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|  |
 | busy {adj} [with a lot to do] | 7187 beschäftigt |  |
 | each {pron} [referring to a masculine noun] | 5839 jeder [individualisierend: jeder einzelne] |  |
 | thus {adv} [consequently, as a result] | 5815 folglich |  |
 | every {adj} [referring to a feminine noun] | 4180 jede [verallgemeinernd: ohne Ausnahme] |  |
 | each {pron} [referring to a feminine noun] | 3878 jede [individualisierend: jede einzelne] |  |
 | rid {past-p} [of a pest, a disease etc.] | 3335 befreit [von Krankheit, lästiger Pflicht etc.] |  |
 | for {prep} [e.g. to work for a company] | 3154 bei [z. B. bei einem Unternehmen arbeiten] |  |
 | domestic {adj} [work, violence, duties, etc.; also: person (fond of family life and running a home)] | 2861 häuslich [Arbeit, Gewalt, Pflichten etc.; auch: Person] |  |
 | helpful {adj} [of a person] | 2520 hilfsbereit |  |
 | ling. obsolete {adj} <obs.> [No longer in use, and no longer likely to be understood. Obsolete is a stronger term than archaic, and a much stronger term than dated.] | 2338 veraltet |  |
 | outrageous {adj} [of a person] | 2225 unverschämt |  |
 | musty {adj} [having a mouldy or damp smell] | 1720 muffig [modrig, dumpf] |  |
 | present {adj} [at a location or event] | 1529 anwesend |  |
 | temporary {adj} [for a limited time] | 1427 befristet |  |
 | rectangular {adj} [having a right angle] | 1301 rechtwinklig |  |
 | skinny {adj} [of a person or part of their body] | 1143 mager [Person, Körperteil] |  |
 | withdrawn {adj} [of a person] | 1096 verschlossen [schweigsam, in sich gekehrt] |  |
 | among {adv} [in a group, class, number] | 1090 darunter [in dieser Gruppe, Kategorie, Menge] |  |
 | short {adj} [of a person: small in height] | 1067 klein [Person] |  |
 | down {adv} [to a lower position, place] | 1055 herunter |  |
 | good {adj} [of a child] | 1037 brav [Kind] |  |
 | tentatively {adv} [on a trial basis] | 1035 versuchsweise |  |
 | prancing {adj} {pres-p} [esp. of a horse] | 816 tänzelnd |  |
 | via {prep} [by way of, travelling through; by means of (e.g. via satellite), by the agency of (e.g. via a friend)] | 797 über [+Akk.] [einen Ort passierend (z. B. über München reisen); mittels, per (z. B. über Satellit), durch Vermittlung (z. B. über einen Freund)] |  |
 | each {pron} [referring to a neuter noun] | 775 jedes [individualisierend: jedes einzelne] |  |
 | buff {adj} [Am.] [sl.] [in a condition of high physical fitness] | 768 durchtrainiert |  |
 | unlikely {adj} {adv} [of a pair etc.] | 671 merkwürdig |  |
 | Godspeed! [a wish for good fortune, expressed at parting] | 627 Pfiati! [südd.] [Abschiedsgruß] [Gott behüte dich!] |  |
 | timeless {adj} [not restricted to a particular time or date (e.g. poetry, themes); also: eternal] | 614 zeitlos [nicht zeitgebunden (z. B. Dichtung, Themen); auch: ewig] |  |
 | messy {adj} [untidy, involving a mess] | 609 durcheinander [nur prädikativ] [unordentlich, chaotisch] |  |
 | propitious {adj} [giving or indicating a good chance of success] | 608 verheißungsvoll |  |
 | appropriate {adj} [in a proper way] | 585 sachgerecht |  |
 | solitary {adj} [a loner] | 559 einzelgängerisch |  |
 | primly {adv} [in a prim manner] | 546 zimperlich |  |
 | sb. drew [with a pencil etc.] | 537 jd. zeichnete |  |
 | thus {adv} [literary or formal] [as a result or consequence of this, therefore] | 533 daher [aus diesem Grund, deshalb] |  |
 | opportunist {adj} [attr.] [using the advantage of a situation] | 531 Gelegenheits- [eine Gelegenheit nutzend, ausnutzend, z. B. Gelegenheitsdieb] |  |
 | helluva {adj} [sl.] [alteration of 'hell of a'] | 509 höllisch [ugs.] |  |
 | art rugged {adj} [e.g. a statue] | 505 grob [kunstlos, ohne Feinheiten] |  |
 | guided {adj} {past-p} [led by a guide] | 493 geführt |  |
 | shortly {adv} [in a short time, soon] | 477 demnächst |  |
 | through {prep} [as a result of] | 477 wegen <wg.> [+Gen., ugs. auch +Dat.] |  |
 | decisive {adj} [making a decision] | 464 entschlossen |  |
 | pol. independent {adj} [not belonging to or supported by a political party] | 455 parteilos [Abgeordnete] |  |
 | every {adj} [referring to a neuter noun] | 447 jedes [verallgemeinernd: ohne Ausnahme] |  |
 | away {adv} [from a place] | 427 entfernt [von einem Ort] |  |
 | present {adj} [pred.] [existing in a place or thing] | 426 vorhanden |  |
 | fine {adv} [coll.] [very well] [in a satisfactory or pleasing manner] | 417 ausgezeichnet |  |
 | ling. archaic {adj} [no longer in general use, but still found in some contemporary texts (e.g. the Bible) and generally understood; a stronger term than »dated«, but not as strong as »obsolete«] | 411 veraltet |  |
 | sustaining {adj} {pres-p} [supporting, e.g. a family] | 411 unterhaltend [versorgend, z. B. eine Familie] |  |