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| |
| too {adv} [in addition, also] | 2260 auch | |
| [in addition to it] {adv} | darüberhinaus [FALSCH für: darüber hinaus] | |
| beyond {adv} [in addition to] | 677 weiterhin [ferner, außerdem] | |
| besides {adv} [in addition, also] | 194 zusätzlich | |
| [in addition] {adv} | desweiteren [FALSCH für: des Weiteren] | |
| withal {adv} [archaic] [in addition] | 21 daneben [zusätzlich, außerdem] | |
| beyond {prep} [in addition to] | zusätzlich zu | |
| more {adv} [in addition] | weiter [weiterhin] | |
Verbs |
| to amend sth. [by addition] | 588 etw.Akk. ergänzen | |
| to add sth. [say, enter, report in addition] | 62 etw. nachtragen [nachträglich eintragen, berichten] | |
Nouns |
| auxiliary [supplement, addition] | 138 Zusatz {m} [Ergänzung, Erweiterung] | |
| aggregation [addition] | 42 Zusammenrechnung {f} [Aggregierung] | |
| accession [addition] | 18 Neuzugang {m} [von Besitz, bes. Büchern] | |
| application [addition] | 15 Zusatz {m} | |
| mus. performance [often an addition to a regular program] | 9 Einlage {f} | |
| adding [addition] | Beimischung {f} | |
| dash [small addition of sth., esp. in cooking] | kleine Beimischung {f} [Spur, Spritzer] | |
| archaeo. ind. temper [non-plastic addition to clay] | Magerung {f} [Zuschlagstoff bei der Keramikherstellung] | |
| archaeo. ind. temper [non-plastic addition to clay] | Magerungsmittel {n} [Zuschlagstoff bei der Keramikherstellung] | |
2 Words |
| as well {adv} [in addition] | dabei [außerdem] | |
| at that {adv} [in addition] | obendrein | |
| on top {adv} [in addition to] | on top [ugs.] [darüber hinaus] | |
| to accrue (to) [grow by addition] | hinzukommen (zu) | |
| print run-in [something inserted as a substantial addition in copy or typeset matter] | Einschiebsel {n} [eingeschobene Textstelle, Einschub] | |
3 Words |
| on top of {prep} [in addition to] | zusätzlich zu [+Dat.] | |
4 Words |
| on top of that {adv} [in addition] | zudem [geh.] | |
| law amendment of a contract [addition] | Vertragsergänzung {f} [Ergänzung eines Vertrags] | |
| law amendment of the contract [addition] | Vertragsergänzung {f} [Ergänzung des Vertrags] | |
5+ Words |
| math. the four basic arithmetical operations [addition, subtraction, multiplication, division] | die vier Grundrechenarten {pl} [Addition, Subtraktion, Multiplikation, Division] | |
| math. the four basic arithmetical operations [addition, subtraction, multiplication, division] | die vier Grundrechnungsarten {pl} | |