Dictionary English German: [accordance]

Translation 1 - 15 of 15

English German
law legally {adv} [in accordance with law, lawfully]
hunting ethical {adj} [in accordance with hunting rules]
invalid {adj} [not in accordance with regulations etc.]nicht ordnungsgemäß
relig. scriptural {adj} [in biblical accordance]bibelgemäß
whereby {adv} [in accordance with which]nach dem
pol. [obligation to vote in accordance with party policy]Fraktionszwang {m}
pol. [obligation to vote in accordance with party policy]Klubzwang {m} [auch: Clubzwang] [österr.] [Fraktionszwang]
[plans which are not in accordance with the Principles of Regional Planning]raumordnungswidrige Planung {f}
admin. law pol. [prudential regulation of the migration movements of people between the EU and Switzerland in accordance with the bilateral accords]Ventilklausel {f} [schweiz.] [Regulierung der Ein- und Rückwanderung von Personen aus dem EU-Raum in die Schweiz]
2 Words
agreeable to {prep} [in accordance with]in Übereinstimmung mit [+Dat.]
going by {prep} [in accordance with]nach
law pursuant to {prep} [formal] [in accordance with]entsprechend [+Dat.]
law pursuant to {prep} [formal] [in accordance with]gemäß [+Dat.]
law pursuant to {prep} [formal] [in accordance with]übereinstimmend mit [+Dat.]
3 Words
in time to sth. {adv} [in accordance with the rhythm or tempo]im Takt zu etw.Dat.
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