Dictionary English German: [academic]

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

English German
educ. rite {adj} [Am.] [level of academic distinction]
rite [lat.: genügend, befriedigend]
moot {adj} [theoretical, purely academic]rein akademisch
educ. [an academic high school, Br. grammar school, in German-speaking countries]
Gymnasium {n}
year [particular year: academic, liturgical, etc.]
Jahrgang {m}
scholarship [academic achievement]
Wissenschaft {f} [Gelehrsamkeit]
convocation [Am.] [opening ceremony of the academic year]
Eröffnungsfeier {f} [des akademischen Jahres an einer Universität]
acad. educ. education [as an academic discipline]
Erziehungswissenschaft {f}
dent. dentist [without academic training]
Dentist {m} [veraltet]
educ. hist. acad. history [as an academic discipline]
Geschichtswissenschaft {f}
acad. educ. [academic discipline considered rare and exotic]
Orchideenfach {n}
educ. fellow [academic title]
Fellow {m}
acad. colleague [academic]
Fachkollege {m}
educ. session [academic year]
Studienjahr {n}
educ. [professor who is not primarily an academic and has no voice in faculty matters]
Honorarprofessor {m}
admin. jobs [civil servant with an academic degree]
A-Beamter {m} [österr.]
acad. educ. commercium [traditional academic feast of student fraternities at universities in Central and Northern Europe]
Kommers {m}
educ. [entrance exam for academic high schools]
Gymiprüfung {f} [schweiz.] [ugs.]
educ. [very common academic discipline]
Massenfach {n}
acad. educ. semester [of a person's entire academic career]
Studiensemester {n}
acad. educ. [a one-day academic holiday]Dies (academicus) {m} [vorlesungsfreier Tag wegen akademischer Feier etc.]
acad. educ. [academic discipline considered rare and exotic]Orchideendisziplin {f} [akad. ugs.] [Orchideenfach]
educ. [an academic high school, Br. grammar school]Gymi {n} [ugs.] [Gymnasium]
acad. [female professor responsible for formulating the topic of an academic thesis, who is not necessarily the student's personal advisor]Themenstellerin {f} [einer akademischen Qualifikationsarbeit]
acad. [professor responsible for formulating the topic of an academic thesis, who is not necessarily the student's personal advisor]Themensteller {m} [einer akademischen Qualifikationsarbeit]
educ. [public academic high school, Br. grammar school]Kantonsschule {f} [Schweiz] [Gymnasium]
educ. [research paper required to graduate from Austrian academic secondary school]vorwissenschaftliche Arbeit {f} <VWA> [österr.]
educ. [transfer from middle school to academic high school]Gymnasiumsübertritt {m} [bes. schweiz.] [Übertritt auf / in das Gymnasium]
biochem. biochemistry [processes, not the academic subject]Biochemismus {m}
spec. fencer [in academic fencing]Paukant {m}
acad. problem [matter of academic dispute in scholastics]Quästion {f} [veraltet]
recognition [of academic certificates]Nostrifikation {f} [österr.]
recognition [of academic certificates]Nostrifizierung {f} [österr.]
acad. educ. rubric [a list of criteria for the assessment of academic papers, projects, or tests]Kriterienkatalog {m} [für die Bewertung akademischer Arbeiten, Projekte oder Tests]
biol. sex [gender; this usage sometimes seen as incorrect, esp. some academic disciplines]Geschlecht {n} [Gender]
2 Words: Verbs
acad. educ. to proceed (to sth.) [Br.] [gain an academic degree]promovieren (zu etw.Dat.)
educ. to study business [as an academic major]Betriebswirtschaft studieren
educ. to study business [as an academic major]BWL studieren
2 Words: Nouns
pol. comparative government [as an academic discipline]vergleichende Regierungslehre {f}
educ. graduation ceremony [from academic high school]Maturitätsfeier {f} [österr.] [schweiz.]
educ. jobs gymnasium teacher [female teacher at an academic high school or Br. grammar school]Gymnasiallehrerin {f}
educ. jobs gymnasium teacher [teacher at an academic high school or Br. grammar school]Gymnasiallehrer {m}
lit. acad. literary criticism [academic]Literaturwissenschaft {f}
acad. econ. political economy [as an academic discipline]Staatswirtschaftslehre {f}
acad. admin. public administration [as an academic discipline]Verwaltungslehre {f}
acad. research front [cluster of co-cited academic papers]Forschungsfront {f} [selten] [Research Front, Gruppe wissenschaftlicher Artikel, die sich gegenseitig zitieren]
acad. research front [cluster of co-cited academic papers]Research Front {f} [Gruppe wissenschaftlicher Artikel, die sich gegenseitig zitieren]
acad. specialist seminar [academic institute or conference, not a class]Fachseminar {n} [Bildungseinrichtung oder Fachkonferenz]
educ. state gymnasium [academic highschool]Staatsgymnasium {n} [in deutschspr. Ländern historisch]
sports underarm protector [in academic fencing]Armstulp {m} [Unterarmschutz beim studentischen Fechten]
acad. hist. sociol. women's history [as an academic subject] [also: Women's History]Frauengeschichtsschreibung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
acad. history of genres [academic subject]Gattungsgeschichte {f} [Studiengegenstand]
acad. school of thought [academic]Lehrmeinung {f}
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