| English  | German |  |
 | decisive {adj} [able to decide something quickly and with confidence] | 3125 entscheidungsfreudig |  |
 | sb./sth. could [would be able] | 1324 jd./etw. könnte |  |
 | apt {adj} [able, competent] | 1003 fähig |  |
 | adaptable {adj} [able to adjust] | 638 anpassungsfähig |  |
 | sb. could [was able] | 487 jd. konnte |  |
 | [we/they/you] could [would be able] | 171 [wir/sie/Sie] könnten |  |
 | perceptive {adj} [able to perceive] | 151 aufnahmefähig [mental] |  |
 | [we/they/you] could [were able] | 133 [wir/sie/Sie] konnten |  |
 | [you] could [would be able] | 103 [du] könntest |  |
 | ling. conversant {adj} [Am.] [able to hold a conversation in a foreign language] | 78 konversationsfähig |  |
 | unreasonable {adj} [not able or willing to listen to reason] | 68 uneinsichtig |  |
 | [you] could [were able] | 51 [du] konntest |  |
 | [you] could [would be able] | 36 [ihr] könntet |  |
 | [you] could [were able] [said to two or more people] | 35 [ihr] konntet |  |
 | ocular {adj} [able to be seen] | 16 augenfällig [sichtbar, deutlich] |  |
 | law committable {adj} [rare: able to be committed] | 13 begehbar [Fehler, Verbrechen] |  |
 | unspeakable {adj} [not able to be expressed in words] | 11 unbeschreiblich [unaussprechlich] |  |
 | literate {adj} [able to read] | 9 lesekundig |  |
 | conversational {adj} [able to carry on a conversation] | 8 konversationsfähig |  |
 | teachable {adj} [able to learn] | 7 belehrbar |  |
 | ling. [able to be used in the forefield (first position) of a German sentence] {adj} | vorfeldfähig |  |
 | [I] couldn't [would not be able] | [ich] könnte nicht |  |
 | [they] couldn't [were not able] | [sie] konnten nicht |  |
 | [we/they/you] couldn't [would not be able] | [wir/sie/Sie] könnten nicht |  |
 | [you] couldn't [would not be able] | [du] könntest nicht |  |
 | [you] couldn't [would not be able] | [ihr] könntet nicht |  |
 | barkless {adj} [not able to bark] [dog] | nicht bellen könnend [Hund] |  |
 | telecom. interceptable {adj} {adv} [able to be intercepted] | abhörbar |  |
 | passable {adj} [clear of obstacles and able to be travelled on] | wegsam [selten] [begeh-, befahrbar] |  |
 | sports pottable {adj} [ball in snooker, pool etc.] [able to be potted] | versenkbar [Poolkugel usw.] [kann versenkt werden] |  |
 | phys. refrangible {adj} [of light, able to be refracted] | fähig, gebrochen zu werden [Licht] |  |
 | satiable {adj} [of a need or desire: able to be met] | stillbar [von einem Bedürfnis, einer Sehnsucht: befriedigbar] |  |
 | sb. couldn't [was not able] | jd. konnte nicht |  |
 | sb. couldn't [would not be able] | jd. könnte nicht |  |
 | settleable {adj} [able to be established] | festlegbar |  |
 | uncoupleable {adj} [able to be uncoupled] | entkoppelbar |  |
 | undeterrable {adj} [not able to be deterred] | nicht verhinderbar |  |
Verbs |
 | to speak sth. [to be able to speak a language] [e.g. I speak German.] | 7 etw. können [eine Sprache können] [z. B. Ich kann Englisch.] |  |
 | mil. to enfilade [to move in a position to be able to fire from a flank] | 6 überflügeln [an den Flügeln umgehen] |  |
 | to accommodate sth. [be able to cope with] | etw.Dat. Rechnung tragen [Redewendung] |  |
 | educ. jobs to retrain [learn new skills so as to be able to do a different job] | sich umschulen lassen |  |
Nouns |
 | hist. [literally: perpetrator generation. Generation of Germans who theoretically was able to participate in Nazi crimes] | Tätergeneration {f} |  |
 | lit. honorificabilitudinitatibus [archaic] [the state of being able to achieve honors] | [Fähigkeit, Ehre zu erlangen] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to be abusable [able to be abused] | dem Missbrauch ausgesetzt sein |  |
 | to be tough [be able to take a lot] | hart im Nehmen sein [Redewendung] |  |
 | to relax into sth. [feel more confident, able in a particular role or position] | in etw.Akk. hineinwachsen [einarbeiten und vertraut werden] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | able mind [able person] | fähiger Kopf {m} |  |
 | gold-maker [alchemist or chemist pretending to be able to make gold] | Goldmacher {m} [Alchemist oder Chemiker, der vorgab Gold machen zu können] |  |
 | illiterate person [female] [not able to read and write] | Analphabetin {f} |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to feel up to sth. [idiom] [be confident in being able to do sth.] | sichAkk. etw.Dat. gewachsen fühlen [Redewendung] |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | to get the drop on sb. [Am.] [able to shoot an opponent first] | mit einer Waffe schneller sein als jd. |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | He couldn't have written the letter. [He would not have been able to] | Er hätte den Brief nicht schreiben können. |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | to be able to subscribe to sth. [to be able to agree with sth.] | etw.Akk. unterschreiben können [fig.] [zustimmen] |  |