Dictionary English German: [a']

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   English Links    German Links

  1. Google
  2. Wikipedia
  3. Wiktionary
  4. Leo
  5. PONS

  6. Langenscheidt
  7. MerriamWebster
  8. TheFreeDictionary
  9. Wordnet
  10. Reverso

  11. Google News
  12. Cambridge
  13. Onelook

  1. Google
  2. Wikipedia
  3. Wiktionary
  4. Leo
  5. PONS

  6. Langenscheidt
  7. Duden
  8. Netzverb
  9. DWDS
  10. TheFreeDictionary

  11. Reverso
  12. Google News
  13. Leipzig
  14. Onelook

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