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|  |
 | adventurous {adj} [eager for action, enthusiastic] | 307 einsatzfreudig |  |
 | feeble {adj} [action, measure] | 172 lasch |  |
 | fin. stocks price {adj} [attr.] [e.g. action, drop, fluctuations, gain] | 14 Kurs- [z. B. Bewegung, Sturz, Schwankungen, Gewinn] |  |
 | down {adj} [out of action, not in use] | außer Betrieb |  |
 | incitative {adj} [stimulating to action] | inzitativ [geh.] [selten] [inzitierend] [zum Handeln anregend] |  |
Verbs |
 | to act [take action, do something; perform a role (actor)] | 471 agieren [geh.] [handeln, tätig sein; als Schauspieler auftreten] |  |
 | to animate sb. [move to action] | 460 jdn. antreiben [animieren] |  |
 | law to bring [an action] | 410 erheben [eine Klage] |  |
 | to act [proceed, take action] | 192 verfahren [vorgehen] |  |
 | to act [proceed, take action] | 186 vorgehen [verfahren] |  |
 | to snag sth. [Am.] [coll.] [obtain by quick action or good fortune] | 99 etw.Akk. ergattern [ugs.] |  |
 | to stumble [hesitate in speech or action] | 52 zaudern |  |
 | geol. to ablate [rock (esp. by wind action)] | 38 abtragen [Gestein (bes. durch Wind)] |  |
 | to move [fig.] [to initiate action] | 19 handeln |  |
 | to incite sb. [stimulate sb. to action] | 13 jdn. inzitieren [selten] [zum Handeln anreizen] |  |
 | to act [take action] | in Aktion treten |  |
 | sports to assist [football] [an action helping another player to score a goal] | eine Torvorlage geben |  |
 | to champion sb./sth. [person, action, cause] | sich für jdn./etw. engagieren |  |
 | to garnishee sth. [take through legal action to satisfy a debt] | etw.Akk. pfänden |  |
 | to move [fig.] [to initiate action] | aktiv werden |  |
Nouns |
 | econ. jobs pol. strike [industrial action] | 1217 Streik {m} |  |
 | interplay [reciprocal action] | 347 Zusammenspiel {n} |  |
 | compensation [action or money] | 251 Vergütung {f} [Abfindung, Erstattung; Abfindungssumme] |  |
 | tread [action of treading] | 240 Gang {m} [Gehen, Schreiten] |  |
 | indulgence [action or fact of indulging] | 168 Frönen {n} [geh.] |  |
 | measurement [action of measuring something] | 160 Messen {n} |  |
 | cause [matter, purpose, ideal] [also law: action] | 140 Sache {f} [Frage, Anliegen] [auch jur.] |  |
 | appliance [action, process] | 108 Mittel {n} [Anwendung, Methode] |  |
 | strike [industrial action] | 84 Ausstand {m} |  |
 | parking [action] | 67 Parken {n} |  |
 | revelry [the action of revelling] | 63 Feierei {f} [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | tech. cable [for mechanical pulling action, unsheathed] | 61 Drahtseil {n} |  |
 | strike [industrial action] | 42 Arbeitsstreik {m} |  |
 | behavior [Am.] [action] | 37 Handeln {n} [Verhalten] |  |
 | mil. harassment [disruptive action] | 36 Störmanöver {n} |  |
 | pitch [coll.] [esp. Am.] [specific plan of action, angle] | 34 Ansatzpunkt {m} [fig.] [Blickwinkel, für eine Vorgehensweise] |  |
 | tactic [an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end] | 33 Vorgehensweise {f} [Taktik, Strategie] |  |
 | strikes [industrial action] | 30 Streiks {pl} |  |
 | work [action] | 29 Wirken {n} |  |
 | law prosecution [of an action] | 26 Rechtsverfolgung {f} |  |
 | track [course of action] | 26 Vorgehen {n} |  |
 | mil. KIA [killed in action] [soldier] | 25 Gefallener {m} [Soldat] |  |
 | blunderbuss [awkward action or way of doing sth.] | 19 Stümperei {f} |  |
 | abscondence [action of absconding] | 17 Flucht {f} [in ein Versteck] |  |
 | relig. baptism [action] | 17 Taufakt {m} |  |
 | med. threshold [action potential] | 17 Schwellenspannung {f} [Aktionspotential] |  |
 | crossing [action of crossing] | 14 Überschreitung {f} [einer Straße etc.] |  |
 | constr. roofing [action] | 13 Dachdecken {n} |  |
 | thieving {sg} [the action of stealing] | 13 Diebstähle {pl} [das Stehlen] |  |
 | biol. spike [action potential in a cell membrane] | 11 Aktionspotential {n} |  |