agent]Weißkreuzgranaten {pl}
hist. mil. weapons yellow-cross shells [World War I chemical warfare agent; sulfur mustard]Gelbkreuzgranaten {pl}
5+ Words: Nouns
jobs law examined patent law office clerk [examined secretary of a patent agent [Br.], patent attorney [Am.]]Patentanwaltsfachangestellte {f} [Berufsbezeichnung]
jobs law examined patent law office clerk [examined secretary of a patent agent [Br.], patent attorney [Am.]]Patentanwaltsfachangestellter {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F People in the Net [also: Unwilling Agent]Menschen im Netz [Franz Peter Wirth]
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