| English | German | |
| the [acc., sg. and pl.] | 311 den | |
| gastr. TrVocab. Comfort [acc. to the European Hotelstars Union] [three stars] | 43 Dreistern [Sterneklasse, Hotelkategorie] | |
| gastr. TrVocab. Luxury [acc. to the European Hotelstars Union] [five stars] | 41 Fünfstern [Sterneklasse, Hotelkategorie] | |
| gastr. TrVocab. Tourist [acc. to the European Hotelstars Union] [single star] | 41 Einstern [Sterneklasse, Hotelkategorie] | |
| gastr. TrVocab. Standard [acc. to the European Hotelstars Union] [two stars] | 39 Zweistern [Sterneklasse, Hotelkategorie] | |
| electr. flexible {adj} [conductor acc. to IEC 60228] | feindrähtig [Leiter nach IEC 60228] | |
| electr. flexible {adj} [conductor acc. to IEC 60228] | flexibel [ugs.] [feindrähtig bei Leiter nach IEC 60228] | |
| electr. solid {adj} [conductor acc. to IEC 60228] | eindrähtig [Leiter nach IEC 60228] | |
| electr. stranded {adj} [conductor acc. to IEC 60228] | mehrdrähtig [Leiter nach IEC 60228] | |
Nouns |
| hist. [a category of half-Jew acc. to the Nuremberg Laws] [Nazi term] | jüdischer Mischling {m} ersten Grades [Nazi-Terminologie, sogenannter Halbjude] | |
| law [theft using force or threats to retain possession of stolen property acc. to Sec. 252 German Criminal Code] | räuberischer Diebstahl {m} [§ 252 StGB] | |
| EU chimney [acc. to BS EN 15287: Design, installation and commissioning of chimneys] | Abgasanlage {f} [nach DIN EN 15287: Planung, Montage und Abnahme von Abgasanlagen] | |
| educ. Hauptschule [secondary school in Germany, with lower secondary education (level 2) acc. to the ISCED] | Hauptschule {f} [Schulform mit dem Level 2 nach ISCED-Klassifikation der UNESCO] | |
2 Words: Others |
| gastr. TrVocab. First Class [acc. to the European Hotelstars Union] [four stars] | Vierstern [Sterneklasse, Hotelkategorie] | |
| med. high grade {adj} <G4> [stage 4 acc. to TNM classification of malignant tumours] [most of these tumors are inoperable] | niedrig differenziert <G4> [Grading (Angabe, wie differenziert das Tumorgewebe ist) nach TNM-Klassifikation; Tumore meistens inoperabel] | |
| med. low grade {adj} <G1> [stage 1 acc. to TNM classification of malignant tumours] [usually still relatively harmless] | hoch differenziert <G1> [Grading (Angabe, wie differenziert das Tumorgewebe ist) nach TNM-Klassifikation; "relativ harmlos"] | |
| gastr. TrVocab. Superior Comfort [acc. to the European Hotelstars Union] [three stars + S] | Dreistern-Superior [Sterneklasse, Hotelkategorie] | |
| gastr. TrVocab. Superior Luxury [acc. to the European Hotelstars Union] [five stars + S] | Fünfstern-Superior [Sterneklasse, Hotelkategorie] | |
| gastr. TrVocab. Superior Standard [acc. to the European Hotelstars Union] [two stars + S] | Zweistern-Superior [Sterneklasse, Hotelkategorie] | |
| gastr. TrVocab. Superior Tourist [acc. to the European Hotelstars Union] [single star + S] | Einstern-Superior [Sterneklasse, Hotelkategorie] | |
| electr. very flexible {adj} [conductor acc. to IEC 60228] | feinstdrähtig [Leiter nach IEC 60228] | |
| electr. very flexible {adj} [conductor acc. to IEC 60228] | hochflexibel [ugs.] [feinstdrähtig bei Leiter nach IEC 60228] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to be worth [+ gerund or acc.] | etw.Akk. lohnen [es wert sein] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| stocks accumulating fund <Acc fund, ACC fund, acc fund> | thesaurierender Fonds {m} | |
| nucl. tech. auxiliary brake [lifting equipment in nuclear power plants; acc. to KTA 3902] | Zusatzbremse {f} [nach KTA 3902] | |
| tech. downhand position <PA / 1G / 1F> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code] | Wannenposition {f} <PA / 1G / 1F> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code] | |
| EU FoodInd. Euro tub [acc. to DIN 9797] [transport container] | Beschickungswagen {m} [nach DIN 9797, Standard-Normwagen] [Nahrungsmittelindustrie] | |
| econ. jobs exempt employee [Am.] [acc. to the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)] | außertariflicher Angestellter {m} <AT> | |
| econ. jobs exempt employee [Am.] [acc. to the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)] | außertariflicher Mitarbeiter {m} <AT, AT-Mitarbeiter> | |
| tech. flat position <PA / 1G / 1F> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code] | Wannenposition {f} <PA / 1G / 1F> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code] | |
| psych. sociol. intimate space [up to 1.5 ft acc. to E. T. Hall] | intime Distanz / Distanzzone {f} [bis 0,45 m] | |
| tech. load washer [acc. to DIN 6796; safety washer] | Spannscheibe {f} [kraftschlüssige Sicherung in Form einer Tellerfeder; genormt nach DIN 6796] | |
| nucl. tech. operational brake [lifting equipment in nuclear power plants; acc. to KTA 3902] | Betriebsbremse {f} [nach KTA 3902] | |
| tech. overhead position <PE/4G> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code] | Überkopfposition {f} <PE/4G> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code] | |
| psych. sociol. personal space [1.5 ft - 4 ft acc. to E. T. Hall] | persönliche Distanz / Distanzzone {f} [0,45 m - 1,2 m] | |
| sports players' agent [acc. to FIFA] | Spieleragent {m} [Spielervermittler, Spielerberater] | |
| psych. sociol. public space [12 ft - 25 ft acc. to E. T. Hall] | öffentliche Distanz / Distanzzone {f} [3,6 m - 7,6 m] | |
| acc. recurring audit [acc. to ISA] | Folgeprüfung {f} [schweiz. Prüfungsstandard (PS)] | |
| psych. sociol. social space [4 ft - 12 ft acc. to E. T. Hall] | soziale Distanz / Distanzzone {f} [1,2 m - 3,6 m] | |
3 Words: Others |
| med. pharm. by the ladder {adv} [acc. to WHO analgesic ladder] | nach der Schmerzskala [medikamentöse Behandlung nach WHO-Stufenplan] | |
| gastr. TrVocab. First Class Superior [acc. to the European Hotelstars Union] [four stars + S] | Vierstern-Superior [Sterneklasse, Hotelkategorie] | |
| Warning - Corrosive substance [warning sign acc. to ISO 7010] | Warnung vor ätzenden Stoffen [Warnzeichen nach DIN EN ISO 7010] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| explicating content analysis [acc. to Mayring] | explizierende Inhaltsanalyse {f} [nach Mayring] | |
| Fire hose reel [safety sign acc. to ISO 7010] | Löschschlauch {m} [Sicherheitszeichen nach DIN EN ISO 7010] | |
| ind. flaming droplets / particles [fire classification acc. to EN 13501-1] | brennendes Abtropfen / Abfallen {n} [Klassifizierung des Brandverhaltens nach DIN EN 13501-1] | |
| tech. horizontal-vertical position <PB/2F, PC/2G> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code] | Querposition {f} <PB/2F, PC/2G> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code] | |
| electr. normally open contact [make contact acc. to IEC 60050] | Schließerkontakt {m} | |
| electr. rated diversity factor <RDF> [acc. to IEC/EN 60439-1] | Bemessungsbelastungsfaktor {m} [nach IEC/EN 60439-1] | |
| med. small lymphocytic lymphoma <B-SLL> [acc. to WHO classification] | kleinzelliges B-Zell-Lymphom {n} | |
| FoodInd. pharm. sterilizing grade filter [acc. to FDA] | Sterilfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}] | |
| structuring content analysis [acc. to Mayring] | strukturierende Inhaltsanalyse {f} [nach Mayring] | |
| summarising content analysis [Br.] [acc. to Mayring] | zusammenfassende Inhaltsanalyse {f} [nach Mayring] | |
| summarizing content analysis [acc. to Mayring] | zusammenfassende Inhaltsanalyse {f} [nach Mayring] | |
| tech. vertical-down position <PG/3G, PG/3F> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code] | Fallposition {f} <PG/3G, PG/3F> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code] | |
| tech. vertical-up position <PF/3G, PF/3F> [welding position acc. to EN ISO 6947 and ASME code] | Steigposition {f} <PF/3G, PF/3F> [Schweißposition nach DIN EN ISO 6947 und ASME-Code] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| Collection of firefighting equipment [safety sign acc. to ISO 7010] | Mittel und Geräte zur Brandbekämpfung [Sicherheitszeichen nach DIN EN ISO 7010] | |
| zool. companion and toy dogs [acc. to FCI] | Gesellschafts- und Begleithunde {pl} [FCI-Gruppe 9] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| law attachment of all assets (of the debtor) [acc. to the German Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO)] | Kahlpfändung {f} [siehe Kahlpfändungsverbot (§§ 811 ff. ZPO)] | |
| EU QM in vitro diagnostic medical device [acc. to directive 98/79/EC] | In-vitro-Diagnostikum {n} <IVD> | |
| law interference with the basis of the transaction [acc. to German Civil Code] | Störung {f} der Geschäftsgrundlage | |
| sports number on the back of the shirt [acc. to FIFA] [uniform number] | Spielernummer {f} [Rückennummer im Fußball] | |