Dictionary English German: [acts]

Translation 1 - 26 of 26

English German
sympathetic {adj} [acts from a distance or indirectly]sympathetisch [eine indirekte, geheime Wirkung ausübend]
to intitule sth. [esp. parliamentary acts]etw.Akk. betiteln [bes. Parlamentsgesetze]
appearances [acts of appearance]
Auftritte {pl}
mil. hostilities [acts of war]
Kriegshandlungen {pl}
arrivals [acts of arrival]
Ankünfte {pl}
guarantor [person, thing that gives or acts as a guarantee]
Garant {m}
exposure [of criminal acts etc.]
Entlarvung {f}
mil. hostilities [acts of warfare]
Kampfhandlungen {pl}
art travel docent [person who acts as a guide, typically on a voluntary basis, e.g. museum guide]
Führer {m} [Person, z. B. (ehrenamtlicher) Museumsführer]
prodigies [amazing acts]
Wunder {pl} [Großtaten]
villainy {sg} [acts of villainy]
Abgefeimtheiten {pl} [Handlungen]
deceitfulness [deceitful acts]
Betrügereien {pl}
demurrals [acts of demurral]Bedenken {pl}
generosities [generous acts]Großzügigkeiten {pl} [großzügige Handlungen]
temporizer [one who acts to gain time]Hinhaltetaktiker {m}
bibl. works {pl} [moral or righteous acts or deeds]Wirken {n}
2 Words
phys. copycat-effect [referring to acts of violence and suicide]Nachahmer-Effekt {m} [bezogen auf Gewalttaten und Suizid]
law distance contracts [in the names of Acts and Directives]Fernabsatzverträge {pl}
law telecom. telecommunication acts [also: telecommunications acts]Fernmeldegesetze {pl} <FMG>
3 Words
to be implicated in sth. [often referring unlawful acts]in etw.Akk. verwickelt sein [Verbrechen etc.]
bibl. spec. speech of Stephen [Acts 7]Stephanusrede {f}
4 Words
educ. law compulsory education laws / acts [compulsory schooling laws or acts]Schulpflichtgesetze {pl} [allgemein]
5+ Words
bibl. It is more blessed to give than to receive. [Acts 20:35; KJV]Geben ist seliger als nehmen. [Apg. 20,35; Luther 1975]
bibl. It is more blessed to give than to receive. [Acts 20:35; KJV]Geben ist seliger denn nehmen. [Apg. 20,35; Luther 1545]
bibl. quote a citizen of no mean city [Acts 21:39]ein Bürger {m} einer namhaften Stadt
art relig. the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit [related to Pentecost; Acts 2]die Ausgießung {f} des Heiligen Geistes [im Zusammenhang mit Pfingsten; Apg. 2]
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