| English | German | |
| opportunist {adj} [attr.] [using the advantage of a situation] | 528 Gelegenheits- [eine Gelegenheit nutzend, ausnutzend, z. B. Gelegenheitsdieb] | |
| home {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cinema, match, advantage, defeat] | 25 Heim- [z. B. Kino, Spiel, Vorteil, Niederlage] | |
| sb. jockeyed [took an unfair advantage] | 11 jd. betrog | |
Verbs |
| to screw sb. [sl.] [to take advantage of sb.] | 1059 jdn. reinlegen [ugs.] | |
| to screw sb. [coll.] [to take advantage of sb.] | 462 jdn. bescheißen [derb] | |
| to jockey [to take an unfair advantage] | 94 betrügen | |
| to boot sb. [obs.] [give profit or advantage to] | 83 jdm. nützen [helfen] | |
| to exploit sth. [take advantage] | 70 etw. nützen [ausnützen] | |
| to screw sb. [coll.] [to take advantage of sb.] | 66 jdn. linken [ugs.] | |
| to obtain sth. [gain an advantage] | 55 etw. herausschlagen [für sich gewinnen] [Vorteil, Nutzen] | |
| to exploit sth. [to one's own advantage] | 17 etw. ausmünzen [selten] [zu eigenem Vorteil verwerten] | |
| to leverage sth. [use sth. to maximum advantage] | sichDat. etw.Akk. (voll) zunutze machen [Redewendung] | |
| to leverage sth. [use sth. to maximum advantage] | sichDat. etw. (voll) zu Nutze machen | |
| to leverage sth. [use to advantage] | etw.Akk. wirksam einsetzen | |
Nouns |
| perk [coll.] [advantage] | 3511 Vorteil {m} | |
| benefit [advantage, profit] | 3136 Vorteil {m} | |
| vantage [archaic] [advantage] | 1228 Vorteil {m} | |
| benefit [advantage, profit] | 853 Gewinn {m} [Vorteil, Nutzen] | |
| edge [advantage] | 677 Vorteil {m} | |
| edge [advantage] | 466 Vorsprung {m} [Vorteil] | |
| interest [advantage] | 349 Vorteil {m} | |
| percentage [gain, benefit, profit, advantage] | 49 Provision {f} | |
| percentage [gain, benefit, profit, advantage] | 30 Vergütung {f} | |
| boot [archaic] [advantage, profit] | 28 Vorteil {m} | |
| boot [archaic] [profit, advantage] | 17 Nutzen {m} | |
| benefit [profit, advantage] | 9 Frucht {f} [fig.] [der Arbeit etc.] | |
| overdog [coll.] [person who has a significant advantage] | 7 Privilegierter {m} | |
| sports ad [coll.] [short for: advantage] [tennis] | 6 Vorteil {m} [Tennis] | |
| sports van [coll.] [Br.] [short for: advantage] [tennis] | 6 Vorteil {m} [Tennis] | |
| [advantage of being the incumbent chancellor during elections] | Kanzlerbonus {m} | |
| leech [coll.] [person who takes advantage of another] | Schnorrer {m} [ugs.] | |
2 Words: Others |
| to advantage {adv} [e.g.: to show / use to advantage] | vorteilhaft | |
| to advantage {adv} [e.g.: to show / use to advantage] | zum Vorteil [vorteilhaft] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to be lost [advantage] | fortfallen | |
| to benefit from sth. [take advantage] | sichDat. etw.Akk. zunutze machen [Redewendung] | |
| to benefit from sth. [take advantage] | sichDat. etw.Akk. zu Nutze machen [Redewendung] | |
| to leech off sb. [pej.] [to take advantage of sb.] | bei / von jdm. schmarotzen [pej.] | |
| to play on sth. [take advantage of sth.] | etw. ausnutzen [sich etw. zunutze machen] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| (slight) edge [advantage] | knapper Vorsprung {m} | |
| one-upmanship [coll.] [practice of gaining an advantage or feeling of superiority over another person] | Ausstechen {n} [Übertreffen] | |
| biol. survival benefit [advantage] | Überlebensvorteil {m} | |
3 Words: Others |
| to good advantage {adv} [to advantage] | vorteilhaft | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to avail oneself of sth. [formal] [take advantage of sth.] | an etw.Dat. profitieren [aus etw. Nutzen ziehen] | |
| idiom to feather one's nest [to take advantage of a bad situation] | seinen Karren ins Trockene schieben | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to get the drop on sb. [Am.] [coll.] [get the advantage over sb. first] | jdm. zuvorkommen | |